The Official Lakers run for Championship #15 | Page 13 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The Official Lakers run for Championship #15

azfinfanmang said:
....yeah, almost as good as the last game of last years Pacific division playoffs:wink:

Hey I was proud our scrubs pushed the suns to game 7. If anything the suns should be disappointed for not making it to the finals.
Amars said:
Hey I was proud our scrubs pushed the suns to game 7. If anything the suns should be disappointed for not making it to the finals.

and now those same scrubbs are starting hot. BUT its a long season, and you're guys are gonna run out of gas. I enjoy watching Kobe throw it up all night long...aint gonna get it done that way..just wont happen.
azfinfanmang said:
and now those same scrubbs are starting hot. BUT its a long season, and you're guys are gonna run out of gas. I enjoy watching Kobe throw it up all night long...aint gonna get it done that way..just wont happen.

Yeah whatever hater. Anyway, this team still hasn't really shown much on the road yet this year. I think they are 2-3 with one win coming at Staples against the Clips. They hav a six game road trip coming up and that will be the first real gauge for this team. I believe in these young guys. I believe I can fly.
azfinfanmang said:
and now those same scrubbs are starting hot. BUT its a long season, and you're guys are gonna run out of gas. I enjoy watching Kobe throw it up all night long...aint gonna get it done that way..just wont happen.

Granted these guy have alot to prove given the fact how young they are. Avg age of the team is 25yrs old. Just makes for good trade value for KG. And BTW how many championship has the Suns won. Nuff said.
azfinfanmang said:
and now those same scrubbs are starting hot. BUT its a long season, and you're guys are gonna run out of gas. I enjoy watching Kobe throw it up all night long...aint gonna get it done that way..just wont happen.

C'mon az I doubt you've seen many Lakers games this season to make that statement.Kobe is spreading the ball around and getting his teamates involved.Hell it's like watching a real team play.Yes Kobe will take over games at times,all the greats do.Give the young man credit I think he's finally figured out the "team" concept.But if your just a hater,sorry I wasted my time.

Oh and last time I checked your Phoenix Suns and I have the same amount of championships...:tongue:
PHINATIC13 said:
It will be a good early test for my Lakers Dre.Hoping Kobe plays,he didn't against the Hawks last night.No excuses if he doesn't it's a team game.
Game should be good...Walton and Odom are viable.Hows the bench looking?
Dre3000 said:
Game should be good...Walton and Odom are viable.Hows the bench looking?

up and down...I like seeing Luke come in off the bench,Farmar brings speed to my Lakers....I love the althletism of Mo far I'm a little disappointed with Rad (Radmanovic) so far,but maybe he's got to get use to Phil's triangle O.I know it's early in the season but I like the way the Lakers are playing really good "team" basketball(yes even Kobe).Sasha's a little too inconsistant still back a good back up and Bynum though he's talented still has a lot to learn,especially on D.The Lakers are very young I like the direction we're heading in.
PHINATIC13 said:
up and down...I like seeing Luke come in off the bench,Farmar brings speed to my Lakers....I love the althletism of Mo far I'm a little disappointed with Rad (Radmanovic) so far,but maybe he's got to get use to Phil's triangle O.I know it's early in the season but I like the way the Lakers are playing really good "team" basketball(yes even Kobe).Sasha's a little too inconsistant still back a good back up and Bynum though he's talented still has a lot to learn,especially on D.The Lakers are very young I like the direction we're heading in.

Well they better be ready to defend,because our bench is averaging almost as many points as the starters these last few games.As a whole the Lakers better be ready,because with the Spurs averaging over 100 points a game and only giving up 83 or so,it could get ugly.Especially without Kobe.
PHINATIC13 said:
up and down...I like seeing Luke come in off the bench,Farmar brings speed to my Lakers....I love the althletism of Mo far I'm a little disappointed with Rad (Radmanovic) so far,but maybe he's got to get use to Phil's triangle O.I know it's early in the season but I like the way the Lakers are playing really good "team" basketball(yes even Kobe).Sasha's a little too inconsistant still back a good back up and Bynum though he's talented still has a lot to learn,especially on D.The Lakers are very young I like the direction we're heading in.

To add: I don't see this as an an "automatic win". I mean Bowen usually does well against Kobe (if he plays),so I think we should be OK. I actually worry more about Lamar Odom. It'll be interesting to see how Bynum does against our front line.
Almost gametime.

Lakers better come to play tonight. Defense Defense Defense is the key. Also lets hope we dont kill ourself with turnovers. I dont know the status of Kobe yet.
Lakers looking good. Good Half. Andrew Bynum is shutting down Tim Duncan. Have to stop Ginobli.
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