Why are people so excited about the Lazor hire? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why are people so excited about the Lazor hire?

No offense but that's a stupid question. If I was a rival fan I would be on that board arguing about my team. Maybe its not a stupid question but it makes no sense to me.
Im pretty sure I have been a Dolphin fan longer tha most people on this board. Doesn't mean I have to like the state of the dolphins. Some people choose to support almost every thing this team does, Im tired of the mediocrity and my criticism of the overall state of my favorite team is valid.
I have 4 professional teams of which I am a fan and have never once changed my favorite team in any sport. Im a Celtics, Bruins, Red and Dolphin fan. I personally don't get Jets fans that come to a dolphin board to discuss anything. I respect some of their opinions but it seems a senseless exercise.
I live IN Tampa and yet have never sai much good about the Bucs, actually pulled for the Raiders that superbowl. Wore a Woodson jersey to the improv the night before the superbowl and got a lot of attention for it.
My question was to find out where you point of views were coming from. I am not saying you have to agree everything is perfect with the team. I just see more negativity than positive posts in regards to the team at times, therefore my question came about.
Truthfully, I would have been happy with anyone not named Mike Sherman. But, Tannehill needed a fresh start as far as coaching. Under Lazor, we should find out what we truly have in Ryan.

Maybe. As long as he doesn't play bad Im not ready to give up on Tannehill who I think will be a good qb, just not maybe a great one. He is definitely not another Chad Henne. Henne has never had a positive td to int ratio in his entire career yet Tannehill in year two did
Did you read anywhere of any official interest from Kubiak? I was just curious what the interest level was from both sides, particularly Kubiak. All I saw was that the Dolphins had brief contact with him. Tannehill's development is a major part, I agree, but Kubiak
defintely has the better resume as you point out. IMO Kubiak was probably not all that interested in Miami.
Albert - I try to keep up with things but there has been so much b/s tweeted that sometimes I have difficulty interpreting what actually occurred. For what it's worth, I concluded that our OC position probably came down to those three. It was pretty clear that Shanahan was interested in the job but I don't have a strong handle on Kubiak. It is sometimes difficult for a guy who has been a Head Coach for a long time to enthusiastically take a net demotion. Kubiak was a very good OC before becoming a Head Coach, but the question is one of assessing his hunger for the job. I have no doubt that Lazor is a Philbin appointment and because it's a promotion and big increase in earnings, he will be very hungry for success.
My question was to find out where you point of views were coming from. I am not saying you have to agree everything is perfect with the team. I just see more negativity than positive posts in regards to the team at times, therefore my question came about.

Well my percentage of negativity is a direct correlation to the negative results that have been given on the field. No winning seasons in half a decade. No playoff wins in a decade.
Im used to team that at least used to make the playoffs more than once every six years
Like another poster said what interest did Kubiak have with Miami? We could've wanted him more than anyone else but if he had no interest here how do you get him. I love how many fans assume we didn't go after or want a certain guy bc we didn't get that certain person they wanted. And im sorry but if you really look a Lazor's work you would see everywhere he went there was improvement.
After Sherman you could have brought in Robin Williams and I would be happy.
No offensive system will work if our OL played like it did last year.
I'm not super excited about it because we don't have a great body of work on which to judge Lazor, but I've warmed up to the move after seeing cutups of Lazor's offense at UVa.


I like what he did at UVa with limited talent to work with. Strong commitment to the power running game, and use of motion and bunch formations to get players open in space. These will be welcome changes after the Sherman era.
I'm not super excited about it because we don't have a great body of work on which to judge Lazor, but I've warmed up to the move after seeing cutups of Lazor's offense at UVa.


I like what he did at UVa with limited talent to work with. Strong commitment to the power running game, and use of motion and bunch formations to get players open in space. These will be welcome changes after the Sherman era.

Im excited only because Sherman is gone much like Hickey excites me because Ireland is gone.
I would have been really excited if we were able to convince Caserio to become our GM and let him decide who the coach is.
He seemed a rare guy that seems to know personnel and actually has value in his knowledge of the game.
Never seen a team take their personnel director and make him a wr coach. Seems like a real team player with a variance of talents.
I can't speak for others but I've taken a wait & see approach to the Lazor hire. However, I did become more optimistic about Lazor after reading MiamiDolphins.com's Inside the Numbers article on Lazor.

As far as Virginia's offense not being Earth shattering. When you consider where they were the year before Lazor arrived, the improvement was significant.

Some great info in those articles that are indeed reasons for optimism. No wonder you didn't get a response from Downerlockz. Lo!!
Im excited only because Sherman is gone much like Hickey excites me because Ireland is gone.
I would have been really excited if we were able to convince Caserio to become our GM and let him decide who the coach is.

What, are you serious? You're not impressed with Lazor's resume, yet you love Caserio's? There's nothing on it other than following Belichick around for 10 years.
What, are you serious? You're not impressed with Lazor's resume, yet you love Caserio's? There's nothing on it other than following Belichick around for 10 years.
Yea your right he probably doesn't know anything that's why Belichek has kept him around so long just to make sure he gets a free paycheck. He has been director of player personnel for perennial division champion New England for about 8 years and actually coached for them. That's more than any other candidate brought to the table. Hickey has been pro director of personnel for 3 years for a an organization that has had about the same success as us lately. I have no clue what Lake Dawson has done, Farmer was a solid candidate. Lets look at Lazor's resume. He was an OC at the university of VA and was a qb coach last year. Lets not act like he has a long history of developing great qb's or even good ones. Im ok with the Lazor hire but Caserio would have been an exciting GM hire.
I see no reason to be excited or upset about the Lazor hire. He is unproven and does not have a lot of work to make much of an opinion on. I will let you know how excited I am have way through the season.
You never KNOW, but I see no reason not to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. Clearly we needed someone new in this spot.
Yea your right he probably doesn't know anything that's why Belichek has kept him around so long just to make sure he gets a free paycheck. He has been director of player personnel for perennial division champion New England for about 8 years and actually coached for them. That's more than any other candidate brought to the table. Hickey has been pro director of personnel for 3 years for a an organization that has had about the same success as us lately. I have no clue what Lake Dawson has done, Farmer was a solid candidate. Lets look at Lazor's resume. He was an OC at the university of VA and was a qb coach last year. Lets not act like he has a long history of developing great qb's or even good ones. Im ok with the Lazor hire but Caserio would have been an exciting GM hire.

New England is a success because of Brady and Belichick, not Caserio, or any other personnel guy. And what's so impressive about their drafts? If you switched out our receivers with Edelman, Dobson and Amendola we're still 8-8.

I'm not saying Caserio would have been a bad hire, he'd probably be good, but I'm just surprised you're so confident when you stipulate that a candidate has to have an impressive resume. His resume is limited to work with one team, and he's never been a GM. Any team that hires him can't be sure what they're getting, because Bill made all the decisions up there.
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