The Official 2006 New York Yankees Thread! | Page 140 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Official 2006 New York Yankees Thread!

Phantom said:
The Yankees once again will be trying to buy every big name talent and overpaying for the services of mediocre talent.......... And the reason they need a salary cap in baseball, is not because of who winds up winning the world series, it's to give the other 20+ teams who have no chance of making the playoffs a chance........

add a cap and the teams with the $15 mill and $30 mill payrolls will still have them. They won't come near the cap limit. Those teams STILL won't have a chance.
ChambersWI said:
how close is Phil Hughes to pitching in the Majors?

realisticly you could see him middle to end of next year. I guess there is an outside chance if he has a nice spring and nice offseason he could be there on day 1 next year, but the perfect storm would have to take place for that.

You will see him next season at some point though. Most of the everyday starters for the Yanks felt he was ready last year in February!!!!!!! NY is playing it very smart with him though. They aren't going to screw this up. Cashman has the power now, the ole' days of Geroge running these things are gone. Hughes isn't that far off I expect at some point next season you see him.
ChambersWI said:
how close is Phil Hughes to pitching in the Majors?

I think the Yankees should bring him up next year to be a 5th starter. It's time for the young arms to step up in this organization and time for the Yankees to sign younger pitching. Everyone else brings up their 20/21/22 year old pitcher, why can't the Yankees? I know people may think this is harsh and over-reacting to yesterday's loss but I think the Yankees should buyout Randy and let Moose walk and not re-sign him. Randy is done and why should we re-sign he can get old on us in a big spot like Randy?
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
I think the Yankees should bring him up next year to be a 5th starter. It's time for the young arms to step up in this organization and time for the Yankees to sign younger pitching. Everyone else brings up their 20/21/22 year old pitcher, why can't the Yankees? I know people may think this is harsh and over-reacting to yesterday's loss but I think the Yankees should buyout Randy and let Moose walk and not re-sign him. Randy is done and why should we re-sign he can get old on us in a big spot like Randy?

Moose might be gone. But they aren't buying out Randy. That is so unrealistic its not even worth going on about. Espicially with Pinella coming in. He is a Randy guy
MikeO said:
Moose might be gone. But they aren't buying out Randy. That is so unrealistic its not even worth going on about. Espicially with Pinella coming in. He is a Randy guy

Who the **** cares what Lou Pinella wants. Managing isn't the problem with this team it's guys with no hearts and guts (Randy, Farnsworth, Wright, A-Rod, ect) and old farts breaking down at the end of the year. Randy's back goes, Mussina injures his groin or whatever at the end of the year and we should stick with these guys? As I said, we're most likely not going to buy out Randy BUT WE SHOULD. If A-Rod is the anti-clutch for hitters in the Yankees last few post-seasons then Randy is the anti-clutch pitcher. I think it's time the Yankees go younger instead of older. No more signing 37 year old Sheffield's and 40 year old Randy Johnson's, it's time to sign young guys (especially pitchers). Bye to Sheffield, Bye to Mussina, Bye to Wright, Bye to A-Rod though a trade, bye to all the guys that can't cut it. This team has had 3 years to to get the job done and they haven't, time to cut the dead weight. Lou Pinella isn't going to answer all these questions marks by yelling and acting a fool because guys will turn that off quick, especially on this team. This team needs to get younger, period and that means by going after guys like Zito and not guys like we have been going for in the past. It's going to be a long off-season but everyone putting this on Joe with a 200 million dollar payroll are just looking for a scapegoat. Their wasn't one managerial move in this playoffs that you can look back at and say "That cost us the game." You can talk about the pulling Wang move but that didn't cost us the game and you can argue about keeping Moose in for the 7th in game 2 but he only had like 80 pitches heading into that inning so why should he pull him? It's not Joe's fault that a bunch of guys not named Posada, Matsui, Jeter, and Abreu decided that they were going to play dead in the biggest games of the year despite what many may think. Was Joe Torre yelling at the Yankees going to make A-Rod hit? I doubt it!
Ray Finkle said:

Fair enough. I just hope you paid the cab fair.

who said the night was over after it happened. It was nap time for her, computer time for me.

Had to get our energy back!
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
Who the **** cares what Lou Pinella wants.

If your gonna hand him the keys to the car ya gotta let him have some say in matters.

He isn't going to take the job an be a puppet.
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
Their wasn't one managerial move in this playoffs that you can look back at and say "That cost us the game." You can talk about the pulling Wang move but that didn't cost us the game and you can argue about keeping Moose in for the 7th in game 2 but he only had like 80 pitches heading into that inning so why should he pull him? It's not Joe's fault that a bunch of guys not named Posada, Matsui, Jeter, and Abreu decided that they were going to play dead in the biggest games of the year despite what many may think. Was Joe Torre yelling at the Yankees going to make A-Rod hit? I doubt it!

Joe should have pitched Wang yesterday on 3 days rest. Season on the line, you don't give the ball to Wright!! Hand it to your ace. Not only did he not pitch Wang, he didn't even bring him to Detroit, he left him in NY!!!!!!!
MikeO said:
Joe should have pitched Wang yesterday on 3 days rest. Season on the line, you don't give the ball to Wright!! Hand it to your ace. Not only did he not pitch Wang, he didn't even bring him to Detroit, he left him in NY!!!!!!!

:sidelol: :sidelol:

Your really reaching on this one MikeO aren't you, trying to find anything you can to put some blame on Torre. Yeah that's smart MikeO, let's throw Wang on 3 days rest despite the fact that he threw 93 pitches his prior start and already was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over his career high in inning's pitched. Let's risk our best pitcher who has already done everything the Yankees could possibly ask from him to try to win a game that wouldn't be a gurantee to win even if he started. C'mon man you know why the Yankees lost this series and at the end of the day, as average to bad as this pitching staff was, they lost because the bats died. 20 straight innings without a run. Even Wang on 3 days rest couldn't stop that!

By the way Mike, this isn't a knock on you because I like you and we get along good compared to how we both get along with others on this board but you know as well as anyone that the Yankees bats not producing was the reason why they lost this series!
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
Your really reaching on this one MikeO aren't you, trying to find anything you can to put some blame on Torre. Yeah that's smart MikeO, let's throw Wang on 3 days rest despite the fact that he threw 93 pitches his prior start and already was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over his career high in inning's pitched. Let's risk our best pitcher who has already done everything the Yankees could possibly ask from him to try to win a game that wouldn't be a gurantee to win even if he started. C'mon man you know why the Yankees lost this series and at the end of the day, as average to bad as this pitching staff was, they lost because the bats died. 20 straight innings without a run. Even Wang on 3 days rest couldn't stop that!

By the way Mike, this isn't a knock on you because I like you and we get along good compared to how we both get along with others on this board but you know as well as anyone that the Yankees bats not producing was the reason why they lost this series!

Of course the bats are why we lost. But in big games, big players must do big things. The list of pitchers who threw on 3 days rest in the playoffs is so long I won't even begin to name it. Wang should have at the very least been in the city/stadium!!!!! And its overrated that throwing on 3 days rest is some impossible thing. And when my other options are Wright (only gonna give ya 5 innings on a good day) and Corey Lidel.......Wang on 3 days rest isn't so bad!

You had a better chance of getting 5 quality innings out of Wang on 3 days rest than with Jaret Wright!! And I don't think a whole 24 hours of rest would have ended Wang's career. It isn't like they ask him to do it all the time. Just once!!
Prime Time said:
Sorry MikeO, Baseball needs a cap.

1) No it doesn't

2) Ain't gonna happen in our lifetime!
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