Well sorry to burst your bubbles. However, if you did a little "research" (i.e. google the author's name of that piece to begin with), you would find that the same guy that wrote that review also reviewed a book about playing the QB position on Amazon.com:
"I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the quarterback position and I have already learned vasts amounts of knowledge from this book just from reading twenty pages. I highly recommend this book for anybody who wants to learn more about football or who is looking to go into coaching. Ron Jenkins' breaks the game down into pieces that can be digested by everyday fans. I can't wait to read more.
Wade Peery"
Yes, sounds like a real Bill Walsh. I mean we are talking Mike Martz football IQ here. Didn't you find it odd that he kept referring to a highlight tape on you-tube when he mentioned specific throws in the article? Well, I have to go and read my Nuclear Physics textbook tonight, in the hopes I can spit an atom in my shower later.