Are the Miami Dolphins a few pieces short or a couple of years? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Are the Miami Dolphins a few pieces short or a couple of years?


It's Only Happened ONCE!
May 18, 2004
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[h=2]The Miami Dolphins had a terrific 2016 that saw them recover from a 1-4 start to a Wild Card contender, to a Wild Card 6th seed. Are they close to a championship?[/h][FONT=&quot]Ask any player in Miami and he will give you a coy answer. He will give you the “company/team” answer. Those answers that sound like, “we have to keep grinding and growing and take it one step at a time”. In other words, no one is going to say anything without showing it on the field first.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]This is the time internal time of year for the Dolphins. It’s the endless hours of executive meetings and film study of the teams own free agents, potential NFL free agents, and overall player evaluations. Adam Gase is no longer holed up with his coaches making game plans as much as they are huddled with general manager Chris Grier and Mike Tannenbaum.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Free agency doesn’t start for over a month, sometime in the first week or two of March when the NFL’s version of Black Friday begins. It’s even too early to fantasize about what potential free agents will be interested in Miami. So naturally the question at this point is, are the Dolphins a couple of pieces away from a championship caliber team or are they still a couple of years away?

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Your thoughts? :ponder:[/FONT]
Why does it have to be a couple years? This is the NFL, a parity driven league where teams turn it around in one year. We made the playoffs on a less than stellar roster. We can go even further with some additions. The roster is never going to be perfect in the age of free agency. As the Patriots have shown Year after year, the coaching and scheme and structure is just as if not more important than the pieces.

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We already got one major piece in Gase.
It depends. If the team can hit on draft picks and make shrewd moves in free agency then it could be as early as 2017. Look at how quickly Dallas turned it around with Prescott and Elliott in the draft. Obviously they hit it big on both players, but I think you could say they wouldn't be in the playoffs without them.

Miami has a lot of holes on defense so it won't be easy.
Thanks to bonehead FO decisions by not addressing the defense last year, we are still a few years out from being in SB contention.
It is hard to tell as I believe there is still a major talent issue in 70% of this team. Then we lack depth after that talent we do have. Gase did a great job with what we had. The other issue is major contributors like Bushrod and Wake are very long in the tooth and Albert who is starting to drop off badly. We won a lot of games last year on last minute situations that could have gone either way. Kiko's int in San Diego, Carpenter missing FG's and Franks hitting a crazy long one, last minute drives in LA including the one Landry got pushed like 7 yards into. We had to have the ball bounce the right way in several games, which hasn't happened for us in a long time and not the type of thing you can rely on.

The good news is the rest of the league is facing the same challenges. The separation from top to bottom (minus the Browns, who still almost beat us) is minimal. We still have a lot of holes to fill and depth to build so it is really hard to tell where we are. I think resigning Simms, Stills, and eventually Jones needs to be done to at least maintain. We have to do a better job drafting (duh) so we don't have to reach and over pay players like Albert that have injury history. Bad drafting and idiotic transactions by Ireland like the LB fiasco continue to haunt us....but we appear to have the ship righted with Gase.

I know this doesn't directly answer the question but I think on paper we look far away, but with the above mentioned lack of huge separation in the league, we should be in the mix again. We should bring some better talent in, but the holes are going to require us to win some close games and have the ball bounce the right way again, along with the key OL players staying healthy to make it back to the playoffs!
Anything is possible but you gotta get at least two or 3 free agents in here that will make us better and then you need to come out of the draft with at the very least two new starters plus one or two other guys that will contribute. It can be done, I'm just not sure I trust t-dumb to make the right moves.

Ozzy rules!!
I think we are a couple years away but I'm confident Gase can build a consistent winner once he gets more of his players in
We should be competing for a Super Bowl in 2 years. I could see us winning a playoff game next year but we could also go 6-10 and I wouldn't be surprised.

A lot depends on how much of the roster we keep together. We can't keep dealing with the same guys getting hurt. You also can't fill a team up with free agents.
Anything is possible but you gotta get at least two or 3 free agents in here that will make us better and then you need to come out of the draft with at the very least two new starters plus one or two other guys that will contribute. It can be done, I'm just not sure I trust t-dumb to make the right moves.

Tannenbaum should have started overhauling this roster last off-season, but the Fins went into Opening Day with Dallas Thomas not only still on the roster, but starting no less! He could have drafted a couple of OGs and LBs (which were huge needs), but instead he traded up for a #4 WR (the ONLY position with depth!) and a tiny KR, giving away current and future draft picks in the process. Pouncey will miss games next season; will Tannenbaum draft a long-term replacement or will he continue to sign third-rate Free Agents as band-aids? On defense, LBs are probably the biggest immediate need but I have no faith in Tannenbaum fixing that problem anytime soon. He thought that Dallas Thomas is starting material, and probably thinks that their current crop of LBs can get the job done.
Cut as much dead weight as you possibly can on defense and pursue JPP in FA. Wake is going to retire soon, we need a true heir now that is going to come in and give us 4-5 years of havoc to go along with Suh. Cut Mario, Jordan, Mitchell, Misi, let Branch walk, and back the truck up for JPP. Find a starting LB in the draft and depth later on for the rest. Wake, Suh, JPP, and Phillips is a monster d-line. The return of Reshad, along with the rise of our younger corners , Byron Maxwell as insurance, will definitely mitigate a full on revamp
Why would we dump money in the lap of a DE, who's current team is better off with the DE whom we let get away in the first place?
I agree JPP is not an option. Wake is still better than JPP imho.
Isn't JPP the idiot who blew part of his hand off with fireworks? He hasn't been the same player since. You need all of your hand for leverage to create separation
OV is not better than JPP, no way. They can't afford both and I'd say we would win in that swapping.
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