SMITH BACK IN FRISCO: per nfl network. | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

SMITH BACK IN FRISCO: per nfl network.

A few people in this thread are indeed making him the bad guy. WildBill3 just advocated severing all business ties with him, which would presumably mean cutting any Dolphins players he represents.

I'm not sure how these agents can represent all these players without a conflict of interest. Sorry it doesn't add up to me.
you think he doesnt have to go home before he moves? either way.. If he like miami or not he has to go home.

-Real life problems.

Like I said, no, IMO if he already decided to sign with the Phins he would not return to San Fran. I think he would stay in Miami, sign the contract, and then return home to get all his ****.

I hope I'm wrong though.
Nothing will change here until Ross axes Ireland, gets a GM that can run the FO and work with his coach and Ross steps back let things happen and STFU

What evidence do you have that Ireland isn't working with Philbin? I mean, Ireland did in fact hire the man!
Personally im glad Smith is back in San Fran. If we would have signed him we would not miss Marshall one bit because he cant throw to his receivers at all. We would have had to trade for Vernon Davis lol
Meh....I could careless about Alex Smith, the only reason I wanted Miami to sign him was to shove it in Harbaugh's ass but not at some absurd price he isn't worth it.
Leverage. Smith isn't coming here.

Exactly...he's a West Coast guy all the way. His wife used to cheer for the Raiders as well. People don't understand - it's real hard to get a person from Cali to go east for a job. He's got his old job back now, Peyton isn't coming, and Harbaugh is probably blowing his phone up and filling his head up with all he needs to hear to get over the Peyton flirtation. (Something it seems Philbin/Ireland don't know how to do yet - how to seduce players.)

I'm sure Harbaugh wants to ride with him another year or two at least.
KEEP MOORE....he is virtually the same exact player as A. Smith...lest we forget that Smith was a certified bust for the past 7 seasons...ridiculous to pay that kind of guy 8-10 million when you have the same thing in Moore..lets see what Moore can do with a full season and an actual REAL coaching staff...i say we draft offense offense offense...something like Michael Floyd/Dwayne Allen/Chris Givens the first 3 rounds and we will be on track to running a WCO
NFLN just said Alex Smith is VERY unhappy with the lack of loyalty from SF. We are still in it. Condon is working on a contract with Dolphins today.

Lmao and if you actually buy that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Cheap. Don't set yourself up to be disppointed when some dickbag like Schefter or La Canfora tweets out that Smith re-signed with San Fran sometime later tonight. Its a leverage play bro. Plain and simple.
The guy who's had 1 good year and has always fallen short of expectations qualifying for that kind of payday? Please (as in now that the Princess Homewrecker decided to go elsewhere, "please" get over your butthurtedness and resign with SF) . Not an appreciable upgrade over Moore.
Lmao and if you actually buy that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Cheap. Don't set yourself up to be disppointed when some dickbag like Schefter or La Canfora tweets out that Smith re-signed with San Fran sometime later tonight. Its a leverage play bro. Plain and simple.

Exactly! What a farce....

But wait, Smith must be REALLY 'unhappy', Schefter put 'VERY' in all caps and italicized it.....we are in it guys!! [Sarcasm]
I feel bad for fellow dolphins fans...but WOW do I feel bad for Philbin. He deserves better than this garbage acquiring "talent" for him
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