After Chargers loss, Bush heads to a L.A. club | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

After Chargers loss, Bush heads to a L.A. club

Let them Party every day, we need to go 0-16...every loss is a victory!SUCK 4 LUCK
Bush can do whatever the hell he wants he is a grown man, he has done all the right things since coming to the phins, busting his *** in practice, staying 2hrs after practice and dragging the sleds, having some teammates over for dinner, sending out text messages and telling everybody to step up, it's not his fault daboll and sparano have absolutely no clue how to use him and continue to pound him up the middle, if I was on an 0-4 team and stuck in daboll's bum a** offense I would wanna go out and get a drink too!
He's not known to stay at home on off days here in SD. He's always going out.
Not a big deal especially since this is his home turf. In fact, between the players, FO, coaches, owner and many of the fans, Reggie seems like one of the few actually putting forth any effort or caring about winning. To be on the Luck sucking bandwagon and complain about Reggie on his night off hitting a club or two is more than a little disingenuous.
You're right that was a bit impulsive by me however my worn out mindset is not impulsive or bandwagoning. It is due to not drafting a QB high when we needed to for 12 years now. Having been a member of this site since 05 and a fons fan sonce the 90s I deserve the right to be livid with where we are. 7-9 is not going to get us a QB but 0-16 shpuld as long as Ireland is fired at the end of the year too.
Further, he's from there...I don't see the issue.
Yea really let the man enjoy his life . I like to go to the club and have a few drinks friday night after I get off work, does that make me a bad employee ? WTF haha our team is trash anyway
If I was an NFL player and visiting LA, Id probably hit the town after the game too. Why not? Anyone really believe that Bush hitting a couple clubs on Sunday night (Monday is a day off) is any harm at all? Im glad my employers have never held me to that standard.
players partying after losses... cheerleaders posing nekkid on The Dirty... team circling the sh*tter... thanks so much for coming, Mr. Ross.
players partying after losses... cheerleaders posing nekkid on The Dirty... team circling the sh*tter... thanks so much for coming, Mr. Ross.

Link to naked cheerleaders please

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I dont mean to offend anyone so I apologize ahead of time if my response does. Also, I myself am not perfect and have done many of the things I will say below are wrong...but my point still stands.


Many of the negative responses in this thread are a perfect example of how some fans just dont get it.

At the end of the day, these players and this organization is its own corporate entity, its a business and it has employee's.

That they play a 'game' is just the end product.

Its a business and Bush is an employee of that business.

Win or lose, he goes home to his paycheck and millions of dollars. Very few are the players (just like in our 'real lives') that care enough to let it really hurt them. Most that act hurt are only hurt because a poor performance = less money down the road or due to performance clauses less money. It wont have anything to do with "rah! rah! rah! I love my team!".

Some fans get wrapped up into this hoopla too much and almost make an imaginary friend out of the team and believe that the team cares about them and that they should care about the team in an undying manner. the end...again its just a corporation. One that doesnt give a crap about you personally. That they give to charities is great and all as long as you understand they do it just like ANY multi-million dollar corporation does (for tax purposes etc.) or hell even the smaller corporations/companies do. Again, not to lump them ALL into this line but 99% of them, yes, 1% might actually do it because they want to help the cause they are donating too sincerely and even then...they may still ask for that receipt.

So all in all, that he went to WORK, and after WORK, he decided to go have some fun isnt a big deal. Anymore than YOU, the average person, doing the samething one night.

Now, if you want to believe that somehow getting stressed, depressed and really hurting inside (maybe outside if you've punched something) due to anything this team does is beneficial to you...well...I cant help you...maybe you need to speak with someone with a degree in dealing with such things.

Because YOU, the average person and fan needs to go live your life and stop being basically brainwashed by this corporate entity. Its EXACTLY what they want. They WANT you to care so much that you buy their merchandise and go to the games and blow your paycheck. THEY want that, just like any corporation would want you to do. They want YOUR money. Simple as that.

What the average person/fan needs to accept is that in the end that is what they are, a business. They are NOT your friends, kids, wives, relatives etc. (you know the real people in your lives that do care about you).

So my point is...go live your lives and be HAPPY. Be happy that your alive, that you have your health (hopefully) and that you can look forward to a better tomorrow.

/end public service announcement

(AGAIN, I sincerely apologize if anything I said offends ANYONE. I know some might suggest that I dont have to apologize for giving an opinion, however, I know that many are die-hard fans and may feel slighted by the things I said, as I said before I am not perfect either, so nonetheless if anything I said offends you, I apologize as that was not my intent.)
I dont mean to offend anyone so I apologize ahead of time if my response does. Also, I myself am not perfect and have done many of the things I will say below are wrong...but my point still stands.


Many of the negative responses in this thread are a perfect example of how some fans just dont get it.

At the end of the day, these players and this organization is its own corporate entity, its a business and it has employee's.

That they play a 'game' is just the end product.

Its a business and Bush is an employee of that business.

Win or lose, he goes home to his paycheck and millions of dollars. Very few are the players (just like in our 'real lives') that care enough to let it really hurt them. Most that act hurt are only hurt because a poor performance = less money down the road or due to performance clauses less money. It wont have anything to do with "rah! rah! rah! I love my team!".

Some fans get wrapped up into this hoopla too much and almost make an imaginary friend out of the team and believe that the team cares about them and that they should care about the team in an undying manner. the end...again its just a corporation. One that doesnt give a crap about you personally. That they give to charities is great and all as long as you understand they do it just like ANY multi-million dollar corporation does (for tax purposes etc.) or hell even the smaller corporations/companies do. Again, not to lump them ALL into this line but 99% of them, yes, 1% might actually do it because they want to help the cause they are donating too sincerely and even then...they may still ask for that receipt.

So all in all, that he went to WORK, and after WORK, he decided to go have some fun isnt a big deal. Anymore than YOU, the average person, doing the samething one night.

Now, if you want to believe that somehow getting stressed, depressed and really hurting inside (maybe outside if you've punched something) due to anything this team does is beneficial to you...well...I cant help you...maybe you need to speak with someone with a degree in dealing with such things.

Because YOU, the average person and fan needs to go live your life and stop being basically brainwashed by this corporate entity. Its EXACTLY what they want. They WANT you to care so much that you buy their merchandise and go to the games and blow your paycheck. THEY want that, just like any corporation would want you to do. They want YOUR money. Simple as that.

What the average person/fan needs to accept is that in the end that is what they are, a business. They are NOT your friends, kids, wives, relatives etc. (you know the real people in your lives that do care about you).

So my point is...go live your lives and be HAPPY. Be happy that your alive, that you have your health (hopefully) and that you can look forward to a better tomorrow.

/end public service announcement

(AGAIN, I sincerely apologize if anything I said offends ANYONE. I know some might suggest that I dont have to apologize for giving an opinion, however, I know that many are die-hard fans and may feel slighted by the things I said, as I said before I am not perfect either, so nonetheless if anything I said offends you, I apologize as that was not my intent.)
no need to apologize. if we actually all took time to think about it, your dead on.
Isn't Bush suppose to be a leader??? Well, Now I sure hope not!

While I don't argue Bush can do whatever he wants in his down time, I would much rather have a role model player who, after a loss, decides to go back to the study room immedietley and try to fix things.

Not sure this calls for a team suspension by the Fins...but I wouldn't be opposed to one.
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