Any optimists still out there? | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Any optimists still out there?

McDaniel said guys like Tua are the reason he got into coaching. 700 plays. There's also a high profile example on the team of someone who overcame multiple concussions and is thriving. I'm not a fan of outlier examples but let's face it they are popular and easy to find and cite.

Given that combo of variables I don't understand the widespread insistence that there will be massive changes including Tua retiring. Those quarterback numbers in all the key categories are massive positives. The organization and player will be aware of that, even if the public per norm is too busy reacting to the last thing it saw.

I just can't see it becoming...well, we had fun for 6 games. That's all we were looking for anyway.

I was a huge supporter of drafting Tua. Then immediately in 2020 he looked physically overmatched by the league. I'm not letting go of that impression. Tua has to utilize plays and schemes that camouflage his limitations. Fake a quick pitch, fully spin around, then quick dart over the middle. Stuff like that all game long. Swagger plays. If the quick slant is not there throw it anyway. You're far better off seizing what you want than allowing the play to extend. I always cringe when it turns into a standard looking play with Tua deep in the pocket.

You know how a team looks when it is confident, like our 4th quarter at Baltimore? It has to be that mindset all game long. We've started a couple of recent Patriot games that way. Somehow a few weeks ago we turned into a standard looking offense with all these waffling midrange throws. Andrew Luck had trouble with that. He got picked off all the time on that type of throw, after thriving on similar in college.

That story is written but Tua still has time to be featured in an offense that doesn't allow the negative expectancies. I already mentioned that I shouted, "What the hell was that?" after our asinine 3rd down midrange sideline throw to Hill on the first drive. From that point I expected a defeat. It was already a very difficult scheduling spot and now the game plan was loaded with crap. I'm unconvinced that the crap designs wouldn't have resulted in mistakes, even if Tua had been fully healthy and cognizant.

I believe we'll make the playoffs. All those stats about teams being 156-1 and stuff like that with a 14+ point lead in the 4th quarter, those stats exist because of extensive margin for error. Those teams with the lead were choking plenty of times. But the margin enabled them to choke. Then they woke up just in time. There were fundamental reasons they were good enough to build the 14 point lead. Those qualities are revived just in time, to fend off the infamous choke.

I eventually figured that out in Las Vegas. If my basketball team with a 25 point lead was trying to give everything away and not cover the 7 point spread, I relaxed and thought to myself...just one little 4-0 run in our favor, and we're good. That's the beauty of building that 25 point lead.

Last year we tried it the other way. I basically paid no attention down the stretch. I know darn well a team with that type of record isn't going to run the table. This season we're far more legitimate and dangerous. It amazes me there was greater optimism this time last year.

Oh yeah, the offseason will be focused on helmeting and otherwise protecting Tua from further concussions, instead of all that nonsense about vastly improved arm strength.
Good to see you, Brother! People seem to want change for the sake of change. We need some sorely missed continuity around here, that's been lacking for so long. One-hit wonders are so far and few between. We need to build on stable ground. Getting rid of everyone certainly isn't the answer...
I am 100% behind this team and every player on it, no matter who's playing. I have enjoyed this season so much that I am flying down to Miami next week to watch game 17 against the Jets with the full expectation that it will be a day of celebration.

Of course, I may be wrong. But the way I look at it is this - none of use expected, at the beginning of the season, to have the mid-season thrill of being #2 in the AFC, or even to be in the playoff hunt at this time of year. I expected this to to be a year of growth for a young team, a young QB, and a rookie head coach. The excitement this year has brought has been gravy.

Yeah, there's a chance that this team might miss the playoffs. And even if they make the playoffs, there's a chance that they don't do anything in the post season. But the fact of the matter is that the arrow is pointing way way up for this team, and that has me excited for the future of this team, regardless of the outcome of this unexpected and exciting season.

I don't post here as much as I used to because of all the negative Nancy's and trolls have ruined my enjoyment of conversation here. But I will always be in support of the team I have loved for decades.
The Simpsons Dancing GIF

It's gonna happen!
I am 100% behind this team and every player on it, no matter who's playing. I have enjoyed this season so much that I am flying down to Miami next week to watch game 17 against the Jets with the full expectation that it will be a day of celebration.

Of course, I may be wrong. But the way I look at it is this - none of use expected, at the beginning of the season, to have the mid-season thrill of being #2 in the AFC, or even to be in the playoff hunt at this time of year. I expected this to to be a year of growth for a young team, a young QB, and a rookie head coach. The excitement this year has brought has been gravy.

Yeah, there's a chance that this team might miss the playoffs. And even if they make the playoffs, there's a chance that they don't do anything in the post season. But the fact of the matter is that the arrow is pointing way way up for this team, and that has me excited for the future of this team, regardless of the outcome of this unexpected and exciting season.

I don't post here as much as I used to because of all the negative Nancy's and trolls have ruined my enjoyment of conversation here. But I will always be in support of the team I have loved for decades.
It's a shame that keeps you from posting with us, but I understand, truly I do...
It’s football, we are fans we SUPPORT the team! We have no control over any of it. Valid criticism is expected and deserved but I will love the Phins til the day I die win or lose. The Tua injuries really suck but it’s been a fun year and I’m enjoying the ride. We beat the Pats and all is on the up 🐬
It’s football, we are fans we SUPPORT the team! We have no control over any of it. Valid criticism is expected and deserved but I will love the Phins til the day I die win or lose. The Tua injuries really suck but it’s been a fun year and I’m enjoying the ride. We beat the Pats and all is on the up 🐬
Right on Brother! Keep the faith!
plural noun: optimists
A person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something.

This is a thread to get away from the toxic doom and gloom found in EVERY other thread currently on the main page, the stupid-ass scenarios, all the chicken littles with self-taught medical degrees that are pissed at the world because they weren't breastfed as infants, and Dear Abby herself, stay out! Would of, should of, could of's not welcome here. If you want to talk about our situation and our outlook in a respectful manner without arguing and disrespectful harassment, this is the thread for you. I know there are plenty of us here...


The floor is open for your shopping pleasure...
Great idea @13marino13!
The negativity is understandable given the four-game losing streak, but it’s way overblown.

Tua is 24 and leading the NFL in passer rating. He’s the best quarterback we’ve had since Marino, and this is the best offense we’ve had since Marino. This is also our head coach’s first season as a head coach and first season as a playcaller. He is going to improve.

Every significant player on offense will return next year, and we have a chance to improve on giant holes at TE and RB. It’s quite possible we have a top 5 offense next year.

Our defense has an enormous amount of injured talent under contract who will return next season. We don’t have many holes to fill aside from returning injured players. Just linebacker, really. So the defense should be much better next year, too.

We can also likely upgrade our production on both defense and special teams by replacing coordinators.

As for the rest of this season, I expect the Jets to lose at Seattle and the Pats to lose at Buffalo. That means we probably have two shots to clinch a playoff berth, both against teams that aren’t very good. I expect us to win at least one of those games and maybe both, even with a backup QB. That’s a great season.

I don’t understand people who act like failing to win the Super Bowl this year is a failed year. Tua is 24. Only three QBs in history have won Super Bowls at 24 or younger, and all three are first ballot Hall of Famers (Roethlisberger, Mahomes, and Brady). McDaniel is a rookie head coach. Only two rookie head coaches have ever won the Super Bowl, neither in the past 30 years, and one of them did it by taking over a team that had already won the Super Bowl the year prior.

This was never a Super Bowl season. It’s been up and down, but certainly as good or better than we had any right to expect.
I've been very very upset over this last month of football. Even saying I won't watch these last two games cause really what's the point, but... I will still be at bdubs on Sunday at 1130 CT with my Dolphin shirt and hat on hoping for a win. I hope to leave there happy!!
Welcome Loco, I knew you'd like it. Jump on in!
Yep. To me, it’s not about optimism per se. No one has a problem looking at the last four games and coming away disappointed. But, we’re all in all on the upswing with Tua’s health and the DC and ST coordinators being the only things that have become a true worry. Hill has become the best offensive add since Ricky. TA is doing very well injuries considered. Chubb is helping unlock the cheat code for Phillips, I can go on and on. Toss in a win this week and the mood will be quite different.
I've been very very upset over this last month of football. Even saying I won't watch these last two games cause really what's the point, but... I will still be at bdubs on Sunday at 1130 CT with my Dolphin shirt and hat on hoping for a win. I hope to leave there happy!!
Freaking A. Glad you shook it off. Hope our performance on the field proves the team deserves your continued faith man. Let’s do it!!!
Good to see you, Brother! People seem to want change for the sake of change. We need some sorely missed continuity around here, that's been lacking for so long. One-hit wonders are so far and few between. We need to build on stable ground. Getting rid of everyone certainly isn't the answer...
I agree. The entire addition by subtraction concept has more holes in it than a piece of Jarlsberg.
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