At least we know we have a QB that can win us games | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

At least we know we have a QB that can win us games

I gotta say, I'm surprised at how many people here seem to be slamming the guy. Last night was defly not the game I expected to see. Over 50 pts & over 550 yds passing combined? Didn't see that coming. I though Henne was very impressive last night and you can see him & BM starting to get on the same page. I see that being a very scary combination as the season continues.
Henne did play well tonight, just like Sanchez did ... both made some terrible throws ... BUT that why you play the games ... can't have perfect all the time, unless your Payton Manning, Drew Brees or Tom Brady!!! Henne showed he has what it takes to play WELL when the handcuffs are taken off!!! the Jets crowded the end zone that final set ... they made the plays and won the game ... i'm not sure why Henne is getting little recognition by some on this board, when the real blame for this loss is on the defense and special teams ... Brad Smith did what Pat White was SUPPOSE to do when he was drafted ... Henne did all he could do, but came up short !!! but is a Still Improving starting caliber QB ..
I gotta say, I'm surprised at how many people here seem to be slamming the guy. Last night was defly not the game I expected to see. Over 50 pts & over 550 yds passing combined? Didn't see that coming. I though Henne was very impressive last night and you can see him & BM starting to get on the same page. I see that being a very scary combination as the season continues.

I'll take that as a good football fan seeing it for what it is ... Henne is going to be a good QB ... just like Sanchez both are ever improving!!! when both get the protection they make plays ... and thats all you can ask for from your QB!!! by the way it's looking like Sanchez is bucking the trend on the Early Entry QB syndrome ... that in itself has surprised me... there haven't been many College QB's who've declared early for the draft that have become anything more than bust or pedestrian!!! Sanchez can really ball it ... good luck to you and your team!!!
wow of all the people to blame last nights loss on, some of you have the audacity to pick Henne as your scrapgoat? seriously?
I'm not sure I understand this thread.

Last year Henne did the same thing against the Jets/Patriots and I'm sure a few other teams. Yet for whatever reason this team wants to control the clock and pound the rock. This isn't the 70's anymore. We need to be a more pass first, run second kinda team. We have all the pieces in place. Marshall looked great, Bess, Hartline, etc.... Why not just let Henne play out of the shotgun and move the ball down field? Especially when it's working so well.

I feel this team has all the pieces in place. Putting the right personal and playcalling together might be the death of us .
I gotta say, I'm surprised at how many people here seem to be slamming the guy. Last night was defly not the game I expected to see. Over 50 pts & over 550 yds passing combined? Didn't see that coming. I though Henne was very impressive last night and you can see him & BM starting to get on the same page. I see that being a very scary combination as the season continues.

Actually there are nowhere as many as you think,,,, the bashers are just more obsessively vocal and vacuum-visioned, fixating over this one issue.

Like a Pavlovian drooling dog ringing bell response, it's the usual suspects who turn up any time Henne is either praised, criticized, or to defend the playcalling of Henning for Henne's poor execution.

Henne and his future success has become a flashpoint for the the transparent agendi of these 3 separate factions: 1: The Penny Pud Puckerers, 2: The "Play Pat White (who're now) Out-On-A-limb-ers" and 3: The "Shoulda took Matty Ice" lovelorn Achy Breaky Hearters.

Bottom line: It's always the same handful of FH members who look at a 2/3rds -full Henne glass as almost empty. Of course, playing in the shadow of one of the 3 all time greatest QBs, with arguably the best rookie season ever and possessing the quickest release of em all doesn't help.
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I just wanna throw this out there... 1DolFan and 1 Dol Fan are in no way related, nor do they necessarily share the same beliefs.

And Henne did good enough to give us a chance. That's all I need my QB to do. Let us have an opportunity to win it... sometimes you win in that situation, sometimes you lose.

And for the record, this will be my only post within the first 48 hours after this loss on the main board. If anyone is looking for me, I will be in the lounge...
I just wanna throw this out there... 1DolFan and 1 Dol Fan are in no way related, nor do they necessarily share the same beliefs.

And Henne did good enough to give us a chance. That's all I need my QB to do. Let us have an opportunity to win it... sometimes you win in that situation, sometimes you lose.

And for the record, this will be my only post within the first 48 hours after this loss on the main board. If anyone is looking for me, I will be in the lounge...

that's why I'm not a believer in generic derivative fins names or conventional colors
I said he played mediocre. Which, by the way, isn't bad.

Not only that, I said he is mediocre, and I've been saying he would be mediocre before he was drafted. And, as long as he has been a Dolphin I have said he will be mediocre, and he will,at his best, be a little better than mediocre and , at his worst, be a little below mediocre; and I stand by what I have said all along. Chad Henne is mediocre and will never be very good or great.

I don't expect him to play great, so I am not disappointed with his play tonight, but, on the other hand, I'm not wearing the rose colored glasses either. He is what he is. Mediocre.

this is the only guy on here that i think has a clue, look with your own eyes how Henne looks in the pocket, slow and and timid, stares down his receiver, He has played 4 years of High school football and 4 years at a big college and still makes the same mistakes. Henne is not the QB who will lead us to a championship, Henne is mediocre once the frount office sees this the dolphins will be contenders but not until.
I'll take that as a good football fan seeing it for what it is ... Henne is going to be a good QB ... just like Sanchez both are ever improving!!! when both get the protection they make plays ... and thats all you can ask for from your QB!!! by the way it's looking like Sanchez is bucking the trend on the Early Entry QB syndrome ... that in itself has surprised me... there haven't been many College QB's who've declared early for the draft that have become anything more than bust or pedestrian!!! Sanchez can really ball it ... good luck to you and your team!!!

I was really surprised with Henne's play last night. I really thought we would be able to rattle him into making bad decisions but he played very well.
At first Henne looked stiff and yes, he was staring down his receivers, but then he got in a zone. It was pretty awesome seeing him work the offense.He started going through his progressionas much quicker and he was making mistakes, but getting right back in the zone where he started. Even though we didn't win, seeing him throw for 360+ yards makes me pretty darn happy. It's better than his last two games, but part of this I think is that the coaches finally let him sling it. I believe in Henne, especially after last night.
this is the only guy on here that i think has a clue, look with your own eyes how Henne looks in the pocket, slow and and timid, stares down his receiver, He has played 4 years of High school football and 4 years at a big college and still makes the same mistakes. Henne is not the QB who will lead us to a championship, Henne is mediocre once the frount office sees this the dolphins will be contenders but not until.

You guys need to find a room (chat room)
Haters gonna hate. To me, your post sounds like you admit never changing your opinion about Henne regardless of his play. Just so you can claim to have said this from the beginning.

I don't really know what you guys except from Henne?!? The last two weeks, he had a mediocre stat line but we won. He received some criticism though. Now, he throws for over 300 yards - which is exactly what you haters wanted him to do - but we lose. And it's Henne's fault again? Come on!

Yes, he didn't get us in the end zone on four plays in the last minute. Guess what: it happens. Philip Rivers couldn't get the Chargers in the end zone in week 1 neither. Let's use some common sense here: Henne is a good QB. It remains to be seen if he becomes great or not but right now, how can you blame him for what he's done this season?

Look man, Matt Schaub threw for 500 yards on Sunday and the Texans lost.

Thousands and thousands of NFL games have been played where the QB threw for more than 300 yards and lost.

The yardage thing couldn't be more meaningless.

In the NFL you have to take what the defense gives, and the defense was giving up some passing lanes and holes in the secondary to shut down the run.

There was nothing remarkable about 350 yards and 53% completions, especially against a team with mediocre safeties, a rookie corner and a another allpro corner out, and a pass rush led by the embarassing dancing queen old man Taylor.

Thinking Henne is great when he clearly, isn't, will not help the Dolphins win any more games.
At first Henne looked stiff and yes, he was staring down his receivers, but then he got in a zone. It was pretty awesome seeing him work the offense.He started going through his progressionas much quicker and he was making mistakes, but getting right back in the zone where he started. Even though we didn't win, seeing him throw for 360+ yards makes me pretty darn happy. It's better than his last two games, but part of this I think is that the coaches finally let him sling it. I believe in Henne, especially after last night.

Henne's progression started in the 1st jets game in 2009 ... if those who CAN'T see he is a Starting Caliber NFL qb ... they are blind ... the coaching is what is handcuffing him .. we all seem to know that ... I'm going to compare Henne to Cassell in KC ... both can play but the difference is KC has Weiss and Miami doesn't
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