Apologies to "Press Coverage" thread | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Apologies to "Press Coverage" thread


Undrafted Pro-Bowler
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
We should each apologize one by one to this member...Yes, he is a new poster, but we don't know who he is, he could even be Saban(lol)...He has his sources also and each of us has a right to express his/her opinion on this board(freedom of speech)

I will be the first to say that---Press Coverrage, I thought you were a liar (FOS), you're right about Poole...I apologize. Please, come again and post again.
this has nothing to do with the miami dolphins there fore this is in the wrong spot...u should of posted this in spam section...this will wind up getting moved
BenchFiedler said:
We should each apologize one by one to this member...Yes, he is a new poster, but we don't know who he is, he could even be Saban(lol)...He has his sources also and each of us has a right to express his/her opinion on this board(freedom of speech)

I will be the first to say that---Press Coverrage, I thought you were a liar (FOS), you're right about Poole...I apologize. Please, come again and post again.
I agree. (To Press Coverage) I apologize... don't think what I said was nearly as bad as some people but I doubted you and I was wrong. Sorry. Really sucks we all got off on the wrong start with the guy, hope you stay FinHeaven and despite this little fiascal it can really be a great place. Alright I'm out.
I agree, sorry man. It's just hard to trust people with one post posting something as out there as that. Obviously you've got a source of some sort, so welcome aboard.
I for one wouldn't apologize. If you post serious news like that without proof, you're deserving of what comes to you. Quit sucking up to him just to make yourself look better. Finheaven's reaction was totally correct.
Phinz4Life said:
I for one wouldn't apologize. If you post serious news like that without proof, you're deserving of what comes to you. Quit sucking up to him just to make yourself look better. Finheaven's reaction was totally correct.
I agree

Here is my apology...
PressCoverage said:
thanks Bench... now let's sign LAW!!!!!!!


Thanx for the 3hr headsup on the Newspapers but please stop with the sign Ty Law threads.. He like Will Poole is rolling around in a wheelchair right now and is old, injury prone, and overpriced..
Nublar7 said:
Press, I am sorry man. I feel like crap now. :(

You shouldn't, you acted totally right. Never just accept something without a source. News and reports are NOTHING without sources.
Phinz4Life said:
I for one wouldn't apologize. If you post serious news like that without proof, you're deserving of what comes to you. Quit sucking up to him just to make yourself look better. Finheaven's reaction was totally correct.

You called him a troll in the original thread.

Took about an hour for him to be proven right. Yet he doesn't deserve acknowledgment?? How about a little maturity.

All I want is for people to stop being asses to each other here and rushing to judgment on everything.

I'm sure I'll get the obligatory "whatever Muck, you're a suckup" posts now. :rolleyes:
Phinz4Life said:
You shouldn't, you acted totally right. Never just accept something without a source. News and reports are NOTHING without sources.

How about Alex Marvez then?? His source has the same name as PFT's sources: "Unnamed".
Muck said:
You called him a troll in the original thread.

Took about an hour for him to be proven right. Yet he doesn't deserve acknowledgment?? How about a little maturity.

All I want is for people to stop being asses to each other here and rushing to judgment on everything.

I'm sure I'll get the obligatory "whatever Muck, you're a suckup" posts now.

Whatever, Muck. God you are such a suckup!

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