MIAMI: Worst fans in AMERICA!!! | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MIAMI: Worst fans in AMERICA!!!

DolFinatic718 said:
I am talking about Miami fans who are in Miami!!

Just to clear that up.

Miami fans in NY also show alot of support when the team comes out to play the Jets

this is true I lived in NY for most of my life , I then chose to relocate to the South Florida in 1993, I go to NY for the annual fins and Jets game and saw lots of fins fans at the game... what freaked me out was that the 7 fans I spoke to and they were all in a group, never lived in South FLorida, were raised in NYC and are diehard fins fans, i asked them have you ever been to ProPlayer and they said no. I told them you don't know what you are missing.

Yea when the Jets come to South Florida and play the Fins,there seems to be lots of Jets fans at the games including myself and my brother who comes in from ny for the game ... every time I go to these game here in south florida I have witnessed the passion, of the fins fans here... fins fans really support their team down here... it can be crazy at times but all in all I have a great time when I go ...
DolFinatic718 said:
I dont have to prove anything to anybody on this site. I cheer my team on whether they win lose or in between.

Whether I have made the "sacifice" to go to a home game is none of your business or anybody elses. Explain how doing so makes you a true die hard fan :confused:

I have been to Miami on a few occasions so please only speak what you know, not what you assume.

Let me put it in an easier way that you can understand. Miami is made up of diverse races that don't care about american sports , transplanted retirees or snowbirds who aren't even fans of teams in the miami area. That fact that Florida is considered the Transient state of America simply means people come and go.

Let's look at it from a different perspective, anyone think that Miami students are the worst fans in college sports? No, because they are present and can go to the games because school is in.

Since the Marlins are a fairly new franchise it would be darn hard to get support from hispanics and the little True Floridians that are left in the area. In the 7-8 years that I've lived there I've probably met 10 true Floridians left living in So/ Fla.

I hope that clears things up for you. Why do I even bother trying to educate a finfan?:D
Justasportsfan said:
Let me put it in an easier way that you can understand. Miami is made up of diverse races that don't care about american sports , transplanted retirees or snowbirds who aren't even fans of teams in the miami area. That fact that Florida is considered the Trancient state of America simply means people come and go.

Let's look at it from a different perspective, anyone think that Miami students are the worst fans in college sports? No, because they are present and can go to the games because school is in.

Since the Marlins are a fairly new franchise it would be darn hard to get support from hispanics and the little True Floridians that are left in the area. In the 7-8 years that I've lived there I've probably met 10 true Floridians left living in So/ Fla.

i tend to disgaree with you about support from the Hispanic fan in South Florida hispanics love baseball .... If your Cuban ,Dominican, Or Puerto Rican you love the game..... they show up just take a look at the Expos in Puerto Rico....
You could have summarized your whole debate in the last sentence you wrote... "I will continue to believe what I believe" which basically summarizes most of the opinions of everyone on this board. When you speak of "Beliefs" you are not really talking about facts in a debatable realm.

As far as offending you... some of the statements you made offended others, but it didn't seem to stop you. You added your little disclaimer stating " I wasn't talking to YOU in paticular, I was talking to whoever is guilty of always posting negativity, name calling, team bashing etc."

In reality, your condescending tone and the fact that your first statment read...

"I am a die hard Miami Dolphin fan who resides in the world renowned, world famous, mecca of sports, NEW YORK CITY. And living in new york city us fans have been known to be very harsh on our teams (Knicks, Jets, Giants, Rangers and yes even the Yankee's). But I must say that you Miami fans are by far the worst!!!!! "

This was your original comment... so you could understand why some felt offended!

And I guess it makes more sense for you to spend an immense amount of money on a Dan Marino jersey rather than put that money on a trip to visit your "FAVORITE" team at a couple of home games! That's all a matter of opinion. I didn't question on what you have bought or didn't buy... I made made a point that you claim to be such a great fan, but you can't come support your team... I think others found that strange as well. You sound like more of a casual fan... or maybe a Dan Marino fan....not a true Dolphins fan, but that's my opinion.

Your debate has no focus and is full of flaws.... and I "believe" that the response it has gotten proves that.

DolFinatic718 said:
Lets makes something real clear right now. They dont call it a homegame for no reason. It is called a homegame because it is more convenient for the people who live in the area or surrounding area to attend. People who fly from the west coast or even from new york, while this may very well happen, is not the majority but instead the minirioty. Do you know why? Because everyone, even a die hard fan like myself, isn't presented with the same chances to do so. That doesn't make me any less of a fan. So get that straight before you offend some one other then myself. I most likely spent more money on one authentic Dan Marino jersey then you spend to attend 4 home games. So lets not make that a bases for being a true die hard fan or not, and that argument has nothing, i repeat nothing, to do with my problem with the media in Miami and the fans that post nonsense on this board.

And for the last time, I said Miami fans and media who are in Miami, and I even gave extra examples (Marlins, heat) to back up my claim.

Someone has a sig about lamar odom asking the media a question, some of you should go check it out before you choose to sit down and type a response. It caught my eye and pretty much backed up what I originally posted, and he posted it after I made this thread. The miami media for some reason just has negative views on their teams (Marlins,Heat,Dolphins) and this may be a hard pill to swallow for some, but thats just my observation of things. Nobody said I was completely right, but until someone can prove me other wise with something other then insults then I will continue to believe what I believe. :cooldude:
I can't speak for other locations, but in general, I think that would be the norm for most teams in places that don't have many other entertainment options, including other sports teams.

Why would anyone pay to go see a team that you know is going to lose? Especially when you know the weather is going to be bad, or you can watch it on tv. or you just have other things you would rather be doing?

That's the question I ask....

Maybe Memories said:
I think miami has overall the worst fans in all sports... but not football! heat fans are invisible... unless they make the playoffs and the marlins fans are the same they win now there are plenty marlins fanz...
...Speaking of assumptions.... "Lastly I am not bashing my beloved die hard fans. I love the devotion they have for this team. I dont appreciate the ones looking for attention so they post nonsense, we all know who they are. If this doesn't apply to you you can just ignore it but as we already know, the majority of you here are guilty of pathetic negative threads, and anyone who has been here atleast a week will admit to it."

If you are a die-hard Dolphin, I suggest you bash the media all you want, but when it comes time to state that "us" fans are the worst, WHICH YOU DID STATE, maybe you should take your own advice "It is very frustating but it is something I do put up with and deal with."

DolFinatic718 said:
I dont have to prove anything to anybody on this site. I cheer my team on whether they win lose or in between.

Whether I have made the "sacifice" to go to a home game is none of your business or anybody elses. Explain how doing so makes you a true die hard fan :confused:

I have been to Miami on a few occasions so please only speak what you know, not what you assume.
goldfish said:
You could have summarized your whole debate in the last sentence you wrote... "I will continue to believe what I believe" which basically summarizes most of the opinions of everyone on this board. When you speak of "Beliefs" you are not really talking about facts in a debatable realm.

As far as offending you... some of the statements you made offended others, but it didn't seem to stop you. You added your little disclaimer stating " I wasn't talking to YOU in paticular, I was talking to whoever is guilty of always posting negativity, name calling, team bashing etc."

In reality, your condescending tone and the fact that your first statment read...

"I am a die hard Miami Dolphin fan who resides in the world renowned, world famous, mecca of sports, NEW YORK CITY. And living in new york city us fans have been known to be very harsh on our teams (Knicks, Jets, Giants, Rangers and yes even the Yankee's). But I must say that you Miami fans are by far the worst!!!!! "

This was your original comment... so you could understand why some felt offended!

And I guess it makes more sense for you to spend an immense amount of money on a Dan Marino jersey rather than put that money on a trip to visit your "FAVORITE" team at a couple of home games! That's all a matter of opinion. I didn't question on what you have bought or didn't buy... I made made a point that you claim to be such a great fan, but you can't come support your team... I think others found that strange as well. You sound like more of a casual fan... or maybe a Dan Marino fan....not a true Dolphins fan, but that's my opinion.

Your debate has no focus and is full of flaws.... and I "believe" that the response it has gotten proves that.

WEll i think that is your opinion and the opinion of a few others, but I think alot more people will overall agree with me, even the moderaters. And just for the record, just because you said so, I just might make a home game this year just to see how it is myself. But I still know that not making a home game for a out of towner doesn't make you less of a fan. People have real lives, real issues, and sports doesn't dictate their lives. So I dont care if by me saying I have never been to a home game makes me look like less of a fan, because i know what kind of life I lead.
DolFinatic718 said:
WEll i think that is your opinion and the opinion of a few others, but I think alot more people will overall agree with me, even the moderaters. And just for the record, just because you said so, I just might make a home game this year just to see how it is myself. But I still know that not making a home game for a out of towner doesn't make you less of a fan. People have real lives, real issues, and sports doesn't dictate their lives. So I dont care if by me saying I have never been to a home game makes me look like less of a fan, because i know what kind of life I lead.

I welcome that.... come on down and find out what it is like from our perspective BEFORE you judge on how Miami's fans are in Miami. Goodness knows there can never be too many New Yorkers down here.... :lol:
Now this thread got some red blood cells a movin..Why I don't know...Everyones entitled to an opinion. As someone who grew up in Ft. Lauderdale and now live outside the state. It is hard to see negativity, when you're trying to find info on the phins. It's apart of the process when you're not there. As I've stated before it's not the negativity that gets me, it's the stating it as fact that bothers me. Calling people names like they have no feelings..Someone has call Wanny a Moron a number of times. But if you call yall a moron or suggest that you're terrible fans, look how long this thread gets. People can dish it, but not take it. That's normal but at least take this thread and reflect on yourself, that includes me. From being out of state and watching the games on TV you do see the empty seats, someone brought this to my attention last year and I started noticing it more. But everyone and their brother has an opinion about why's that. From an out sider's point of veiw looking at the area from TV and the media, you do get the sense that there's flacky fans and media there. It's the same up in NY, but they show up and say their peace. Here in DC, you can't get a Redskins ticket hardly. But even after all that, the phins still have loyal fans all over the country and world. It's been a good fanchise and one to be proud of...could you guys imagine having a team like the beagles in FL in the city..This board may not even exist..Fans would have quit by now. LOL..In other words be kool, take care of yourself and at the end of the day, we're all Phins fans, that include CW, Clump, Justa and a few others LOL>> I'm going to catch when I go over to the bills board...
Now this thread got some red blood cells a movin..Why I don't know...Everyones entitled to an opinion. As someone who grew up in Ft. Lauderdale and now live outside the state. It is hard to see negativity, when you're trying to find info on the phins. It's apart of the process when you're not there. As I've stated before it's not the negativity that gets me, it's the stating it as fact that bothers me. Calling people names like they have no feelings..Someone has call Wanny a Moron a number of times. But if you call yall a moron or suggest that you're terrible fans, look how long this thread gets. People can dish it, but not take it. That's normal but at least take this thread and reflect on yourself, that includes me. From being out of state and watching the games on TV you do see the empty seats, someone brought this to my attention last year and I started noticing it more. But everyone and their brother has an opinion about why's that. From an out sider's point of veiw looking at the area from TV and the media, you do get the sense that there's flacky fans and media there. It's the same up in NY, but they show up and say their peace. Here in DC, you can't get a Redskins ticket hardly. But even after all that, the phins still have loyal fans all over the country and world. It's been a good fanchise and one to be proud of...could you guys imagine having a team like the beagles in FL in the city..This board may not even exist..Fans would have quit by now. LOL..In other words be kool, take care of yourself and at the end of the day, we're all Phins fans, that include CW, Clump, Justa and a few others LOL>> I'm going to catch when I go over to the bills board...

good post
go_fins said:
EDIT: You could have made your point without the personal attacks.

First warning.


This response is directed towards who ever watches over this site and moderates it. This is the second time someone has personally tried to insult me and nothing has been done. Yet when I write "I dont think your IQ is to high" you guys bleep it out. Something needs to be done. :fire:

Why don't you just report the post next time. Then action can be taken without us having to happen upon the post first. Contrary to what some might think, we do have lives outside this site. It's volunteer work.

I'll add to this that I don't give a rats a$$ about how good or bad a teams fans are considered by other fans. I live in MASS and I try to make it down to the Pro once a year to see my beloved Dolphins and every time I've gone the place has been rockin. I will not choose a football team to root for based on the reputation of its fans. Who gives a ****.
F150&Dolfan said:
I'll add to this that I don't give a rats a$$ about how good or bad a teams fans are considered by other fans. I live in MASS and I try to make it down to the Pro once a year to see my beloved Dolphins and every time I've gone the place has been rockin. I will not choose a football team to root for based on the reputation of its fans. Who gives a ****.


DolFinatic718 said:

Let me break it down barney style for you.

I don't care what people think of Dolphins fans I will still be one until the end.
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