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Aj Sucks!!

inFINSible said:
Out of all the replies that have gone through my head regarding your post here....I think I'll go with, "I'm sorry."

Accepted! and forgiven.

Stubborn though you may be you love the Dolphins so that makes you my brother-in-fan.

When you are not digging your heels in on an issue you are one of the funniest and most insightful posters on this board and make coming on here fun.

I was against the trade for AJ in the beginning but once it happened I was hopeful that Rick and Dave saw something I could not in AJ and that we had gotten something over on the NFL.

Alas after watching AJ play early last year it was obvious to me he lacked something the intangibles that make good/great QBs.

He looks the part but somewhere between the heart and his head there is a disconnect which fatally flaws him.

I will have to start watching the QB class of 2006 to see who is worthy to be our QB of the future (present).
I was wrong too. I had actually compared some of the things he does and his early faults to a pretty good QB, LOL!

Yes, he sucks. Infin, nice input with both coaching staff's not wanting him, although its no excuse. We need a QB.
I'm not swallowing that Infins.

Didn't Feeley throw a 21 yard strike to Thompson in the 4th qtr....wasn't it 4th down too?

Didn't he also lead a comeback last year in the game against Cleveland where we pulled it out with a Mare field goal?

Is that enough pressure?

Feeley had a bad game on Thursday. QBs do that.
I'm hoping Feeley gets another shot somewhere else. Hopefully Dallas where they actually have a damn good offensive line and the coach expects them to do their job first and foremost.
Superself said:
I'm not swallowing that Infins.

Didn't Feeley throw a 21 yard strike to Thompson in the 4th qtr....wasn't it 4th down too?

Didn't he also lead a comeback last year in the game against Cleveland where we pulled it out with a Mare field goal?

Is that enough pressure?

Feeley had a bad game on Thursday. QBs do that.
I'm hoping Feeley gets another shot somewhere else. Hopefully Dallas where they actually have a damn good offensive line and the coach expects them to do their job first and foremost.
How many times does he have to intentionally ground the ball? Why can't he get it through his head that he can't do that? Or how many times does he have to throw it into the hands of a defender going the other way until you realize that for every good play there is at least one bad play to match it? That's not the kind of consistency I want to see.

I know QBs have bad games but, the air around this performance was particularly pungent.

When the pressure was on, he started the first game and played okay, the pressure got turned up a notch against Jacksonville because he was coming in second and felt like he need to do something more. He played poorly.

As soon as gus is "named" the starter AJ goes out and has two great games (great, for him), what happens next? He gets back into the "competition" with a chance to really take over and he presses again. Result, mistake after mistake. Conclusion: When AJ feels pressure he presses. He tries to make too many things happen but, it's not done with calculation or precision, it's done with panic and fear. And that is a sign of a lack of confidence. There is no thinking going on, he is more reaction than action.

As somebody said earlier in this thread, Idaho was his name, AJ is immature. It shows in his preparation and it shows in his ability to handle pressure.

He could get better, he could "grow up" but, if he doesn't do it this season, or at least show some signs of doing it, then he's not only going to be off this team next year but, he may not get another shot at all.

Being 28 and immature isn't a good combo for hope that he'll change but, he could, and make no mistake, he needs to.
Superself, you are in denial. I think a group of FinFans should meet you for an intervention later outside your favorite watering hole. Time for a 12 step program, let's call it "AA" for "Aj's Abysmal".

You also suggest Dallas has a "damn good offensive line", which makes me believe you smoke crack too...

Just kidding my friend. I hope the best for AJ as well, let's trade him immediately!
inFINSible said:
How many times does he have to intentionally ground the ball? Why can't he get it through his head that he can't do that? Or how many times does he have to throw it into the hands of a defender going the other way until you realize that for every good play there is at least one bad play to match it? That's not the kind of consistency I want to see.

I know QBs have bad games but, the air around this performance was particularly pungent.

When the pressure was on, he started the first game and played okay, the pressure got turned up a notch against Jacksonville because he was coming in second and felt like he need to do something more. He played poorly.

As soon as gus is "named" the starter AJ goes out and has two great games (great, for him), what happens next? He gets back into the "competition" with a chance to really take over and he presses again. Result, mistake after mistake. Conclusion: When AJ feels pressure he presses. He tries to make too many things happen but, it's not done with calculation or precision, it's done with panic and fear. And that is a sign of a lack of confidence. There is no thinking going on, he is more reaction than action.

As somebody said earlier in this thread, Idaho was his name, AJ is immature. It shows in his preparation and it shows in his ability to handle pressure.

He could get better, he could "grow up" but, if he doesn't do it this season, or at least show some signs of doing it, then he's not only going to be off this team next year but, he may not get another shot at all.

Being 28 and immature isn't a good combo for hope that he'll change but, he could, and make no mistake, he needs to.
You sound like a Gusketeer (sp) :lol:
Justasportsfan said:
You sound like a Gusketeer (sp) :lol:
Did I mention gus at all?

Another quality post from justasportsfan.

And to think, some people say you're just here to cause trouble.
inFINSible said:
How many times does he have to intentionally ground the ball? Why can't he get it through his head that he can't do that? Or how many times does he have to throw it into the hands of a defender going the other way until you realize that for every good play there is at least one bad play to match it? That's not the kind of consistency I want to see.

Not sure how many errors we have to see out of this QB before he actually GETS IT. He is still developing. Give him this year to get there.
We have seen him improve during a regular season before. There is no doubt about that. Preseason competitions are a failure. You don't get anything from them.

Which QB do you think Feeley is: The one that played poorly during this preseason.....or the one that showed improvement from game to game last year during the end of the regular season?
Superself said:
Not sure how many errors we have to see out of this QB before he actually GETS IT. He is still developing. Give him this year to get there.
We have seen him improve during a regular season before. There is no doubt about that. Preseason competitions are a failure. You don't get anything from them.

Which QB do you think Feeley is: The one that played poorly during this preseason.....or the one that showed improvement from game to game last year during the end of the regular season?

poor superself, well, i guess there's a jockey for every horse, and someone has to finish last.
Feeley and I have two things in common: (a) neither one of us is a good NFL quarterback, and (b) neither one of us will be in the league in 2 years.
Why dont they let me go out there and throw 10 int for td's so i can sleep with his girl hahaha
Austin Tatious said:
Feeley and I have two things in common: (a) neither one of us is a good NFL quarterback, and (b) neither one of us will be in the league in 2 years.

Yeah but Feeley will still be in NFL Europe or the AFL or something, while you'll be making 6 dollars an hour flipping burgers at Checkers.

We need to cut A.J. Feely. He has no potential or upside whatsoever. He didn't even play Great against New England last year. He got a couple throws off. The winning throw was just a good catch by thompson. It was a soso throw from A.J. off his back foot. He did play good enough and helped the Eagles go 4-1. Although Koy Detmer was doing the same thing before he seperated his shoulder or hurt his arm whatever the injury is. We need to just got A.J. and save the money on the cap. Maybe sign couch or some qb that is cheaper that we will not use. just like A.J.. We need to cut our losses on this failed experiment. Granted he rarely has time to throw the ball. But the same goes for Sage and he showed much more promise against a good ravens team last year than A.J. did against a horrible Browns team.

Miami Dolphins: Lets release Brian Griese which we gave up nothing for and then give up a 2nd round pick for A.J. Feely who isn't half as good. Great Idea Guys! Pure Genius.


A.J. Celebrating like he's Peyton Manning after his first win as a Dolphin. :rofl:
inFINSible said:
Did I mention gus at all?

Another quality post from justasportsfan.

And to think, some people say you're just here to cause trouble.

I was never hard pressed AGAINST Feeley nor am I one of Gus' fans, but we (Infins) finally agree. Feeley makes me hold my breath.
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