Armando: Feeling among team sources,changes of significance coming | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armando: Feeling among team sources,changes of significance coming

Ireland needs to go. Philbin won't stay without Sherman. fine.. go. go. imo the locker room ain't buying what they're selling
Ireland will be sacrificed. People will be happy, but it will not change anything.

Mando's last paragraph was right on. The talent was fine at 8-6 and charging toward a playoff birth. They choke the last two....and now the talent sucks?

I am not an Ireland guy, but I feel for somewhat.

when has the talent ever been fine this year? the OL and LB play has been a liability all season, we've gotten nothing from our draft and the last guy to make an impact play was a 49ers ps guy 3 weeks ago.
listening to Cam Wake again in his post game presser, I think he was saying everything but it was a coaching failure down the stretch. Everything he was mentioning falls on coaching staff. They need to be gone
Fire Ireland
Fire Sherman
Fire OL and LB coaches

I give Philbin benefit of the doubt- another year with better cast around him/the team.
What's so special about Philbin? Seems like a nice guy, detail oriented. But is he a leader? Is he even a good coach? I just don't see it and you don't have to look much further than the final two games. Give him props for keeping the team together during the scandal but that shouldn't save him just for the heck of it. My fear is seeing the SAME coaching problems next year and then where are we? Another wasted season hoping the next year will be different. I think we've all had enough of that mentality.
No new GM worth his jock should keep a former coach. Bring in your own guy
Fire Ireland
Fire Sherman
Fire OL and LB coaches

I give Philbin benefit of the doubt- another year with better cast around him/the team.

I don't get this. I want a reason to like Joe, I really do, but didn't he choose this staff?

I feel like if coaching is a big problem, then why scapegoat individual assistant coaches? Why not hold the head coach accountable?
It's not about 'motivating' players, it's about earning their trust and erasing their doubt. It's about getting them to believe so whole-heartedly in your coaching that they aren't thinking out there, just reacting as you've trained them. The Dolphins reek of doubt.
Firing Ireland is the right move but forcing Philbin onto the new GM would be foolish. Philbin's team failed to show up for two critical games against teams they should have beaten. Today's game just illustrates the type of coach that Philbin is in a nutshell. A home game vs a division rival with the season on the line and his team doesn't even show up. They showed no urgency, fire or heart. They were like walking zombies out there. That reflects directly onto Philbin and his coaching staff.
Philbin needs to go along with the rest of the bums.

Philbin has sparano written all over him. outside picking up trash on the field is his version of sparano walking around yelling "buckle those chin straps ladies!"
I said it in the game thread and I'll repeat it here:

I'll tell you, if I'm Ross and I paid out 110 million in new contracts, had five picks in the first three rounds - and the best this front office and coaching staff can muster is 8-8 I absolutely clean house. Everyone goes. Everyone.

Spot on.
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