Big O on QAM just said... | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Big O on QAM just said...

A pre-draft smoke screen is one thing if we are spreading the rumors. If Rick and other Gm's are getting this info from people close to Andrews, then its a different story.
What advantage does it give Miami to start saying things about a player's character?

It doesn't.

Now, if the reports were that Miami wasn't interested in taking an offensive lineman with their pick, I could believe that it is a smoke screen. Teams don't start rumors about players if they really want them. They simply avoid talking about those players.

Big O would have a serious lack of journalistic integrity if he is making this stuff up. If he did indeed get this from a source within the Dolphins, then it is very likely not something that is made up.
i am starting to think the target at 20 is Clayton and if he is not there then Rick will trade down to get another WR or OL in the second round or late first.
Big O said the info did not come from the Dolphins. He says that if HE knows it, the Dolphins definitely know it.
there is a VERY low chance to get a randy-moss quality player at 20ish (1 in 100 drop to that) and the ONLY reason randy dropped that low was because he was arrested shortly before the draft/earlier in the year
I'd take Carey or Andrews

I want the right side of the line addressed. After the 10th pick its a crap shoot I'd take a chance on a Hurricane
If I am the front office and I know that Andrews has very very little chance of being there I would start spreading all kinds of crap about how we don't like him and he's a head case etc etc. Its a win-win situation. It gets the fans thinking about other players so they won't be so vastly disappointed when Andrews is gone when we pick. Also it could fool some other teams etc etc prevent them from trading up ahead of us...and finally, if he DOES fall and we pick him up everyone will just revel at how masterful Miami is for spreading rumors and throwing people off their scent to come away with the player they want. I'm not saying thats what is happening here, just thats what I would do.

Although I do not think that "spreading" this "crap" will have any affect on the decision of other GM's interested in drafting Andrews because I believe they have done their own hw and came to their own conclusions on him as a player, I do believe this is more of a smokescreen for us the fans, to deter our intentions from Andrews for the moment in the event we cannot get him. Especially, due to the fact the Dolphins as an organization have stated that the fans have been a too tough on them the past year. If Andrews is there at 20 I think RS will be pleasently surprised and take him, that is if we remain at #20.
I just don't see going WR at this time as being a real big help for our team...i'd much rather go OL or something that really needs help right now and TIE UP CHAMMMMBERS. If they go WR in first I almost feel as if they are just planning on getting rid of him virtually sending off our only consistant threat (minus Ricky) for the past couple years...not good. He's already shown he can/will be an elite reciever... I can't see any of these 1st round guys making half of the catches that Chris makes (Houston, Dallas...even when he took over buffalo a few years back)
Y'know, I remember the same type of rumors about another guy we drafted, but I sincerely don't think that Andrews, in his wildest dreams could mean to the dolphins what that other draftee was....but even so, I'm not sure this info is coming from the FO. I just don't think that is the kind of info they would put out. Really, I hope we don't draft Andrews, or if we do, I hope I have to eat my words, but the weight, the attitude, the back injury...too many issues even for a guy that talented. The real problem will be if the scenario plays out that Andrews is available, he is not the guy RS really covets, and we cannot trade down....Now, that doesn't mean we couldn't draft a WR or DT and be happy with the pick....I still would take Smiley at 20...but that probably won't happen...
man id happy happy with any top WR coming out of the draft....although i really want Woods.
If Andrews really is the head case Big O has said that he is, then I would like to see us trade down. I like Smiley and think he will be a very good player for years but he can be had later while we add another pick. I think RS has to wonder how many of these "head cases" we can have on the roster before it starts to become a problem. We have done well with guys in the past who other teams gave up on but lets not draft one with our first pick.
The thing is, there really isn't any convincing that needs to be done to have Andrews available. He's going to be there, and a big reason he is going to be there is proabably what Miami has found out throughout their evaluation process.

Very good point.

Forgive me everyone....I'm just getting home, so I haven't had a chance to read today's threads. But what's this about Andrews being a headcase?? :confused:
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