Anyone else think 28 years is long enough between using a 1st rd. pick on a QB | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else think 28 years is long enough between using a 1st rd. pick on a QB


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Oct 24, 2001
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Ontario, Canada
Can we get a coach in here that values a stud QB in a FREAKIN QB DRIVEN LEAGUE? If the Fins stop playing the QB shell game maybe this franchise can experience real success.

Personally I want them to go after Mallett and bring in a Coryell style Off. Coordinator I think he could be good in that offense.

Just really frustrated with the garbage this team is putting out there on a yearly basis.
It's high time to invest in another 1st round QB. The last time the team did it, I would say that it worked out pretty well.
I have defended Henne in the face of some harsh criticism here and I think I've given him more than a fair chance to rebound from his regression. I still think he's the best on the current roster, but it's pretty clear he's not the answer long term at this point. Luck is impossible at this point, I'd say either hope Locker/Mallett slips or try to move up a few slots to get one of them.
Yep its absurd that the last first round qb we took was marino. That's just crazy.
I thought it was bad enough when we had the BS swinging door of QB trying to fit some washed up or backup trash from some other team to man the creaky ship in Miami. Then we get the Lets find the gem in the 2nd round! We are almost there, next step is 1st round bust lol. Jk i agree we need to a chance on a QB in the first some time in the next 10 years. We also need to be in the position to draft a QB in the first, not going to draft a QB in the first just for the hell of it =P
Looking back at why we are where we are... maybe that was a mistake. Hell, we've taken 2 first round QBs in our history and they were Bob Griese and Dan Marino. You'd think we'd take the hint.
ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!!

And Ireland & Sparano too ... because I think they like their jobs. May not be 1st round right away ... they have to be smart & balance the value of the pick with their scouting assessment. Would be worse to waste picks on stretches.
None of you knows anything about drafting! Picking a QB in the first round does not mean the guy is gonna be good. The single most difficult position to draft in the NFL is the QB. I'd rather take the right guy in round 2 or 3 than the wrong guy in round 1. Just b/c it's been so long since we've drafted a QB in the first round doesn't mean we planned it that way. If your guy was taken before you get up...nothing you can do about it.
had a chance for matt ryan and we blew it...

gonna be many more years before we get a chance like that at an elite QB with a top 5 pick...
lol we are better off with Henne than Mallett. At least Henne looks in the general direction of his recievers before he throws it up. Mallett gets any pressure on him he will toss it up wherever he is pointed at the time. Big arm but happy feet and tunnel vision. Ryan Mallett=Jeff George.
None of you knows anything about drafting! Picking a QB in the first round does not mean the guy is gonna be good. The single most difficult position to draft in the NFL is the QB. I'd rather take the right guy in round 2 or 3 than the wrong guy in round 1. Just b/c it's been so long since we've drafted a QB in the first round doesn't mean we planned it that way. If your guy was taken before you get up...nothing you can do about it.

so by your theory always just stay where you are and hope a qb falls to you and then if he doesn't take a qb in the 2nd or 3rd round. You think Jets fans are happy that Rex Ryan was aggressive and went and got himself a qb. The Jets didn't just sit there and say I hope he falls to us they were proactive and look where it's got them. I know there defense is great but not as great this year as last year but with Sanchez maturing they are a top 5 team in the league. When was the last time the Fins were a top 5 team in this league? 1990 or 1985 sounds about right.

I'm not sure if this is evident to you yet but the people running the Phins have shown they can't find a qb with a 2nd round pick. It's not working. Do you think any other team has gone as long as the Fins without trying to get a true franchise QB. Buddy 1984 and 1992 those are the last years they were in games of any consequence. Again it's a QB DRIVEN LEAGUE now the Bears formula and mid '80's Giants formula does not work anymore you have to make downfield plays.

You might think we know nothing about drafting that's fine your post shows you know nothing about winning in the NFL today
lol we are better off with Henne than Mallett. At least Henne looks in the general direction of his recievers before he throws it up. Mallett gets any pressure on him he will toss it up wherever he is pointed at the time. Big arm but happy feet and tunnel vision. Ryan Mallett=Jeff George.

Coaches gotta coach. You think it's a coincidence that Vick plays lights out when he has Reid coaching him. Reid coached him up. The Phins offensive staff is not coaching anyone up
had a chance for matt ryan and we blew it...

gonna be many more years before we get a chance like that at an elite QB with a top 5 pick...

What's even worse is we could've had Aaron Rodgers with the 2nd pick overall in '05. Of course I don't think Rodgers would've been near the success with the phins and their turnstile coaching staffs as he has been with the Pack.
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