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Bills Classless Again

do you really want to be the guy who whines that players barely or not even in the league anymore didn’t take it easy on you?

BTW…that score got out of hand because Tua threw three picks to guys they didn’t even feel like bringing back

should they have dropped them?
I just don't see it at necessary, or even beneficial really. An incomplete pass stops the clock. Run the damn ball and win. Did they think Miami could come back? They won by 30.

Of course, yes the Dolphins could have defended those pass plays better. Intercept one and suddenly McDermott is doing what every other coach would do. Run the ball and keep the clock moving.
Proving you can't tell a book by its cover, their HC is a good coach although if you look at him closely, he does look like a school days Short Bus rider
Who ****ing cares, we deserve it.
Very true! Buffalo's offense was "out of sorts" in the 1st half and Miami's defense made some nice stops. Miami had every chance in the world to take a big lead early in the game, but they couldn't do a damn thing because they don't have an NFL-caliber offense (or coaching staff). In the 2nd half the defense returned to normal, but the offense did too little, too late. This team built by Grier and Flores is not good enough to be called a professional football team; they don't deserve any respect. They need to start over again and earn some respect.
You don’t go for two up by 15 with a minute left in the game and the other team has no timeouts. But the Dolphins play like they don’t give a ****. The fans have way more pride.
Yeah, I've never seen anything like that and I've watched football for about 50 years. Classless team.
And if we did what they did today you’d be doing cartwheels. Come off it dude
Really... it was unprofessional and boasting, did you see Allen waving bye bye as he probably was collecting a bonus on the TD, should have got flagged. Don't let your hatred of the front office and coaching influence bad sportsmanship. If that was my team I would be disgusted.
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