Wright Fighting Depression, Early Entry Decision | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Wright Fighting Depression, Early Entry Decision

I dont like to hear that about the depression issue. Hopfully the team can make sure that he is working with someone to deal with that as it is probably a result of more than just the things that have happened to him since hiting the NFL. I think its a great sign that he is using the experiance as motivation though. Sounds like the kid has some fight in him and thats what you want. If he can get through the psychological issues I realy think he can be an impact player in this league.
jaketaylor said:
Poor baby.......

I was in a brutal cut-throat profession by the time I was 18. Sometimes you get what you ask for and he got it. I dont think Saban would have wasted any time selecting him if he didnt see alot of potential in him. So there is hope.
I just dont want to read how depressed he is or how rough it is to go to the NFL. Dont want to hear it for a second.

My guess would be that you are either runing from depression or dont have any real idea what it is.
In defense of Jake, people with hard lives get tired of hearing about how bad someone making a gazillion dollars a year has it.

At least that's been my experience of it (I personally have been blessed with a great life thus far.)
PhinsTD said:
In defense of Jake, people with hard lives get tired of hearing about how bad someone making a gazillion dollars a year has it.

At least that's been my experience of it (I personally have been blessed with a great life thus far.)

Thats exactly it.

Who hasnt fought depression at SOME point in their lives. My point is that in the NFL world, noone really has the time to guide someone by the hand through a grown up profession. At USC, guys are taken care of and pampered. Even if Manny Wright only plays the average career of an NFL player (3 years), he will gross more than 50-70% of all americans will in their ENTIRE working lives. So, no, I dont want to hear about this guys tough life.
jaketaylor said:
Thats exactly it.

Who hasnt fought depression at SOME point in their lives. My point is that in the NFL world, noone really has the time to guide someone by the hand through a grown up profession. At USC, guys are taken care of and pampered. Even if Manny Wright only plays the average career of an NFL player (3 years), he will gross more than 50-70% of all americans will in their ENTIRE working lives. So, no, I dont want to hear about this guys tough life.

That makes a little more sense. I agree that he is living a life that for most of us would be a dream as far as football is concerned but you never know what has happened to the kid to get him where he is. My guess would be its not just this football stuff.
17-0 said:
You have to think about both sides of the ball. Saban and Mueller (spelling) will get the QB situation taken care of next year. Now we have Wright and Vickerson, Next year (hopefully) we get Ngata, and our D line will be light out.

I've been thinking about Defense during draft day for the past 10 years.

The only offensive center pieces we have to show for it are Chambers, McMichael and Brown. In TEN YEARS.

Excuse me if I finally want to replace Dan Marino.

Thinking about Defense ALL the time is what has brought us to this moment.

Schleprock said:
DT's can't throw the ball....AND THAT'S WHAT WE NEED. We have been farting around for 6 years now screwing off at finding Dan's true successor.

Yah but we aren't going to find him in the first round. People need to start realizing that. Leinart will be off the board, Quinn will not declare.

The dolphins will bring in a QB via FA again and try to draft one in 2/3/4.
Two things:

1 - not every thread has to be about a quarterback. We all know we need one, this thread wasn't about that at all.

2 - No one is demanding you have sympathy for Manny Wright, but I wouldn't compare your youth with his. No one on here was a national laughingstock because of one mistake. It is a far bigger psychological blow than you imagine.

And people who think people are unworthy of sympathy simply because they make a lot of money, have clearly never had a lot of money.

For some reason they think money will cure everything and magically make you immune to anything bad happening in your life.

It is certainly better to have money than to not have it... but it is not some magical panacea that makes your life perfect and renders you undeserving of compassion.
nopony said:
Two things:

1 - not every thread has to be about a quarterback. We all know we need one, this thread wasn't about that at all.

2 - No one is demanding you have sympathy for Manny Wright, but I wouldn't compare your youth with his. No one on here was a national laughingstock because of one mistake. It is a far bigger psychological blow than you imagine.

And people who think people are unworthy of sympathy simply because they make a lot of money, have clearly never had a lot of money.

For some reason they think money will cure everything and magically make you immune to anything bad happening in your life.

It is certainly better to have money than to not have it... but it is not some magical panacea that makes your life perfect and renders you undeserving of compassion.

PhinsTD said:
While completely my opinion, I think the article made me wonder if he is always going to have problems with depression. It's just the feeling I got from reading it.

If he doesn't start moving forward, the past is going to eat him up. Depression can get a grip on you that never lets go. Is he always going to struggle with it?

Keep in mind a layman's definition of depression and a diagnosis of Clinical Depression are not the same thing.
nopony said:
Two things:

And people who think people are unworthy of sympathy simply because they make a lot of money, have clearly never had a lot of money.

For some reason they think money will cure everything and magically make you immune to anything bad happening in your life.

It is certainly better to have money than to not have it... but it is not some magical panacea that makes your life perfect and renders you undeserving of compassion.

And most people who have alot of money clearly have never been poor. :D

By the same token, rich people dont daydream at work about how it would be if they were poor now do they? They say money cant buy happiness, but I've met more happy wealthy people then happy poor ones.

OK. I'm quite certain that Manny Wright didnt come from riches. Other then leaving the field crying though, what has he been known for? That would be a hard situation in a hard profession. How is he going to respond? Will he fold or take it as incentive to crack the starting lineup and compete?
Like it or not though, most folks just dont want to hear about all the problems that people who have money are dealing with. This is America and this country is obsessed with wealth. Disagree? Who was the last non-wealthy president we have elected?
jaketaylor said:
And most people who have alot of money clearly have never been poor. :D

By the same token, rich people dont daydream at work about how it would be if they were poor now do they? They say money cant buy happiness, but I've met more happy wealthy people then happy poor ones.

OK. I'm quite certain that Manny Wright didnt come from riches. Other then leaving the field crying though, what has he been known for? That would be a hard situation in a hard profession. How is he going to respond? Will he fold or take it as incentive to crack the starting lineup and compete?
Like it or not though, most folks just dont want to hear about all the problems that people who have money are dealing with. This is America and this country is obsessed with wealth. Disagree? Who was the last non-wealthy president we have elected?

I do not think one has anything to do with the other...obsessed-elected; are you implying they were elected because they were rich and we don't like po people?
I hope Saban's outburst on this kid didn't do more harm than good. Maybe Saban should pair him up with someone on the team, like a veteran....someone who can show this kid life in the NFL. That whole article is a little scary.
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