And the Heisman goes to........... | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

And the Heisman goes to...........

DBoston80 said:
..right as opposed to the rational Florida fans......:lol: C'mon man
Exactly right, you see any Florida fans saying the Gators are perfect? Or saying Leak for Heisman anymore? No team is perfect, including OSU.

Don't go there. The OSU fans have every reason to be confident in their team. But theres a difference between confidence and complete arrogance.
UF Fin Kat said:
and how many people are saying brady quinn (or any ND player) is overrated because they're "media darlings?" completely ignoring what they do no the field and just basing your opinion on going against the opposite of what ESPN says. lame. way to point out things I DIDNT say to try and prove a bad point...

..I could care less about ESPN...I watch Notre Dame opinion of Brady is from what I have seen...He's good...but not great...he doesnt do everything Troy does....Troy looks like an even more accurate passer..obviously Troy is a better decision maker....Brady does nothing BETTER than Smith..maybe they are even keel on most fronts.but you can tell who the better overall player is.......
Motion said:
Exactly right, you see any Florida fans saying the Gators are perfect? Or saying Leak for Heisman anymore? No team is perfect, including OSU.

Don't go there. The OSU fans have every reason to be confident in their team. But theres a difference between confidence and complete arrogance.

Arrogance is your opinion.....there is a big difference between Facts and opinions.....

And please dont ever mention Leak and perfect within the same paragraph...
DBoston80 said: way to point out things I DIDNT say to try and prove a bad point...

..I could care less about ESPN...I watch Notre Dame opinion of Brady is from what I have seen...He's good...but not great...he doesnt do everything Troy does....Troy looks like an even more accurate passer..obviously Troy is a better decision maker....Brady does nothing BETTER than Smith..maybe they are even keel on most fronts.but you can tell who the better overall player is.......

Quinn is the better overall player. The offense I see ND run on saturdays is much more complex than the one I see OSU run. Maybe it's just the play calling, because in OSU's case if it ain't broke, why fix it? But ND obviously is running a more complex scheme most days.
DBoston80 said:
Arrogance is your opinion.....there is a big difference between Facts and opinions.....

And please dont ever mention Leak and perfect within the same paragraph...
Apparently its alot more than just my opinion. Fact is your boys have called OSU perfect in writing, thats what I'm referring too.

DBoston80 said:
Arrogance is your opinion.....there is a big difference between Facts and opinions.....

And please dont ever mention Leak and perfect within the same paragraph...

What if it says in the paragraph that Leak under intense pressure throws a perfect pass to the Auburn defender?
Frisches13283 said:
Quinn is the better overall player. The offense I see ND run on saturdays is much more complex than the one I see OSU run. Maybe it's just the play calling, because in OSU's case if it ain't broke, why fix it? But ND obviously is running a more complex scheme most days.

Ofcourse its more complex..Charlie Weiss is Notre Dame's coach and conservative Tressel's Ohio State's......

That being said there are plays Troy Smith can make that Quinn is just not capable of..I can not say there are plays Troy cant make that Brady can....Brady is a good QB but he's just not at the level of Smith..
Frisches13283 said:
What if it says in the paragraph that Leak under intense pressure throws a perfect pass to teh Aubrun defender?

That would be more accurate...alot of QB's at EVERY level crumble under defensive I dont blame a college QB for doing the same.
DBoston80 said:
Ofcourse its more complex..Charlie Weiss is Notre Dame's coach and conservative Tressel's Ohio State's......

That being said there are plays Troy Smith can make that Quinn is just not capable of..I can not say there are plays Troy cant make that Brady can....Brady is a good QB but he's just not at the level of Smith..

Athletically they might not be on the same level. But I think there are a lot of throws that Quinn can make that Troy just can't.
Frisches13283 said:
Athletically they might not be on the same level. But I think there are a lot of throws that Quinn can make that Troy just can't.

I would like to know wich ones....he throws a great deep ball..he's got the arm strength to throw deep comebacks....I just cant see wich one's.
DBoston80 said:
I would like to know wich ones....he throws a great deep ball..he's got the arm strength to throw deep comebacks....I just cant see wich one's.

It's not something I can describe. I lack the descriptive vocabulary to accurately describe the scenario, as well as the technical descriptions of certain routes vs coverages. But just watching how they throw, the velocity of the ball, the accuracy, you can see it and just be like, 'yea, no way ____ could ever make that throw consistently.'

and I wouldn't say Troy throws a great deep ball. Sure he can throw a spiral, and throw it far, but he just has to put it in front of his recievers. Normally the closest DBs on deep balls are 5 yards behind the WR and losing ground. Ginn runs like a 4.29 and Gonzo runs like a 4.4 prolly, they just run by everyone on the deep balls. He doesn't have to place the ball on the outside shoulder(or anywhere else for that matter), effectively sealing the DB from the ball, because his recievers are so fast.
Frisches13283 said:
It's not something I can describe. I lack the descriptive vocabulary to accurately describe the scenario, as well as the technical descriptions of certain routes vs coverages. But just watching how they throw, the velocity of the ball, the accuracy, you can see it and just be like, 'yea, no way ____ could ever make that throw consistently.'

and I wouldn't say Troy throws a great deep ball. Sure he can throw a spiral, and throw it far, but he just has to put it in front of his recievers. Normally the closest DBs on deep balls are 5 yards behind the WR and losing ground. Ginn runs like a 4.29 and Gonzo runs like a 4.4 prolly, they just run by everyone on the deep balls. He doesn't have to place the ball on the outside shoulder(or anywhere else for that matter), effectively sealing the DB from the ball, because his recievers are so fast.

I see your point but ALL Wr's adjust there speed and bodys to the ball in the RARELY see a QB hit a guy in stride over the shoulder on a deep ball..thats rare at any level.
Frisches13283 said:
What if it says in the paragraph that Leak under intense pressure throws a perfect pass to the Auburn defender?
:yeahthat: :lol:

DBoston80 said:
That would be more accurate...alot of QB's at EVERY level crumble under defensive I dont blame a college QB for doing the same.

Exactly, I never said Leak was perfect. You took it out of context.
Right now I don't think many will doubt it is Troy Smith's to lose. However, there is still more football to be played. All it really takes is one bad game to let someone else in the race.
DBoston80 said:
yea For every Buckeye backer..there are 10 haters...if you dont think ND is a media darling you havent been paying attention to College football for a long time.

I really think this is overplayed, especially now. In the past maybe you'd have a case. Just look at the polls, we have a bye week and drop, we win a close game we drop. Other teams had a bye and moved up, lost close games and moved up. There isnt much evidence that ND is the darling of the press and gets a pass. Just watch Mark May slam ND every night. I mean the press has all but given Smith the Heisman and the winner of OSU v Michigan the national title.
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