Bills Vs. Fins... whos the better WR now??? | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bills Vs. Fins... whos the better WR now???

Atleast we can finish ahead of 3rd place in the east every year. What is your teams variation? Either 3rd or 4th?
Originally posted by Justasportsfan
You don't get it. If he is such a great player, don't you think the chargers would've traded him to a team who would offer them a 1st or a 2nd rd. (like I said no team thought he's worth that much) and don't tell me that Boston wouldn't have signed w/ a team that would offer him Winfield salary (again , no one offered him that much because they don't think he's that great :lol: ).

Any team in dire need of a WR either has a good draft pick or has acquired of kept the WR they want/need. TO.....McCareins (however u spell it) ........Jackson resigned...etc. etc.

Again.....Boston pretty much made it clear that he was going to Miami as long as Miami wanted him. He'd rather take a mill or two less a year (as if 3-4mill a year isn't well paid) and go back to somewhat of a comfort zone (sullivan) and to a team that can understand him more (i.e. Ricky) rather then be miserable with some crappy losing team like the chargers.

This just takes a little bit of common sense. Boston is getting well paid, wanted to go to Miami, the Chargers wanted to get out of millions of guaranteed monies, and the fish needed a solid #2 WR.

Seems as though it worked out well for all 3 parties. Myabe this is overly-simplified and without the mysterious gunman on the grassy knoll it makes for confusion. More often then not the correct answer is the one that's staring you in the face sometimes.
Hell, the Bills front office got a 1st round pick for Peerless Price, a NUMBER 2 RECEIVER. Given that Buffalo's FO is considered incompetent by fish fans, how did Arizona AND San Diego get jack squat for Boston?!

Oh yeah, the Dolphins have Jerry" Second Father" Sullivan waiting in the wings and he will cast the demons out of roboroids right away.
Originally posted by CirclingWagons
:cry: :cry: :cry:
then I get banned, oh well...

your a ****ing ******* you know that?
roids shmoids....the guy has been tested more times in the past year then most people have here in the past 10 years.

Again....beefing up 30 lbs in a year, or less, or longer isn't a crazy idea. Do you know that this guy works out twice a day and takes IV drips twice weekly to help him recover more? Last year he spent $200,000 on his training alone......

Anyone willing to spend some semi-serious time after work at the gym 4 days a week and $300/month can gain 30 lbs in 3-5 months. It's called weight gainer, 5 grams of creatine/day and at least 1 gram of protein per body lb. And that would only cost the avg. joe $300/month.....

He spent $200,000 last year and works out twice a day, 5 days a week, has a personal chef, he takes working out more seriously then most people do their job or checkbook. This whole roids thing is way overblown IMO.
Originally posted by Zachspac54
so what did TO go for a 1st rounder:lol: hey jill fans think before you type?
no but he did get a way better contract and a 3rd rd. which is way better than Boston. If Boston was so "great ", then why didn't the Eagles or Ravens go for him :lol:

You do not trade a "GREAT" player for a 6th rd. and a incentive filled contract. I may not think right but at least I'm thinking unlike you. :lol:
now you don't really know if the ravens or philly contacted SD now do you? And considering the TO agreement was made, what, within a day of us getting boston.....don't you think the trade talks were already pretty much finalized at that point in time (which SD didn't want to start know...the whole timefactor to clear up the 5-6 million thing).....and lest we forget as it hasn't really been mentioned....we did also traded a former 1st round pick CB as well....which should do nicely in SD but it's unfortunate (for him that is) that he's had to play under Madison and Surtain.....constant pro-bowlers in their positions.

:boring: yawning as this thread goes in
Originally posted by themole

Here Here...I couldn't agree with you more "gobills".

Where did the greatest show on turf get the Rams, or for that matter the 84 Fins or the high powered Bills of their SB days? No Where!

Now, here's a formula, "It doesn't make for very exciting football" average about twelve passes a game, just enough to convert 3rd downs and take a little heat off Ricky and have Ricky average 4yds per carry. Use the HPO only to get the leed then go about the business of "RAPING,MAULING" the oppositions defenSe with your dominating ball control,clock killing running game. I don't want long breakaway runs from my backs, four to eight yds will do just fine thank you.

That's the formula that allowed one team to go 26-2 between 1972-73 and 58 - 7, 1971- 1975. Could ya dig it?

I know for a fact the Pats have this vision and formula in mind, I've seen them work it. I only hope our front office and coaching staff has the vision. Just a little stronger on the O Line and the tools will be in place.

The final and most important ingredient to this formula is EXECUTION.

I totally agree with everything that you said. However if you think that Miami is going to drop back and put the ball up 50 times a game just becuase they now have 2 legitimate threats a WR you're sadly mistaken. The fins will always choose the running game and balance first. It's in Wanny's blood. Miami will continue to play good defense and run the football first just when they do decide to put it up they'll be more people to get open and make a play. David Boston makes the Miami Dolphins much better on offense even if he just repeats what he did in San Diego last season. Anyone who can't see this is in big time denial.
Originally posted by CirclingWagons
Hey, now that hurts my feelings:lol:

yeah you feel real good dont ya? you aint ****. your a loser. kind of like that ****ing milkman smiley ******* of pic you got.
Originally posted by finfan54

yeah you feel real good dont ya? you aint ****. your a loser. kind of like that ****ing milkman smiley ******* of pic you got.

Isn't this attacking the poster? I thought the TOS stated attack the post, not the poster.
Originally posted by jbond
now you don't really know if the ravens or philly contacted SD now do you? And considering the TO agreement was made, what, within a day of us getting boston.....don't you think the trade talks were already pretty much finalized at that point in time (which SD didn't want to start know...the whole timefactor to clear up the 5-6 million thing).....and lest we forget as it hasn't really been mentioned....we did also traded a former 1st round pick CB as well....which should do nicely in SD but it's unfortunate (for him that is) that he's had to play under Madison and Surtain.....constant pro-bowlers in their positions.

:boring: yawning as this thread goes in
Geez, you are getting worse.Now you're reaching :lol: I don't know but let's not make assumptions. Until you show me links that they tried to get Boston, the it's easier to say, they didn't want him. :D.

Your former no. 1 , Fletcher was a bench warmer. Don't Make him look like he was a great pick up for SD. Pulease.

To end this discussion, even Boston wouldn't have accepted a minimun based salary of less than 600,000 if he thought he was great. A proven wr. would never accept that.

Answer me this because no one has answered , if their career was to end today, who would have a better chance of making HOF?

You my friend , have been owned.
please, you haven't owned anything and if you reread through this whole thread you'll see how your arguments have been misguided.

Boston had a better year than Moulds ever will in a crappy team none the less. And given the fact that Moulds has more years in the NFL doesn't mean he's had a better career nor will he be in the HOF when it's over. Boston on the other hand...still has years left to play and if his stats continue to be better then Moulds he will have a better 'chance'. You can only judge that in hindsight. I thought you were constantly pointing out who was better "NOW"...i.e. your reference to Seau. Do you really want to debate who's career was/is better between Spikes and Seau...please.....that's a no-brainer which you'd lose in a constantly change direction when trying to debate someone. Go take a class somewhere and figure out how to consistenly use supporting information without contradicting yourself.

As of TODAY, Boston is the better receiver, and if you read through the thread, it's been shown how he has better stats during his time in the NFL when compared to Moulds.

Do you think that philly or the ravens were going to try to sign and tie up millions on Boston when they were awaiting what would happen with TO? Then what would have happened? Philly would have said....sorry we don't want you anymore and TO would have had to settle for the Ravens anyways after stirring up the legal hassles? Maybe then the Ravens wouldn't have wanted him anyways. You don't play around with 3-4 million when in a day or two you'll know what happens and a possible replacement is on his way somewhere else he wants to go. And the whole Fletcher thing was to point out that we didn't just get Boston for a measly 6th round pick.

Fletcher may not be great but he can still be a good starter for another team. Unfortunately, he'd never get playing time behind 2 other pro-bowl CBs. That's why he was a bench warmer, which I would think would be obvious. How many proven CBs could come in and replace either Madison or Surtain? Give me a break.

Boston would accept any salary if he knows he can meet the incentives. He'll walk away at the end of the season with his 3 mill. He felt he deserved that kind of money and we were only willing to give it to him in incentives. All he has to do is show up and he's got's pretty friggin hard to do.

Go find the layaway section at Kmart and figure out how to one day own something.
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