Omar Kelly admits he once tried to shoot a man | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Omar Kelly admits he once tried to shoot a man


Retired FinHeaven Staff
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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica
how does that guy keep a media job??? he's always unprofessional...always
Hopefully they fire him so we can get a better beat writer.

The NSA should extend their services his way.
Two things....I wonder what the limitations under the law we have here. Can we send him away? Secondly, I don't believe him for a second. He is a liar that makes **** up. He should be fired anyways because he is a lousy ass writer.
He also went on to say it was NOT self defense, but "survival" because of how rough his childhood was. Um, whether your childhood was bad or not, attempted murder is still attempted murder. I wonder if the Sun-Sentinel is aware of this?
wow, why in the world would anyone admit something like that. especially online??????? what an idiot if true. FIRE HIS ASS
He also went on to say it was NOT self defense, but "survival" because of how rough his childhood was. Um, whether your childhood was bad or not, attempted murder is still attempted murder. I wonder if the Sun-Sentinel is aware of this?

This guy been murdering journalism for years and somehow still has a job.

If what you say above is true, maybe he will finally be fired.
Omar's streed cred reality:

It was a Super Soaker and the "assault" on a classmate occurred on the way to Remedial English on the back of the Short Bus
Someone shoot the sentinel his tweet. We should get this jack ass fired.
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