(UPDATE: Wilson Waived) Dolphins Trade For Isaiah Wilson | Page 63 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

(UPDATE: Wilson Waived) Dolphins Trade For Isaiah Wilson

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Amen to this. Most of my employees make six figures and I guarantee you if they made 7 or 8 figures annually like these pro athletes do I'd have a lot more to say about what they're doing off work hours. As is we have an understanding to be on stage at all times so some things these nfl guys do wouldn't even be a thought
Hello sir I would like to interview with your company
If i own a company, I care less about what my employees do at their off time. As long as they make company money and bring no damage to the company.
So how should we define "damage"? That might be what this thread should be about. I don't care too much about the arguing that has happened here for 60+ pages because it's all spin anyway. I don't quite have the high marks for Flores and Grier on this one that so many want to give them. We traded a 7th round pick for this guy (yes, we are able to get it back in a year) and I don't believe any one else did have an offer for Wilson. To me, it says the Dolphins are still desperate to find talent any way possible because they still are questionable at being able to draft it. You can agree or not but that's still my take. I always feel like we overdraft players - taking them a round or two too early, drafting a position out of desperation rather than taking best player available when our time to pick comes up, etc.

Am I wrong? No one can tell me that I truly am - at best you can tell me my conclusion is incomplete - that the jury is still out on this, on Grier etc. How about free agency? Anyone loving what we did last year as much now as we seemed to like it a year ago? If you say yes, you're either fooling yourself or a liar. I actually feel better about this year as our contracts are shorter and the money much less for guys we're taking a flyer on - and yes - that's what free agency is - a flyer just like all talent acquisition turns out to be. Meanwhile, the "Dolphins" get to have their name, brand, etc. tied to Mr. Wilson for all eternity as we felt the need to tie assets to him all in the name of getting our hands on him and kicking the tires. Agree or disagree, it really doesn't matter to me. Now.......

Sorry I took a while to get to this but again, this is what this is all about....."perception" or "damage". How is it defined? It's not set in stone at all. And it's amazing to me that it's viewed so differently. It usually depends on your generation as to how you feel about something. I saw something some years ago that bothered the hell out of me and almost made be give up fandom. I think about it to this day and I'm amazed how it still makes me furious. I saw the great Odell Beckham catch a touchdown for the New York Giants in a day game at Philadelphia. He then proceeded to emulate pissing like a dog in their end zone. I was shocked at it (and have seen it happen with others since as well, but that's another matter) and couldn't believe what I had witnessed. What shocked me even more? That so many people had absolutely NO PROBLEM with his actions whatsoever. DISCLOSURE: I'm kind of old but you've probably guessed this already. I was furious and I really hoped that the Giants were equally furious and that this Beckham action got the ball rolling on Big Blue ridding themselves of this individual from their organization. Oh, he's got talent so you can't do that. --- Bullshyt! The guy should be gone! Plus it sends the proper message to the others who wear the uniform that this won't be tolerated. So he became Cleveland's problem....soon he'll be someone else's problem (I can only PRAY that it's not US but I'll hold my breath).

So again, back to the question: what is "damage"? Did Beckham cause the Giants organization, brand, etc. "damage" by acting like a urinating idiot? Many people thought that it was "cute". I continue to be stunned by this. Seeing the apathy towards what he did made me realize that I truly am old and am in the minority on how people look at things these days. Younger people will read this (or maybe they won't) and just roll their eyes that someone would care enough to write something this long on the matter. But yes folks, how you act - on the job and off - does matter. How you conduct yourself does matter, does have consequences and while it's not illegal for someone to dance on the hood of their car shirtless, it might convey to the people who you should be going out of your way to impress that you still just don't get it. OK, I'm done. I feel better now.
You may be one of hundreds of million people who can do your job. That means there is far less risk in letting you go and finding another person to fill your role.

Starting caliber RTs...how many of them are there in the world?
The NFL has been in business for 100 years and there has never been a problem for them finding players at any position. Obviously some players are better than other players but that happens in every business.
We are all nothing but cogs in the machine and we all are easily replaceable and that includes every player in every sport. I have never seen a sport go out of business simply because a player retires or is cut.

Based on the fact this immature individual seems to have no interest in playing in the NFL , I certainly wouldn’t use the term, “starting caliber RT” when referring to him. He is merely another former college player who doesn’t have the work ethic to make it in the NFL and those type players are easily replaceable.
Character, reputation, and public perception mean a lot in my industry...
May be in your industry. In NFL, if worst case, he pay and settle, what damage will he bring to the team? except in your eyes.
The NFL has been in business for 100 years and there has never been a problem for them finding players at any position. Obviously some players are better than other players but that happens in every business.
We are all nothing but cogs in the machine and we all are easily replaceable and that includes every player in every sport. I have never seen a sport go out of business simply because a player retires or is cut.

Based on the fact this immature individual seems to have no interest in playing in the NFL , I certainly wouldn’t use the term, “starting caliber RT” when referring to him. He is merely another former college player who doesn’t have the work ethic to make it in the NFL and those type players are easily replaceable.
I'm talking about 3/20/21...

How many starting caliber RT's are there. Compare that tp what you do for a living and you'll see why you would walk a little more gingerly around your boss than a person like Wilson would.
So how should we define "damage"? That might be what this thread should be about. I don't care too much about the arguing that has happened here for 60+ pages because it's all spin anyway. I don't quite have the high marks for Flores and Grier on this one that so many want to give them. We traded a 7th round pick for this guy (yes, we are able to get it back in a year) and I don't believe any one else did have an offer for Wilson. To me, it says the Dolphins are still desperate to find talent any way possible because they still are questionable at being able to draft it. You can agree or not but that's still my take. I always feel like we overdraft players - taking them a round or two too early, drafting a position out of desperation rather than taking best player available when our time to pick comes up, etc.

Am I wrong? No one can tell me that I truly am - at best you can tell me my conclusion is incomplete - that the jury is still out on this, on Grier etc. How about free agency? Anyone loving what we did last year as much now as we seemed to like it a year ago? If you say yes, you're either fooling yourself or a liar. I actually feel better about this year as our contracts are shorter and the money much less for guys we're taking a flyer on - and yes - that's what free agency is - a flyer just like all talent acquisition turns out to be. Meanwhile, the "Dolphins" get to have their name, brand, etc. tied to Mr. Wilson for all eternity as we felt the need to tie assets to him all in the name of getting our hands on him and kicking the tires. Agree or disagree, it really doesn't matter to me. Now.......

Sorry I took a while to get to this but again, this is what this is all about....."perception" or "damage". How is it defined? It's not set in stone at all. And it's amazing to me that it's viewed so differently. It usually depends on your generation as to how you feel about something. I saw something some years ago that bothered the hell out of me and almost made be give up fandom. I think about it to this day and I'm amazed how it still makes me furious. I saw the great Odell Beckham catch a touchdown for the New York Giants in a day game at Philadelphia. He then proceeded to emulate pissing like a dog in their end zone. I was shocked at it (and have seen it happen with others since as well, but that's another matter) and couldn't believe what I had witnessed. What shocked me even more? That so many people had absolutely NO PROBLEM with his actions whatsoever. DISCLOSURE: I'm kind of old but you've probably guessed this already. I was furious and I really hoped that the Giants were equally furious and that this Beckham action got the ball rolling on Big Blue ridding themselves of this individual from their organization. Oh, he's got talent so you can't do that. --- Bullshyt! The guy should be gone! Plus it sends the proper message to the others who wear the uniform that this won't be tolerated. So he became Cleveland's problem....soon he'll be someone else's problem (I can only PRAY that it's not US but I'll hold my breath).

So again, back to the question: what is "damage"? Did Beckham cause the Giants organization, brand, etc. "damage" by acting like a urinating idiot? Many people thought that it was "cute". I continue to be stunned by this. Seeing the apathy towards what he did made me realize that I truly am old and am in the minority on how people look at things these days. Younger people will read this (or maybe they won't) and just roll their eyes that someone would care enough to write something this long on the matter. But yes folks, how you act - on the job and off - does matter. How you conduct yourself does matter, does have consequences and while it's not illegal for someone to dance on the hood of their car shirtless, it might convey to the people who you should be going out of your way to impress that you still just don't get it. OK, I'm done. I feel better now.
This is my definition of 'damage' in the context of me running a company
Dont dring lawsuit to my company
Don't bring down sales

Nothing more, nothing less. Pretty simple really.
May be in your industry. In NFL, if worst case, he pay and settle, what damage will he bring to the team? except in your eyes.
Guess that would say a lot about a team if they didn't care about public perception. The NFL certainly does a lot to influence and protect their brand. There are many prime examples of this in recent times that we do not need to discuss but I think everyone can figure it out. The NFL has lost a noticeable amount of viewership over the past few years, so yes, public perception does matter. I'd say he's caused a decent amount of embarrassment to the team and himself. It's obviously it's not only in my eyes, plenty of people are talking about it here in our minuscule slice of society.
Waste of talent. Hey, at least Miami didn't spend a year figuring out that Wilson lacked the professionalism or work ethic, etc.

It's a really strong draft for RT's if Miami thinks Hunt is better suited inside.
Guess that would say a lot about a team if they didn't care about public perception. The NFL certainly does a lot to influence and protect their brand. There are many prime examples of this in recent times that we do not need to discuss but I think everyone can figure it out. The NFL has lost a noticeable amount of viewership over the past few years, so yes, public perception does matter. I'd say he's caused a decent amount of embarrassment to the team and himself. It's obviously it's not only in my eyes, plenty of people are talking about it here in our minuscule slice of society.
Xavien Howard is a woman beating, assassination team sending...All Pro CB.

The Phins could care less about public perception if the player can flat out play.
This is my definition of 'damage' in the context of me running a company
Dont dring lawsuit to my company
Don't bring down sales

Nothing more, nothing less. Pretty simple really.
Oh, that's it? Just don't affect the bottom line? Oh, I wasn't aware that this was all that mattered. So if one of your employees goes out and kills someone, he's still got a job with you? If you don't mind, before you answer, try to give it some thought Mr. Simple.
...So again, back to the question: what is "damage"? Did Beckham cause the Giants organization, brand, etc. "damage" by acting like a urinating idiot? Many people thought that it was "cute". I continue to be stunned by this. Seeing the apathy towards what he did made me realize that I truly am old and am in the minority on how people look at things these days....

What OBJ did w/ NYG was self-absorbed and shortsighted.

Partying w/ J Bieber is just plain sad.

I'm writing some of this off as a generational thing. After all, millennials and Gen Z seem to think social media influencer is an actual, legit vocation.

On a tangent, A buddy and I like to refer to CB & WR as the diva positions. We noticed clear back in 2008 that the hip hop mentality had fully enveloped the nba and would eventually consume the NFL... it had by 2015.
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