Brees: The Best Dolphin That Never Was... | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brees: The Best Dolphin That Never Was...

Worst Brees Blunder?

  • Passing on Brees in 2001 Draft

    Votes: 49 39.8%
  • Passing on Brees in 2006 Free Agency

    Votes: 55 44.7%
  • Neither, Brees was not a wise choice in either case.

    Votes: 19 15.4%

  • Total voters
dolphinfan2k5 said:
Man, I can't stand it when people say we should have drafted Brees. Would anyone have said that after his first 3 or so years. No way. He would have struggled with us and he may not have suddenly turned into a great quarterback if he had been here like he did in San Diego.

A lot of QB's struggle their first 2-3 years in the league. It's a very difficult position to learn in the NFL. What he did was develop as a QB, and as bad of a head coach as Wannstadt was there's little you can point to to suggest that he most likely wouldn't have done the same here.
i think it was a mistake passin him both ways but more in 06 bcuz we new he could play then
Both. You could have got him in '01, and let him take 1-2 years to learn things, and by now, he'd be doing what he is now.

In '06, we passed on a guy that is leading the league in a lot of passing categories in favor of a guy who played bad in his 4 games, and then has been inactive the rest of the year. Although, things are eventually working themself out, with Harrington, who is turning into a good and capable starting QB.
We must have some terrible doctors telling Saban that Bree's shoulder is a bigger risk than Culpepper's knee..... Am I right or wrong?
its weird when everyone including other teams also thought brees had the worse injury of the two...shows how much doctors know sometimes
PhinGeneral said:
A lot of QB's struggle their first 2-3 years in the league. It's a very difficult position to learn in the NFL. What he did was develop as a QB, and as bad of a head coach as Wannstadt was there's little you can point to suggest that he most likely wouldn't have done the same here.

:lol: I understand that QB is the most challenging position, and takes time to adapt to, but there is a reason that the Chargers wanted Philip Rivers. They didn't think Brees was going to amount to anything, and they were ready to cut ties with him and try again, then luckily he showed something and gave the Chargers a great dilemma. I don't think you can say for sure that he would have been any different here. But I think after 3 years of showing little to nothing here I'm not sure he would have been given another shot, especially with Wanny and Fiedler.
this is getting old, who knows how Brees would have performed in Miami, who knows if he would have survived the first couple of games w/ the line problems we had early this season. Its all speculation . . . but I am in agreement in saying that Brees unquestionably would have been a better choice for THIS year. Who knows what the future holds. I'm not giving up on Daunte because he was hurt this year and stunk it up . . . why are people so ruthless now towards Daunte, the coaching staff let him start 4 games when we knew he was not 100% . . . but u can't blame him for his compassion to start and give his all to help this team and his dedication to trying to come back to start the season . . . lets give this guy another shot.
Pompy said:
We must have some terrible doctors telling Saban that Bree's shoulder is a bigger risk than Culpepper's knee..... Am I right or wrong?

You're wrong.

Brees had a 360-degree tear, requiring 12 pins to repair.

His comeback is nothing short of miraculous. The team doctors made the right medical calls, and Saban made the right personnel call. Culpepper kept up statistically with Brees before being sent back to rehab.
Desides said:
You're wrong.

Brees had a 360-degree tear, requiring 12 pins to repair.

His comeback is nothing short of miraculous. The team doctors made the right medical calls, and Saban made the right personnel call. Culpepper kept up statistically with Brees before being sent back to rehab.

Yep, best believe I thought that Brees wouldn't be an as effective QB after that injury . . . ALOT of teams blew it on Brees, not just Miami.
Kdawg954 said:
Yep, best believe I thought that Brees wouldn't be an as effective QB after that injury . . . ALOT of teams blew it on Brees, not just Miami.

Good point. Several teams said no thanks to Brees and his hefty contract. Not just Nick. But some people will find everything they can to condemn the man. Payton took a huge gamble. He got very lucky now and everybody thinks he's a genius. He's a good coach for sure but things could have easily been a lot different.
muscle979 said:
Good point. Several teams said no thanks to Brees and his hefty contract. Not just Nick. But some people will find everything they can to condemn the man. Payton took a huge gamble. He got very lucky now and everybody thinks he's a genius. He's a good coach for sure but things could have easily been a lot different.

Yep. Brees could very easily have screwed up his arm badly game one and not played another snap. Looking at the risks Daunte was less of one.

Lots of people say Daunte cant play QB without his legs.....can Drew play QB without his arm? Thats what we were looking at.
This debate was never going to be answered in just one year. Both teams are making multi year investments in their quarterbacks. Brees is doing great in New Orleans, and I'm thrilled for him, the team and the city, but let's see a healthy Culpepper (and see Brees continue his success) before we flog the team and ourselves over this choice.

Brees is in New Orleans. Culpepper is here. Those are the cards that have been dealt.
Desides said:
You're wrong.

Brees had a 360-degree tear, requiring 12 pins to repair.

His comeback is nothing short of miraculous. The team doctors made the right medical calls, and Saban made the right personnel call. Culpepper kept up statistically with Brees before being sent back to rehab.

No he's not wrong.

You can argue all you want that Culpepper may end up the better choice in the long run and certainly I hope he does.

However, it was made clear to the Phins from Brees' doctor that he was fully recovered and ready to play. That Dr. just happens to be the most renowned Ortho Dr. that works with the NFL. Our staff went against his recommendation and were paying the price this year and certainly maybe next year as we will go into yet another year with question marks at the QB position.

We made a bad call bottom line and it cost us at least one season.
Hopefully it all works out in the end.
Alex44 said:
Lots of people say Daunte cant play QB without his legs.....can Drew play QB without his arm? Thats what we were looking at.

This argument continues to come up but it's pointless.

Culpepper's leg IS still hurt.

Brees' arm IS NOT.

He's taken hits in N.O. and not reinjured it so that argument goes out the window IMO.
As to the question of the thread, I believe it was a much bigger mistake to not take him this year rather than when we could have drafted him.

He probably would have never touched the field and would have ended up being traded for scrap by Wanny because he couldn't see past his boy Fee Fee.
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