Antonio Davis enters stands to defend wife | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Antonio Davis enters stands to defend wife

finfansince72 said:
Do you even know what the fan said or did? I havent seen any video of him really doing anything. If they banned fans for talking trash they'd have empty stadiums within a week. The fan was removed, thats about all you can do.

Another thing, all you can do is remove him??? Hardly, be like the Red Sox and take away the guys season tickets and such when "incidents" occur. They got it right when it comes to this crap.
MikeO said:
how about the fan, what's his punishment? That's the problem, fans can say whatever they want whenever they want and get away with it. Which causes this mess to begin with. This fan should be BANNED from all events in that building forever! Do that and then I have no problem with the 5 game Davis suspension

Why should he? What did he do that is so terrible? As long as he didn't lay a finger on the woman...nothing is wrong with what he did. Talkin' junk something that is in every Sport. Gotta deal with it. Without fans, there wouldnt be an NBA, If it wasn't for the Fans.
MikeO said:
Haven't doing anything? He was in a verbal altercation with another fan who happened to be a players wife!

Empty stands? Hardly, there are enough good people to fill up these stands! LOL....and yes BAN fans for trash talking! do you go to a bank, grocery store, the mall and start "TRASH TALKING" with people around you. This just in:::Sporting events still are public places in our society! You can't go to a game and "get into it" with other fans! Sorry! I know it happens all the time, and that is the problem!!! Security does nothnig about it and you have "incidents" like this!

Um..this is a tradition at sports. So I guess you shouldn't be able to root for your team either, because that in a way is talking junk to other team's fans in the stadium. Everyone should just sit and watch. :rolleyes: Everyone knows what goes down at Sporting Events...and no he shouldn't be in anymore trouble then she is.
Prime Time said:
Why should he? What did he do that is so terrible? As long as he didn't lay a finger on the woman...nothing is wrong with what he did. Talkin' junk something that is in every Sport. Gotta deal with it. Without fans, there wouldnt be an NBA, If it wasn't for the Fans.

Fans aren't allowed to talk junk to each other, sorry!

So if I call you a toothless, MF'er, stand up and get in your face, but never lay a hand on you that is ok to do at a sporting event and no action should be taken by anyone around us? :shakeno: Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fan's at the events don't run these leagues. TV contracts do!
Prime Time said:
Um..this is a tradition at sports. So I guess you shouldn't be able to root for your team either, because that in a way is talking junk to other team's fans in the stadium. Everyone should just sit and watch. :rolleyes: Everyone knows what goes down at Sporting Events...and no he shouldn't be in anymore trouble then she is.

It's a tradition to talk junk to strangers sitting near you that you don't even know????? What society did you grow up in! You might want to move to Europe where those soccer riots kill about 100 people at each event! You might enjoy that kind of animalistic atmosphere.

YES......just sit and watch. Cheer, boo, whatever. But don't talk junk to people sitting near you that you don't even know!

If I am at a game and the guy to my left is rooting for the other team, I don't turn to him at any point and say.." ha ha, your team sucks, in your face your team blows". That isn't acceptable behavior in our "SOCIETY"
MikeO said:
It's a tradition to talk junk to strangers sitting near you that you don't even know????? What society did you grow up in! You might want to move to Europe where those soccer riots kill about 100 people at each event! You might enjoy that kind of animalistic atmosphere.

YES......just sit and watch. Cheer, boo, whatever. But don't talk junk to people sitting near you that you don't even know!

If I am at a game and the guy to my left is rooting for the other team, I don't turn to him at any point and say.." ha ha, your team sucks, in your face your team blows". That isn't acceptable behavior in our "SOCIETY"

Cheering is pretty much rubbing it in the face of your opponents/their fans....
MikeO said:
It's a tradition to talk junk to strangers sitting near you that you don't even know????? What society did you grow up in! You might want to move to Europe where those soccer riots kill about 100 people at each event! You might enjoy that kind of animalistic atmosphere.

Soccer is the best sport ;)

What society did I grow up in? This one. The one that says "Sex Sells" and the one that uses violence in almost everything.
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