Armando: players take on Tua | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armando: players take on Tua

My take?...After the Chan debacle...Flores has more to prove next year than Tua...
That was a stupid hire that set the whole offense back a year...for what?...I know he didn't think
i'll bring Chan in for a outside shot of the playoffs this year and then change things up...that's stupid.
If he brought Chan in,for something more long term....that's even more troubling...
It's Flores at the plate next year.....coaches are replaced easier than top 5 picks.
Like Tua I don’t think Burrow will have the same mobility and he wasn’t evasive to begin with

Good thing he has that cannon
That's funny,
Exactly when you take into account the injury and the weird gailey hire, him playing didnt add up. But it is what it is at this point. Flores gonna have to find an OC or his time here will be short although I like Flores. We will have to make the playoffs next year or Flores will be on the hot seat.

someones times gonna be short I’m not sure it’s Flores.

this oc hire thing is big. No doubt
Good or bad, this is all on Grier. If Ross was involved, he was trusting Grier to give him an informed evaluation. I like Grier as a person, but I think our player evaluation skills as an organization are suspect.
We'll have a better idea on the decision soon enough. And I'm quite confident Ross played a significant if not the deciding role. But if the Tua pick is 100% on Grier then he needs to go IMO. I can't see it based on his openly stated philosophy about drafting injured players and his adherence to positional specs in terms of size, athleticism etc. And last -- sure didn't seem to be doing cartwheels over the pick -- more like a business transaction. I also believe Ross was THE driving force to get Rosen and Grier scrambled to get that trade done (with the deferred #2) to get the kid and yet buffer the wager. The way Flo threw Rosen to the wolves and exposed the kid seems eerily similiar to what we saw this year -- exposing a player who really wasn't up to the task. To me that smacks as some kind of "outside" influence because it violates the basic tenant Flo seems to advocate ----- TEAM first. If I'm nailing this this then I can only say if the interference continues I doubt Flo will stick around here. Of course all speculation.
Well if the pick is 100% on Grier then Ross knows that and if I was Grier I'd be pretty insecure about my future.
If that's true then it would sure seem unlikely we do the right thing with that #3 and we'll probably go hog wild
loading up the O in hope of "supporting" (aka hiding) Tua was much as possible. We'll still address QB but not
with the positional priority it deserves.
What's the right thing at #3? I doubt Herbert this year or any rookie next year could do much with our so-called skilled players surrounding him. We all are frustrated with how we ended the season, but the Bills are clearly the superior team who have a GM who knows talent. Our guys, eh, not so much.

I wanted Tua over Herbert, to be clear. But, I'm also worried about what he showed us, or the lack thereof. I don't know what I would do, but I'll defer to Coach Flo. I trust that guy. And I did see flashes from Tua.

On one hand, its interesting to get that perspective. On the other, this crap leaking out doesn't do the team any favors. Bit tired of Armando's whining lately.

Does a few non-source quotes change anything? I would need to know more, but it concerns be a bit.
Armando has always been a hater. Drama Queen!

F-him...... click on this Armando🖕
If you watched Tua in college and didn't see timing and anticipation that he threw with then I really just don't see you as a valuable voice in picking boxed macaroni much less anything to do with the game of football.
Okay so this is where I keep coming back to as well.

I share the view that he seemed too nervous and too conservative for too long this season. That scares me. We can’t afford to have whiffed on that pick.

On the other hand, we had almost this entire board ready to pick Smith after Monday night based on his performance against the best of the best all year and that night, but was he any more individually remarkable than Tua was at his position at Bama? Can Tua really go from a national sensation to a scrub in a year?

I’m nervous about him, but I just can’t quite believe that the kid who looked to have all the tools (minus a strong arm) is all of a sudden not even NFL capable. Feel like the roster, injury, OC, etc. is likely the major factor.
I think the biggest problem is the instant gratification society we live it. They put to much on these rookie qbs from a hype standpoint. Gotta let them develop.

Now if we're here next year with Tua we move on. Its not a hard concept
Okay so this is where I keep coming back to as well.

I share the view that he seemed too nervous and too conservative for too long this season. That scares me. We can’t afford to have whiffed on that pick.

On the other hand, we had almost this entire board ready to pick Smith after Monday night based on his performance against the best of the best all year and that night, but was he any more individually remarkable than Tua was at his position at Bama? Can Tua really go from a national sensation to a scrub in a year?

I’m nervous about him, but I just can’t quite believe that the kid who looked to have all the tools (minus a strong arm) is all of a sudden not even NFL capable. Feel like the roster, injury, OC, etc. is likely the major factor.

It is the factor. The skillsets of the skills dont fit what Tua does best.
That's Armando doing his usual hit job and sitting back and watching smoke.

Assuming he didn't make up the quotes himself i really wish the player or players had the guts to put there names behind those quotes.

Honestly, there's no one on this team that can't be traded.

Don't like it here? Cool, let's help you find a home ala Minkah.
fitz definitely knew the offense like the back of his hand. I mean they designed it for him. At least that’s how it looked to me. He didn’t need reps he could come in cold turkey and run that in his sleep. Outside of some rpo built in stuff we added with tua and some pistol. There was games where we were almost entirely in pistol even with tua. Hell that’s the Justin Herbert senior season entire year qb ask at oregon except he is a real duel threat with his legs teams must account for. That’s the kind of offense you run to hide qb pocket read warts and limit the qb exposure even.

in terms of the offense they said they wanted to make it simpler well you sure did and with tua you made it primarily flats and Lynn bowden based. It don’t take long to figure that **** out.

I graded tua with a plus grade only in the cards game and that was driven mostly in his situational play. Everything the cards showed or did he had an answer for. Why we didn’t evolve from tbere with it I have no idea. I won’t buy any the defenses dictated crap Miami went into a shell.

the kc game I had a plus grade but that was mostly in the second half when we were chasing it and he was playing primarily in empty showing his development from the Rams start to there was legit in terms of having a plan vs the defense from an empty set

I had him a a plus in the cards, bengals and chiefs. The only real stinker I thought he played was the last game of the season. I thought his negative play in the Denver and Oakland games was greatly due to Gailey being out schemed and not changing the play calling until Fitz was put in. Most of the games though, I thought he looked like a rookie. Mostly decent, some really great plays, also a few wtf's mixed in. Definitely something that should be built upon, not discarded for QB's in the upcoming draft who have nowhere near the potential Tua still does.

My biggest gripe is I just wish that instead of trying to ask him to be a game manager, they would have opened up the playbook more and let him go. Let him win or lose with his play. He needs to have those growing pains. Flo can't protect him forever. Now instead of going through them in year one, we'll be going through them in year two.
Can anyone tell me (or give their opinion on) why we insisted on starting Tua this year if we were so limited with him offensively? I would have felt better had he just sat we would have had a similar record.
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