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Brandon Marshall trashes former Dolphins receiving coaches

Umm compare the cost of these two and you might just have an answer.
Marshall is way overpaid and over rated.

Umm...1200 > 200 yards

We also are lacking in talent in the WR dept...don't care about spending money on a 1000+ WR.
Brandon with his condition, is a person who'll never be happy. ever. one game sure. two? maybe... but sooner or later marshall is going ot have a game where he doesn't get the ball when he thinks he should, and boom. distraction. In fact some coaches say if you shut marhall down for the first quarter, you dont' have to worry about him for the rest of the game.

I can easily say the same about chad, except you can SEE him pouting on the field....Oh and he doesn't have near the ability anymore. That you can't say about BM
Umm...1200 > 200 yards

We also are lacking in talent in the WR dept...don't care about spending money on a 1000+ WR.

Marshall is not elite and didn't make big plays. If he was the player he thinks he is he would still be here.
Brandon Marshall is a fraud.
Marshall has a reason to bad mouth the dolphins. We suck. Should he keep his mouth shut a little more? Yeah prob but his comments are getting taken out of proportion. His talents are up in the top ten in the NFL and honestly I'd rather have him than the extra two third round picks we got. Hell, I'd rather have him than the bum Matt Moore and maybe if we actually put some professional level players and coaches around him he woldn't have bitched as much. The idiot coach in denver that traded both him and cutler away is gone. Gee, wonder why?

The bears won't have a winning season with Marshall on the roster? Wow, do you even watch NFL games other than dolphin games which aren't even NFL level football games btw? The bears were looking nasty until their starting quarterback and runningback went down. With Mike Martz gone, a healthy Jay Cutler, Forte and marshall on offense that team is going to win 12-13 games and challenge the packers for the divsion. I don't follow the bears so much but I do know their O line BLOWS almost as bad as ours. If they address that issue they're a super bowl contender.

Marshall is going to be good for 8-10 tds, 12-13k yards. Forte will be good for 8-12 rushing TDs, 1300 yards and prob another 5-700 recieving.

I'd def trade Moore, Hartline and Bush for Marshall, Cutler and Forte. Wouldn't you?
Don't know who this "we" is cause I seriously doubt you're a Dolphins fan...your posts strike me more as a troll than a fan of the Dolphins.

Anyway, in all your whining about how much "we" suck did you realize that Marshall also played under Mike Shanahan who's offensive staff was pretty much intact from his super bowl years? So the same head coach that won with 3rd round pick Ed McCaffrey (who was on his 3rd team) and undrafted WR Rod Smith couldn't coach up poor Brandon Marshall. Whatever...I could care less what the Bears do this year..or any other year for that matter.
lol so im not a dolphin fan if i don't love matt moore and hate players we trade away with pro bowl level talent for barely anything? sure buddy.

if you haven't noticed, we do suck. The dolphins are a laughing stock and havent been relevant to the general landscape of the NFL since the Zach Thomas/JT led days.
Marshall has a reason to bad mouth the dolphins. We suck. Should he keep his mouth shut a little more? Yeah prob but his comments are getting taken out of proportion. His talents are up in the top ten in the NFL and honestly I'd rather have him than the extra two third round picks we got. Hell, I'd rather have him than the bum Matt Moore and maybe if we actually put some professional level players and coaches around him he woldn't have bitched as much. The idiot coach in denver that traded both him and cutler away is gone. Gee, wonder why?

The bears won't have a winning season with Marshall on the roster? Wow, do you even watch NFL games other than dolphin games which aren't even NFL level football games btw? The bears were looking nasty until their starting quarterback and runningback went down. With Mike Martz gone, a healthy Jay Cutler, Forte and marshall on offense that team is going to win 12-13 games and challenge the packers for the divsion. I don't follow the bears so much but I do know their O line BLOWS almost as bad as ours. If they address that issue they're a super bowl contender.

Marshall is going to be good for 8-10 tds, 12-13k yards. Forte will be good for 8-12 rushing TDs, 1300 yards and prob another 5-700 recieving.

I'd def trade Moore, Hartline and Bush for Marshall, Cutler and Forte. Wouldn't you?

Sorry Steve I can only agree with you on the talent portion of what Marshall brought to the table for the Dolphins. Marshall tantrum after the Patriots game 2 years ago sealed the fate of Henne and coach Tony Sporanno IMO. The Dolphins, Jeff Irelnad or who ever made a big mistake bringing Marshall on board 3 years ago and no it was not Marshalls fault. The Dolphins highly underestimated their coaching staff ability to controll Marshall and his overt personality. Marshall can be a very strong asset to any club whose coaching staff has enough stuff under the hood to deal with Marshall and his personality on and off the field. Tony Sporano in that Pats game should have realized what was going on and the gonads to take Marshall off the field and to the locker room. Heck he should have suspended the guys a couple to the games. As a coach you do not let a played dictate especially publicly who you are playing like Marshall did in that Pats game between Henne and Thigpen. Now some of you might defend Marshalls opinion of who the better QB on the field that day but that is not the point. Marshall did it publicly and in doing so castrated the entire club undermining the players confidence in the coaching staff. Prior to Marshall's arival our team our then offensive coordinator publicly would state why he did not want Diva recievers on his team and Marshall is a case study on why he was correct. We "probably" would have the wide reciever answer on the team today if we had used those 2 2nd round draft choices we gave up for Brandon Marshall today instead of going with the quick fix and trading for Brandon Marshall and gambling that the cancer he brought into the Denver locker room we could control here.
Marshall is not elite and didn't make big plays. If he was the player he thinks he is he would still be here.
Brandon Marshall is a fraud.

You keep screaming he's not elite.....tell me a WR we've had that comes near his talent in the past 15 years.
fair enough, let me know when chad starts beating women.

So if I look up your have nothing nice to say about McMicheal?

Also, he was not charged with anything that night at the, it looks like just another person trying to cash in on BM's history. So your beating women is not true.
Mcmicheal was a nasty talent that just didn't work out either due to our poor offense or getting old real fast. We're talking football. I don't think if someone knocks their wife around it makes them less of a football player. I honestly only give a **** if their actions get them taken off the field.
Sorry Steve I can only agree with you on the talent portion of what Marshall brought to the table for the Dolphins. Marshall tantrum after the Patriots game 2 years ago sealed the fate of Henne and coach Tony Sporanno IMO. The Dolphins, Jeff Irelnad or who ever made a big mistake bringing Marshall on board 3 years ago and no it was not Marshalls fault. The Dolphins highly underestimated their coaching staff ability to controll Marshall and his overt personality. Marshall can be a very strong asset to any club whose coaching staff has enough stuff under the hood to deal with Marshall and his personality on and off the field. Tony Sporano in that Pats game should have realized what was going on and the gonads to take Marshall off the field and to the locker room. Heck he should have suspended the guys a couple to the games. As a coach you do not let a played dictate especially publicly who you are playing like Marshall did in that Pats game between Henne and Thigpen. Now some of you might defend Marshalls opinion of who the better QB on the field that day but that is not the point. Marshall did it publicly and in doing so castrated the entire club undermining the players confidence in the coaching staff. Prior to Marshall's arival our team our then offensive coordinator publicly would state why he did not want Diva recievers on his team and Marshall is a case study on why he was correct. We "probably" would have the wide reciever answer on the team today if we had used those 2 2nd round draft choices we gave up for Brandon Marshall today instead of going with the quick fix and trading for Brandon Marshall and gambling that the cancer he brought into the Denver locker room we could control here.

So, BM sealed the fate of Henne and Sparano bc of a game 2 years ago? LOL....please anyting about this game and BM terrible attitude in a link
Sorry Steve I can only agree with you on the talent portion of what Marshall brought to the table for the Dolphins. Marshall tantrum after the Patriots game 2 years ago sealed the fate of Henne and coach Tony Sporanno IMO. The Dolphins, Jeff Irelnad or who ever made a big mistake bringing Marshall on board 3 years ago and no it was not Marshalls fault. The Dolphins highly underestimated their coaching staff ability to controll Marshall and his overt personality. Marshall can be a very strong asset to any club whose coaching staff has enough stuff under the hood to deal with Marshall and his personality on and off the field. Tony Sporano in that Pats game should have realized what was going on and the gonads to take Marshall off the field and to the locker room. Heck he should have suspended the guys a couple to the games. As a coach you do not let a played dictate especially publicly who you are playing like Marshall did in that Pats game between Henne and Thigpen. Now some of you might defend Marshalls opinion of who the better QB on the field that day but that is not the point. Marshall did it publicly and in doing so castrated the entire club undermining the players confidence in the coaching staff. Prior to Marshall's arival our team our then offensive coordinator publicly would state why he did not want Diva recievers on his team and Marshall is a case study on why he was correct. We "probably" would have the wide reciever answer on the team today if we had used those 2 2nd round draft choices we gave up for Brandon Marshall today instead of going with the quick fix and trading for Brandon Marshall and gambling that the cancer he brought into the Denver locker room we could control here.

My point is this team is a loser and has been for near 15 years. Other than Bush, Marshall was the only proven NFL talent at a skill postion on our offense. Could he have been a little more gentle dealing with Henne? Yeah prob. Do I condone his comments? no but he does have the talent to back it up. the biggest issues I have with him are the onfield quitting as seen in the Clev game last year when Joe Hayden (a top DB IMO) locked him down. he bitched up. That's unexacceptable for someone with his talent and is a strong reason to let him walk. i just think if we had put professional level coaches and other talented players around him, it wouldn't be as much of a problem.
Let me also add that I am as optimistic as ever being a long term dolphin fan since the early 90's. We cleaned house in temrs of coaches and the only hold over is Ireland, who still has some borrowed time in my book. I need to see something from odrick, I need to see atleast one of these late round reaches show some promise. I won't jump on him for Tannehill if he busts because I watched all of his college throws and think he has NFL talent. He's gonna be another make or break it case fromt he head up. If the kid can adjust to the speed of the NFL while this team adds some talent around him the sky is limit. I liked the Martin pick. O line is our biggest concern coming into this season, followed by the holes at saftey, lacking production at DB and generating more of a pass rush. WR is one of the last holes a team needs to fill before becoming a contender but in todays NFL its slowly creeping up my list. 2-3 years is the window for this coaching staff and ireland to keep getting my support, which I haven't given to morons like Wandstate, cam cameron after picking ginns family and sparano. Saben might have been decent had he stuck it out but I hate nick satan like the rest of em
So if I look up your have nothing nice to say about McMicheal?

Also, he was not charged with anything that night at the, it looks like just another person trying to cash in on BM's history. So your beating women is not true.
ah you've deflected one incident. how about the rest?

Regardless show me where Ocho has even a remotely similar off field incident?
Marshall is going to be good for 8-10 tds, 12-13k yards. Forte will be good for 8-12 rushing TDs, 1300 yards and prob another 5-700 recieving.

I'd def trade Moore, Hartline and Bush for Marshall, Cutler and Forte. Wouldn't you?

Marshall has cracked 8 TDs ONCE in his career. And I don't see him breaking 12,000 yards but hey that's just me.

And you for some reason seem to think Forte is not only going to shatter his career high in rushing yards, but also shatter his career high in rushing touchdowns AND his career highs in receiving? Wow you're quite the optimist, Steve.
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