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Boo Birds

No..What was pathetic was Sammie Smith.

Was or is? Isn't he doing time for drug-running? What a waste. Between him Lawrence Phillips and Cecil Collins, I don't know who I have less respect for. Wow come to think of it, we've been really snake-bitten when it comes to ****-for-brains running backs.
Jeez Louise. I do remember that. Sammy Smith had so much talent, but could not hold on to the freaking football. I remember the one really long run he had, where he fumbled the ball away and cost us the game. Pisses me off to this day.

I boo for lack of effort, NOTHING ELSE.
Was or is? Isn't he doing time for drug-running? What a waste. Between him Lawrence Phillips and Cecil Collins, I don't know who I have less respect for. Wow come to think of it, we've been really snake-bitten when it comes to ****-for-brains running backs.

Agreed, all three had the potential to be at least VG.
Was or is? Isn't he doing time for drug-running? What a waste. Between him Lawrence Phillips and Cecil Collins, I don't know who I have less respect for. Wow come to think of it, we've been really snake-bitten when it comes to ****-for-brains running backs.

i have certainly have our fair share of druggie rb's all starting with Mercury I am cool with Morris and Ricky because they took punishment and i have a lot of respect for morris he does a lot for the community and esp. young football starters and ricky will always be cool with muah.
I think it's ok as long as you provide a link....

I believe the link may be a Mod. We need to go to the super secret de-coder rings to be safe. Be careful what you say. We are most likely being watched. LOL
2. Continued futility/inept play. If the team is playing poorly, and, does not turn it around, it's ok to boo. When I potty trained my sons, they may've gotten a clap and smile when they almost got the poopy in the toilet a few times. At some, point, the child needs to hear the error of not getting the poopy in the toilet.

Best. Analogy. Ever.
Hmmm. Tell that to his wife and kids. Or do they not matter?

Don't want to hear how much your son/husband/daughter/wife that sucks, sucks at his job? Don't go to the game. While it's classless to get in someone's face, and, be confrontational, if you can't take it, don't go to the games.

Football is not for the weak and soft hearted.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Smith would be traded to Denver, where he would play a total of 3 games before being released. With no other teams interested, Smith slipped out of football and the public spotlight, at least for a while. Like so many retired athletes, Sammie wanted to give something back to the community. By "give", we mean "sell" and by "something", we mean "drugs". In 1995, Sammie was convicted of selling 12 ounces of crack, while in possession of 37.4 pounds of cocaine. He was invited to spend the next 7 years as a guest of the federal prison system.[/FONT]

Yes...Sammie does, indeed, suck. And by "suck", I mean....Suck.
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