Yep.. The schedule sucks because of.. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Yep.. The schedule sucks because of..


Premium Member
Sep 21, 2002
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Sunnyvale, CA
Normally I dont get upset about the schedules.. Each team has to play 16 games and there are times when the Dolphins travel close to where I live, I get to see them live and in person.. this year, I get to watch the team when they come into Oaktown...

Last year we had 2 cross country trips and the NFL was decent enough to schedule them back to back.. That was Seattle the first week and then the team stayed in San Fran for the week of Thanksgiving and Taylor got food poisoning..

This year. there is too darn much travelling.. We go to Cleveland, come home, go to Oakland, come home to play a tough Bills team, then back on the plane for another 6-8 hours to San Diego.. then another 6-8 hours back home and host the friggen Jets the following week...

NE and NYJ dont go past Denver and to top it off.... NE gets a friggen bye week after Denver.. what a crock of carp...

Also... why no friggen prime time games?? What is football... errr.. what is Monday Night Football without the Dolphins? The Dolphins is the winningest team on MNF and not to see them for a whole year is going to be tuff.. I'm probably not gonna watch one MNF out of protest.. along with writing coutless letters to MNF and ABC..

I knew last place teams dont get invited to play in many MNF/prime time games, but this is a joke considering the history of the Dolphins... Yeah... I'm pissed
dude, i dont think they are going coach. I sure they all have first class seats. besides what else would they be doing at home....sitting down. I dont think flying is much of a problem for them.
Ark139954 said:
dude, i dont think they are going coach. I sure they all have first class seats. besides what else would they be doing at home....sitting down. I dont think flying is much of a problem for them.

Obviously, you havent taken too many cross country plane trips... it sucks!!
Obviously, you havent taken too many cross country plane trips... it sucks!!

Well I'm sure It's a whole lot better when your a multi millionaire and your mega millionare company is flying you around
Jeep said:
Obviously, you havent taken too many cross country plane trips... it sucks!!

Being a surfer I have taken MANY plane trips. Cross-country, Hawaii, over seas, and let me tell you, First class compared to coach is a WORLD of difference. There is a freakin' REASON those tickets are like $1,000 more expensive. It's like chillin in your living room up there. The seats are more comfy, there is more room between them, and the atmosphere in generally and more comfortable in 1st class. I know LA-Miami is like 5hrs flying time, not counting lay-overs, but if I remember correctly, doesn't Miami have a TEAM plane? I thought I remember Saban being flown out in it. If so, that eliminates the lay-over factor, and I'm pretty sure the indside of their plane would be even MORE comfortable than 1st class on normal airlines, so I really don't think that's a factor. Not to mention they are used to travelling far, they've been doing it anywhere from 4 years already (rookies from college) to god knows how many years our most veteran player has been in the NFL, combined with HIS college years.
u still get jet leg no matter where u sit

true, but that wouldn't substantiate his arguement, because ALL the teams get jet-lag, they all have 8 home and 8 away. The pats going to Denver is still the same jet lag as miami going to oakland
What annoys me about the prime time schedule is that Arizona got 2 games, San Francisco even got one and the Chiefs get a whole bunch. They just walked right by us and I'm probably not going to get to see that much.
Wasn't it a requirement that any team that did not get a Monday Night had to get a Sunday night game?

This is the first time I see a team get neither.
AirChambers84 said:
Well I'm sure It's a whole lot better when your a multi millionaire and your mega millionare company is flying you around
I agree that the travelling hurts, and not getting on prime time too. But think about it, the last few years we had talent and could not win the important games. See Monday Night Midnight Miracle vs. Jets for example. See playoffs for another.

I'm starting to think it is all a part of destiny. The Dolphins needed something ugly to happen to get angry. They talked about that last year before the season but talk is cheap. Now we unloaded our crappy coaches ('cept for Bates) and we get treated like our schedule is not important because face it, last place teams aren't important. SO now the team needs to get angry and earn their way out of it. And they will friggin well try. Maybe we should start looking at all of this as a motivational slap in the face. Im soooo F^&*in tired of a complacent team. I mean, JT and Zach have awesome motors, but in general, the team has let down lately when they needed to find a way to be win and become great. (Or maybe it was conservative coaching.) Now, more likely great things will happen for us, cause the team will make sure it happens. And if it cannot, give Saban a few years to turn over the roster and create more salary cap flexibility. All of the bad is leading to something great and it's coming soon! MAybe not next year or even 2 years, but soon. Count on it, no matter what tv station carries us, or what airline flies us!!!!!:fire:
P.S. Any Bills fans in here to stir up crap...this is your last time to jump on our bandwagon. our dust.
One thing I did notice....even though we play Pats at New England last game......we catch the Pats both times after they play a Monday night game....short week for by the end of the year....Pats may have division wrapped and rest players as we are fighting for a spot......come on....only one cold game this year......thats cool.
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