What will we do if..... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What will we do if.....


Colbert '08
Dec 23, 2003
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If we sign Boston we're set at WR going into the draft. With the signing of St. Clair all we need on O line is a RG, which IMO, is the least important position on the O line. That's not to say i wouldn't love to a great young RG like Carey, but... If Rivers is available at #20, what should we do??? Is #20 worth a RG that maybe even considered a reach? Even though we're set for this season at QB, should we pass up a potential Franchise QB??

I have to believe that if we have all our starters in place for the 2004 season by draft day, Philip Rivers must be on top of our Draft Board. Simply because you can't pass up players like that, especially when you don't really have any gaping holes anywhere on the roster to fill.
If Rivers drops to 20 its a no brainer. but............
Why does everyone keeping talking about drafting Rivers? Spielman already said that miami is done with the QB position.
Why is Rivers a no-brainer?. Most of you are in love with him after seeing him play ONCE(the senior bowl, admit it). I like the guy too, but you guys act as if he's the next Joe Montana.
We still draft a WR I think they are too good to pass up in this year's draft. Thompson is a good #3 WR but he would be an even better #4 WR
Originally posted by Lukin
If we sign Boston we're set at WR going into the draft. With the signing of St. Clair all we need on O line is a RG, which IMO, is the least important position on the O line. That's not to say i wouldn't love to a great young RG like Carey, but... If Rivers is available at #20, what should we do??? Is #20 worth a RG that maybe even considered a reach? Even though we're set for this season at QB, should we pass up a potential Franchise QB??

I have to believe that if we have all our starters in place for the 2004 season by draft day, Philip Rivers must be on top of our Draft Board. Simply because you can't pass up players like that, especially when you don't really have any gaping holes anywhere on the roster to fill.

Alot of you fail to realize that, if we draft a qb it won't be until the 6th or 7th round. Our Qb position is set. I could see if Sage wasn't on the roster, but he is, and the Dolphins are high on him. Like feidler or not, he's good to give you at elast eight wins and he knows the offense, so that makes him "the" best backup for this team. And we didn't trade away a conditional 2nd for nothing, They believe in Feely, so just forget about Rivers, especiallyas a first round pick.

Also, we picked up what three o-lineman last year, Yates, whitley and Provost. they're really high on Yates and Whitley, so I wouldn't bet the farm that they'll go o-line either, but hey you never know.

I'm not too big on Jerman, but we do have Wade smith (lt), St.Clair (Rt, c, g, lt, swingman), and D.Mchintosh-when he signs, (Rt, lt), so in case of injury, we have good depth as well, So I can see Miami maybe going for a center to compete with mcKinney or picking up a vet tackle/gaurd for depth, but I'd be suprised if they go tackle or gaurd in the first round.

Assuming we pick up Boston, we'll have two very good young recievers, two good young tight-ends, 1 great and two good young running-backs, two good young fullbacks, a young o-line, two promising young qb's and a solid veteran backup qb.

So guess where that leaves us..... Defense in the first round. we have two old linbackers, well Zach is not old but he's slowing down. We have two old d-linemen in Bowens and Zgonina and though knight is still relatively young, he may not be right for our style of defense, and lets face it, Sam Madison is slowing down, so with Howard in line to take his spot, we'll soon need a replacement for nickle corner.

you got to hand it to RS, even if we don't do well this season, for whatever unforseeable reason, he managed to make our team a hell of alot younger, Assuming we keep Ogun, which I hope we do, the most obvious next step is to get younger on defense and prepare fo the inevitable cutting of D-bo and others.
In terms of wr

The dolphins haven't given up on DT yet, so if someone was there that was just unbelievable then maybe, just maybe they go wide receiver.

you guys got to remember, Sam simmons showed flashes last year before he got hurt, and there is no way they'll cut J.R. tolver, without giving him at least a solid year to see what he can do. So I can see them going wide reciever in let say the 4th round after they gone home for the night and had to pick the best player on the board, however don't see them going wr on the first day, unless they were certain that someone could come in and take DT's spot or they were going to carry 6 receivers.

I just have a gut feeling that they'll go either linebacker, DT, or Center.
I'm not convinced we are "set" at QB. I know what Fiedler can do, and it won't be enough to win a championship (even with Boston and an improved OL).

Feeley? Well, I've got high hopes, but he is still a question mark. :confused: If he was clearly better than Jay, then there would be no QB competition. I think there will be, though Feeley should win out. After the contract and giving up a 2 round pick, he has to.

I'm liking most of what I've seen this offseason, with the exception of St. Clair at RT (as a back-up center or guard, fine). The QB position is still up in the air though. If Feeley isn't the answer, then we need another guy. Having a rookie QB to groom this year would be a good thing. A bit of a luxury? Yes, but good insurance if Feeley fails to impress .

How many of you hate the idea of having Rivers or Henson ready to compete for the starting QB position in 2005? If Feeley fails, then that #20 pick spent on one of those guys will look pretty good in 2005. :D Worst case scenario, Feeley is awesome and we trade away Rivers or Henson next year.

I doubt Rivers makes it to #20, but maybe Drew? If not, then we have the choice of some fine WR's that will still be on the board, or trade down into the second round and pick up an extra third round pick.
Originally posted by LIQUID24
Why is Rivers a no-brainer?. Most of you are in love with him after seeing him play ONCE(the senior bowl, admit it). I like the guy too, but you guys act as if he's the next Joe Montana.

Being in NC i've watched him all 4 years @ NC State, the next Montana? NO
Maybe better yet!
The next (dare i say) Dan Marino!
Only time will tell. But trust me this Kid is the Real Deal.
Originally posted by LIQUID24
Why is Rivers a no-brainer?. Most of you are in love with him after seeing him play ONCE(the senior bowl, admit it). I like the guy too, but you guys act as if he's the next Joe Montana.

I am a U. of Miami fan and I still have yet to see a player who made me say "how'd he do that" more than Philip Rivers.

I've watched Rivers for 4 years on and off again. I will go out on limb like I have to my friends and predict he will be the most successful QB in this draft. The guy is a winner. You can't teach somebody to lead and Rivers is a leader. He was the MVP of every bowl game he played in! For those of you who haven’t seen a lot of Rivers I promise you he is the real deal and even more. He moves in the pocket like Marino and buys time then hits receivers in stride with defenders hanging off of him. I can’t even begin to convey how talented this kid is!

There is a reason the Chargers flew out to talk to and workout Rivers. It is because they are not convinced Eli or Ben is a sure thing. Dr. Z (SI) recently wrote about how he wants Manning to succeed but he is not convinced that Manning has all the tools. Dr. Z on Manning: “he doesn't seem to elevate his performance when the pressure is greatest. I've seen him almost fall apart at timesâ€Â. On the other hand, every game I've seen Rivers play where he was under pressure he made play after play after.... I would not be surprised to see the Chargers trade down to pick up Rivers later in the draft. If the Phins pass up a chance to draft Rivers at #20 I will be sick to my stomach.
Why is Rivers a no-brainer?. Most of you are in love with him after seeing him play ONCE(the senior bowl, admit it). I like the guy too, but you guys act as if he's the next Joe Montana.

And you make it sound like all we're going on is that one game and we're crazy to do it, when for the past two months now gradually and steadily Rivers has been rising on EVERYONES draft boards, and he's now challenging Ben Roethlisberger for the #2 QB spot and could even challenge for the #1 spot.

Whatever we see that we like that you are criticizing so much, you'd better be fair and criticize the multitude of personnel men who are thinking the same thing.

Rivers won't be there at #20. If he is, I believe we'd take him. Too talented not to. He's right up there in the top 5 or 10 talents in the draft.
I've seen the guy play for two years at NC State, this guy is nothing short of amazing. All the times I've watched him, I've seen one ball that was thrown high. His completion rating for his career in college is above 70% that's just sick. He hits every wide receiver in stride. The only knock on him is his delivery, which is 3/4 and not over the top. If you ask me I don't care how he throws it if he hits 70% of his passes and hits receivers in stride. If he's there at 20, there is no way you pass.
Originally posted by ckparrothead

And you make it sound like all we're going on is that one game and we're crazy to do it, when for the past two months now gradually and steadily Rivers has been rising on EVERYONES draft boards, and he's now challenging Ben Roethlisberger for the #2 QB spot and could even challenge for the #1 spot.

Whatever we see that we like that you are criticizing so much, you'd better be fair and criticize the multitude of personnel men who are thinking the same thing.

Rivers won't be there at #20. If he is, I believe we'd take him. Too talented not to. He's right up there in the top 5 or 10 talents in the draft.
I never criticized Rivers. Look at my post. In fact I like him as well. But we just traded for a young QB. If we didn't trade for Feeley, I'd have no problem targeting Rivers( he won't be there anyway, so it doesn't matter). I just think you all should stop this Rivers fixation when we obviously have other needs.
Hey i can honestly admit

i don't follow much College footbal outside of UM, So i havent seen Rivers play, but from this board and all the reports he has become this sexy:lol: name. So yes there's a lot of question marks, but put it this way.. (again read between the lines of what happend this offseason)

We trade for Feely, who by all accounts is our new franchise QB, or at the very least will be, for this coming year.

We decide "not" to send Sage to Europe and Trestman has said "he wanted Sage to get in as much reps as possible and work with him as much as possible" I that says they really like him and are in no hurry to replace him.

And we rework Feidler's contract, so we get our former starter at a reduced rate to be our backup. as much as we all may love Rivers, he won't come in here and take the backup job from Feidler, and i wouldn't bet money that he'd take it from Sage because of Sage's familiarity with the playbook and the offense. and we only carry 3 qb's.

Face it DW is on a short leash and RS leash is a little longer but he's being watched as well, so taking a qb in the 1st round that will not help them "AT ALL" this year would be a very dumb move. Especially when a Vilma, or Wilfork, R. Williams, or Grove may be still on the board. And can come in and isntantly play backup and special teams.
We just traded for a 3rd round QB, and kept our underachieving QB and told him he'd compete for the starting job....

you call that "set" at QB?

To me QB is one of the biggest questionmarks on the team STILL. COULD Feeley be a Delhomme? yeah, he could, but what are the odds he will be? Delhomme is a rarity, I don't believe we have a delhomme in feeley.

And apparently neither does the FO. They gave him a miniscule contract for these 1st 2 years. to give him a chance to prove himself.

So ask youself..what if he does flop, or is not an improvement over Fiedler? Easy to cut..but THEN where are we at? We have him for 2 years, we better plan AHEAD for a failure at his QB position. Otherwise he could flop this year, and we'll be out there in the FA looking for a QB AGAIN. At which point, we'll have to either WAY overpay for a vet on his last leg, or take another long shot at 3rd string QB, or scrammle to trade up in the draft and add another "potential" starter, that will have to be groomed.

it would be better to draft Rivers NOW, and groom him. If feeley turns out to be a flop he's there as insurance. If he turns out to be adequate we'll have a QB to either do better, or push him to do better in a season or two. IF feeley turns out to be an awesome QB, hands down, etc. etc. We'll know by the end of hte season, and will pawn rivers off.

there's a world in front of our noses you know. We're far from at at the QB position. we need another option.
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