Buyer Beware - Comparing QB's- Kolb, Flynn, Young - Palmer, Hasselbeck and Bulger | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Buyer Beware - Comparing QB's- Kolb, Flynn, Young - Palmer, Hasselbeck and Bulger

Several commentators have also mentioned Brian Hoyer, Brady's backup in New England. I don't know much about him but he's likely to be a lot cheaper than the others listed above and it could be good to have Henne compete for the job rather than just hand it to Palmer, Kolb, VY, et al.

Cmon man. Why would we bring in bench warming prospect projects when all we have is a guy who just got through sophomore starter struggles. Front office is obviously trying to make the team better around Henne, minus the stupid play calling of Dan Henning
I think Henne is better off today after the draft, running game OL and deep threat should make a difference.
Sanchez, Matt ryan and Flacco looked as bad as Henne once their running game was shut down.
We can get by with Henne see what happens and if it doesn't work out go all in for a QB in 2012.
By the way Henne is never had a full complement of players, his production went down in 2009 after Brown was injured.
2010 we couldn't run the ball, I think we could do well with what we have, the Dolphins are solid all around, don't forget Odrick and A J Edds should be back in 2012. Henne should be working really hard and Marshall should be keeping his mouth shut and help build his confidence.
Bring in competition but don't give up picks.
I don't care how much people try to blame our former OC for everything. Was he bad and outdated ? YES. But did he specifically tell Henne to miss WR after WR and stare down just one WR? Not to mention basically ignore Marshall for a majority of the season? NO. Henne is a career backup at best. Our ignoring the QB spot completely in the draft just doomed us to nothing better than a .500 record. We are either going to continue the failed Henne experiment or look to the F/A market to solve our woes. But as you've pointed out, there's not a lot out there right now. There are either questionable backups or older fragile QB's to choose from. Even if we trade for one of these guys (which would cost us way too much), they'll at best give us a year/two of QB play before we have to go looking again. We are taking a huge gamble once again at the QB spot, which has burned us countless times in the past.
What about Josh Johnson? This is a very talented young QB sitting behind Josh Freeman.

I could be very intriqued by this.
The thing about Palmer is that if he's a stopgap, he's a five year stopgap. He's young enough to where he could start for us for a while and we have a line that, as shaky as it was last year (and mainly due to injuries at that), is still leagues above that of Cincy's. We also have some very QB friendly receivers (that Henne can't seem to hit for some reason). As long as you don't have to give up too much, I'd be all over Palmer.
Kolb and Palmer both will cost us draft picks which is something I don't really want to do. I would rather hang on to our picks and try to make a move next year for Luck or Barkley(who has really grown on me). Landry Jones and Brandon Wheedon may both also be options. Vince Young doesn't sound attractive but he won't cost us any picks and unless you think Kolb will be great (Which I don't) then I think VY is the guy. I can't believe I just said that
VY competing with Henne would be interesting.

I wonder if Henne remembers this:

Once again, none of the QB's including Palmer, Manning, or Brady would have had success with our horrible O-line, no running game, and most of all the Offensive coordinator. Everyone bashes Henne, like it is all or even mostly his fault. Lets spend a number one on a QB that didn't go until #74 instead of addressing the biggest reason (along with play calling) for our offensive woes. I for one would rather see what a young QB that we already have can do with upgrades to the o-line and a new coordinator that won't automatically call the Wildcat when we cross the 50, than to spend picks and money on some has beens that were not successful with their current teams, when they had a better line and more weapons than what Henne had last year.

I am not saying Henne will be the answer although he is tough, stands in the pocket well, has a mid 60 completion percentage, and an above average arm, and is even keeled. What I am saying is no QB would have been successful last year with the offensive challenges we faced last year. Who knows, maybe this year we can run some plays with out the other teams defense yelling out the play at the line of scrimmage, that would be really great!
Once again, none of the QB's including Palmer, Manning, or Brady would have had success with our horrible O-line, no running game, and most of all the Offensive coordinator. Everyone bashes Henne, like it is all or even mostly his fault. Lets spend a number one on a QB that didn't go until #74 instead of addressing the biggest reason (along with play calling) for our offensive woes. I for one would rather see what a young QB that we already have can do with upgrades to the o-line and a new coordinator that won't automatically call the Wildcat when we cross the 50, than to spend picks and money on some has beens that were not successful with their current teams, when they had a better line and more weapons than what Henne had last year.

I am not saying Henne will be the answer although he is tough, stands in the pocket well, has a mid 60 completion percentage, and an above average arm, and is even keeled. What I am saying is no QB would have been successful last year with the offensive challenges we faced last year. Who knows, maybe this year we can run some plays with out the other teams defense yelling out the play at the line of scrimmage, that would be really great!

You know, the one thing I don't think anyone can refute is that Henne's got cajones. He took a lot of **** off Henning, Sparano, the fans, the press and his own diva receiver and didn't complain once. Bracket that against Vince The Moron Young, who not only has no functioning brain (citing the wonderlic "6" specifically for TylerFin) -but if you think about it, he's hasn't got any balls either. When things don't go his way, if he hears some boos,he flashes fans the bird, holds his own pity party vendettas against his HC and goes on a drunken or suicidal benders. You'd like our QB to have brains certainly, but even more so you need him to have balls.

I do not want him in the worst way. I wanted Mallett, am still upset that he slipped through our hands, but if it's gonna come down to between Henne and Young, I'd take Henne a hundred times out of a hundred!

You know, the one thing I don't think anyone can refute is that Henne's got cajones. He took a lot of **** off Henning, Sparano, the fans, the press and his own diva receiver and didn't complain once. Bracket that against Vince The Moron Young, who not only has no functioning brain (citing the wonderlic "6" specifically for TylerFin) -but if you think about it, he's hasn't got any balls either. When things don't go his way, if he hears some boos,he flashes fans the bird, holds his own pity party vendettas against his HC and goes on a drunken or suicidal benders. You'd like our QB to have brains certainly, but even more so you need him to have balls.

I do not want him in the worst way. I wanted Mallett, am still upset that he slipped through our hands, but if it's gonna come down to between Henne and Young, I'd take Henne a hundred times out of a hundred!


I wouldn't mind Palmer if it's a 5th or higher and he doesn't break the bank and let him and Henne compete.
I don't care how much people try to blame our former OC for everything. Was he bad and outdated ? YES. But did he specifically tell Henne to miss WR after WR and stare down just one WR? Not to mention basically ignore Marshall for a majority of the season? NO. Henne is a career backup at best. Our ignoring the QB spot completely in the draft just doomed us to nothing better than a .500 record. We are either going to continue the failed Henne experiment or look to the F/A market to solve our woes. But as you've pointed out, there's not a lot out there right now. There are either questionable backups or older fragile QB's to choose from. Even if we trade for one of these guys (which would cost us way too much), they'll at best give us a year/two of QB play before we have to go looking again. We are taking a huge gamble once again at the QB spot, which has burned us countless times in the past.
Henne had a very respectable 61.4 completion %. Marshall was the 5th highest targeted receiver in the NFL, who also led the teams in drops, and wrong routes ran, and 2 lost fumbles. That is all Hennes fault I guess.
Bracket that against Vince The Moron Young, who not only has no functioning brain (citing the wonderlic "6" specifically for TylerFin)

His real wonderlic score was 16, exactly the same score as a certain Mr. Dan Marino
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