Pats upset about the S. Davis TD. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Pats upset about the S. Davis TD.

FinsNCanes said:
Cause it's not like the patriots having caught many breaks..:rolleyes:

1. That has nothing to do with the question he was asked

2. By "caught breaks" you mean that the refs decide to give us free calls? give me a break.

3. Nice way to spin it so there is another arguement instead of realizing that the press, which you all hate at your convienent times, made a story out of nothing.
Dirtywater said:
1. That has nothing to do with the question he was asked

2. By "caught breaks" you mean that the refs decide to give us free calls? give me a break.

3. Nice way to spin it so there is another arguement instead of realizing that the press, which you all hate at your convienent times, made a story out of nothing.

Cause I'm sure that doesn't happen in the NFL. . . :rofl3:

You watch football you should know. There are a lot of times where you sit there and watch the replay and just wonder "Are you ****ing kidding me?". I can't remember what game it was last Sunday but there was a PI call on one guy and it was quite obvious he didn't even touch him.
FinsNCanes said:
Cause I'm sure that doesn't happen in the NFL. . . :rofl3:

You watch football you should know. There are a lot of times where you sit there and watch the replay and just wonder "Are you ****ing kidding me?". I can't remember what game it was last Sunday but there was a PI call on one guy and it was quite obvious he didn't even touch him.

No, I understand that, and I'm not arguing that point. All I was here to say was that the press made a story out of a non-stroy. Very similar to the Nick Saban doesn't want fans to boo his team. It's not like he just came out with that. A reporter asked him a question which he gave an answer to.

That's all.

Just know that he didn't come to the podium and start a rant on this. It was part of an answer to a question where he stated he had lobbied for this in the past and the NFL passed on it.
FaninPatsyLand said:
I just keep picturing Rodney Harrison ripping off someone's helmet (Davis or Foster?) and then having the cajones to b*tch to the refs about the call. :lol:

Typical Rodney Harrison, what a baby.
I believe it was Foster. I thought that was f'ed up too. You see DIRTYwater, Rodney is a dirty player week in and week out. He even showed us how much of a crybaby he is for the umpteenth time. Your stupid rants last week about RH not being a dirty player or a crybaby was proved once again that he is indeed both a dirty player and a crybaby. :lol: YOU LOSE!! HAHA

I'm afraid you'll lose, if there is any more name calling from your account-mod
Dirtywater said:
No, I understand that, and I'm not arguing that point. All I was here to say was that the press made a story out of a non-stroy. Very similar to the Nick Saban doesn't want fans to boo his team. It's not like he just came out with that. A reporter asked him a question which he gave an answer to.

That's all.

Just know that he didn't come to the podium and start a rant on this. It was part of an answer to a question where he stated he had lobbied for this in the past and the NFL passed on it.
:cry: :cry: :cry: Rodney and Billy, two peas in a pod or is that three? Are you in there too DIRTYwater??? :lol:
washFin84 said:
:cry: :cry: :cry: Rodney and Billy, two peas in a pod or is that three? Are you in there too pisswater??? :lol:

I have no idea why you are personally attacking me here. I never called you any names or taunted a fight in this thread. I simply was clarifying the point. If you want to taunt me, and provke a fight, please go to the Depths threads.

Please read the explanation for a clarifiaction of the quote. No need to attack me.
Dirtywater said:
I have no idea why you are personally attacking me here. I never called you any names or taunted a fight in this thread. I simply was clarifying the point. If you want to taunt me, and provke a fight, please go to the Depths threads.

Please read the explanation for a clarifiaction of the quote. No need to attack me.
:lol: No attack there, just clarifying the point that Billy and Rodney are both indeed crybabies, a continuation from our discussion last week. Don't get defensive.
washFin84 said:
:lol: No attack there, just clarifying the point that Billy and Rodney are both indeed crybabies, a continuation from our discussion last week. Don't get defensive.

Yes, calling me "pisswater" is an attack. Read your TOS.

As far as our older discussions, why keep bringing them up to tauntme into a fight? I don't get it. This is a new subject.
Belichick does have a point.....but since it was Pats thast did get hosed, I don't mind :D

Dirtywater said:

You all take the it out of context and then claim Belichick is "complaining." Learn what happened before you all get your panties in a bunch.

He was asked by a reporter about that specifically and said he indeed had wanted those cameras in the past. Never brought it up himself, just said in the past he had lobbied for them and was denied.

ESPN ran the answer as though Belichick brought that up himself about the TD.

Yikes, talk about fabricating a story. Next.
Did you even entertain the possibility that the reporter was requested to ask that particular question? It happens in politics so it wouldn't surprise me that was Belichicks way of reitterating his gripe.
so-long-Ricky said:
Belichick does have a point.....but since it was Pats thast did get hosed, I don't mind :D

Did you even entertain the possibility that the reporter was requested to ask that particular question? It happens in politics so it wouldn't surprise me that was Belichicks way of reitterating his gripe.

I guess. I wasn't there so I can't comment on that. But I am simply pointing out how the quote originated, which by how the media portrays it, wasn't correct.
nephinsfan said:
they are going to get creamed in Pitt. to..heh heh...the 1-2 Patises....I love it

Great. Are you that starved for smack talk that you need to bring it into ths thread and this forum? You have a smack forum here, so take the smack there.

not starved for smack. I leave that to the girls in dorchester.:lol:

I just love watching the patsies lose and seeing that "some one just shot my dog look" BRady's face. Then to see all the "long time" (yeah right) patsy fans give every excuse in the book for not winning the game. it was this it was that....they could have challenged, they didnt, too bad.

I was just waiting to see when willie was going to fake and injury again or Rodney was going to step on someones hand or kick them in the head while they were down. but he would never do anything like that......I mean, not a wholesome clean player Ol' rodney ........

I cant wait, give it a few years the pats will return to their losing ways and all the hats and shirts and flags and stickers will disapear once again and all the Hardcore fans that never knew anything about them til 01 but claim they have been fans for ever and a day will break out their red sox hats and forget all about their beloved patsies!
nephinsfan said:
not starved for smack. I leave that to the girls in dorchester.:lol:

I just love watching the patsies lose and seeing that "some one just shot my dog look" BRady's face. Then to see all the "long time" (yeah right) patsy fans give every excuse in the book for not winning the game. it was this it was that....they could have challenged, they didnt, too bad.

I was just waiting to see when willie was going to fake and injury again or Rodney was going to step on someones hand or kick them in the head while they were down. but he would never do anything like that......I mean, not a wholesome clean player Ol' rodney ........

I cant wait, give it a few years the pats will return to their losing ways and all the hats and shirts and flags and stickers will disapear once again and all the Hardcore fans that never knew anything about them til 01 but claim they have been fans for ever and a day will break out their red sox hats and forget all about their beloved patsies!

Cool. At least you're not bitter. ;)
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