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Brandon Marshall takes aim at critics

Pretty sure that first down play was "killed" into a fade by Henne at the line of scrimmage. I'm only guessing but it was probably a run call, Henne looked over at the one on one and killed it into that fade. That's a fairly sound call most of the time with that matchup but as we all now agree Marshall was probably too tired to make it happen there. We can second guess the coaches on whether Marshall should even be out there on that first down but I doubt they called that fade.
First off, that segment was a hit job, and it wasn't fair.

Second, the condescension is what got me. It was like these guys were deigning to come down from their high thrones and rebuke a little puppy for his bad mess and then give him a treat and tell him he's a good dog and he'll do better next time.

Who the **** are they? Seriously, who the **** are they? When he points out they're not elite players or anything, that's what he's saying. He'll listen to Michael Irvin, someone like that. Notice he talked on radio with Michael Irvin ABOUT that sequence of plays, and it not only went much better but Marshall even admitted he wished he had better legs at that point in the game.

I'm totally with you there. 110%. I'm just saying had this type of criticism been leveled at...say...Jake Long, would you expect him to respond in the same way? BMarsh still has a rep that only he's responsible for - and until he's done enough to change it, that's how people are going to talk about him. All he can do is control how he responds and do it with as much class and humility as possible. Not to mention the fact that these media monkeys aren't worth a **** and have all sorts of motives behind the crap they say.

If they were looking to get a reaction (the goal of virtually any hit job on an easily-irked player), I think they succeeded.
Either way I think this controversy is just what the doctor ordered. The hangover from Sunday night was something I was worried would seep into this game. Awsi Dooger was going through the numbers a bit on home games immediately following tough division losses and how that hangover shows up reliably year after year. The extra day off and the big stage on Monday night certainly helps you get over it but this kind of thing is sure to galvanize and refocus the team into proving everyone wrong on Monday.

They didn't intend it, but I think the Playbook guys did us a favor.
Pretty sure that first down play was "killed" into a fade by Henne at the line of scrimmage. I'm only guessing but it was probably a run call, Henne looked over at the one on one and killed it into that fade. That's a fairly sound call most of the time with that matchup but as we all now agree Marshall was probably too tired to make it happen there. We can second guess the coaches on whether Marshall should even be out there on that first down but I doubt they called that fade.

They obviously called it as one of the two options on the play. It wasn't an audible.

That's a bad mistake on their part.
I'm totally with you there. 110%. I'm just saying had this type of criticism been leveled at...say...Jake Long, would you expect him to respond in the same way? BMarsh still has a rep that only he's responsible for - and until he's done enough to change it, that's how people are going to talk about him. All he can do is control how he responds and do it with as much class and humility as possible. Not to mention the fact that these media monkeys aren't worth a **** and have all sorts of motives behind the crap they say.

If they were looking to get a reaction (the goal of virtually any hit job on an easily-irked player), I think they succeeded.

Jake Long wouldn't have the same reaction because Jake Long is a different player. I doubt anyone in Miami has any problem with what Marshall said in response to that hit job. Dan Henning took a not so veiled shot at those guys too.

Marshall tends to thrive on these things. That's probably part of why we've seen a different Brandon Marshall than the guy we were all so frustrated with during preseason. He needs to get emotionally amped for these games in order to find his edge. I think only a WR would be able to really understand that. Not that I am one.

I have no issue with this. In fact it encourages me about a Patriots MNF game that I had been considering to probably be a loss.
Marshall has every right to defend himself and he's probably correct. However, the implication that only Hall of Fame players can pass judgement is unneccessary and ridiculous
Marshall had every right to retaliate because the NFL Network boys did a bad job with this criticism. Firstly, let's take aside the 1st & 2nd down plays.

What exactly is wrong with those 3rd & 4th down plays he ran? Was he dogging it? No. Did he look too tired to try? No. He was using his arms and hands really actively to try and create separation in the SHORT and TIGHT spaces around the end zone. On both plays. Neither of those plays did I sense an issue of being tired.

Now back to 1st and 2nd down. Why is Brandon Marshall still in there on that 1st & 10 from the 11? The dude had just caught a nice come back route, made a guy completely whiff on a tackle, and then is off to the races 25 yards running after the catch. I swear 99% of the time I see a player making a play like that, where is he the very next play? On the sidelines, taking a 1- or 2-play breather.

So they keep him on the field. And then what do they do? Call his number on a fade route in the end zone 30 seconds after that catch and run? Are you retarded? He was already tired at the end of that catch and run, otherwise it'd have been a 41 yard TD and not a 30 yard catch. And now you want him to make a circus catch in the end zone 30 seconds later.

Good luck with THAT.

Wasted play. Wasted play call. And worse, you ensured that he was going to be tired on that 2nd & 10 play when Henne did actually come back to him to see if he could throw it to Brandon, and found him well covered.

That's on the coaches, not on Marshall.

Completely agree about the first down call. I also thought the ball was thrown poorly. Either Marshall ran the wrong route or Henne threw it to the wrong place. But the NFL analysts say "get up for the ball." Not really sure he was even in a position to make a play on it. Was that because he was too tired to create separation? Perhaps. But again, he had just run the long play right before that.
oh man i hope he plays like hes got somethin to prove monday night
10 catches for 166 and a TD .... All those yards were earned not given who the F care what Sharpe said... B Marshall keep balling if he was tired it b/c he had 166 yards in 10 catches and who knows how many plays whata hater.
maybe he doesnt remember sterling sharpe ............sterling sharpe retired when marshall was 10 years old !
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