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Chargers VS The Mighty Fins

Fin Fan in Cali

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Club Member
Sep 8, 2004
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Sunshine state
Man, the game isn't until December 11th, and the Charger honk who is supplying my ticket to the game is already talking smack. He is a good friend. It's a long way to the game, but he is telling me if the Chargers for some reason have a losing season, or a bad year, then ther will be more Dolphin fans at the game. He stated if the Chargers are kicking butt, that there won't be that many Dolphin fans at the game.

Hey Dolphin fans if you are in traveling range of San Diego, we have to go after every ticket we can, not only to show San Diego that we stand proud, but to prove my point to Crunch Time, that there is a lot of Dolphin Fans out here in San Diego!:beerbang: Buy those tickets up as soon as you can, that way we are there in full force!
I live in vegas. My girlfriend is a sd fan. Im strongly considering makin the trip
This will also be a great time to meet fellow Dolphin fans, but most importantly to meet your fellow Dolphin Fans who so proudly serve in our Armed Forces! Buy them a beer, and shake there hands, and tell thanks for a job well done!
I'm got My brother-in-law working on getting some good seats(he's got a ticket connection guy) I want good tickets if I'm driving down to SD.Keeping my fingers crossed.

Fin Fan in Cali said:
Man, the game isn't until December 11th, and the Charger honk who is supplying my ticket to the game is already talking smack. He is a good friend. It's a long way to the game, but he is telling me if the Chargers for some reason have a losing season, or a bad year, then ther will be more Dolphin fans at the game. He stated if the Chargers are kicking butt, that there won't be that many Dolphin fans at the game.

Hey Dolphin fans if you are in traveling range of San Diego, we have to go after every ticket we can, not only to show San Diego that we stand proud, but to prove my point to Crunch Time, that there is a lot of Dolphin Fans out here in San Diego!:beerbang: Buy those tickets up as soon as you can, that way we are there in full force!
PHINATIC13 said:
I'm got My brother-in-law working on getting some good seats(he's got a ticket connection guy) I want good tickets if I'm driving down to SD.Keeping my fingers crossed.
That's great! The more Dolphin Brotherin we have there the better! I hope to meet as many Dolphin fans as I can while I am there.
Fin Fan in Cali said:
Man, the game isn't until December 11th, and the Charger honk who is supplying my ticket to the game is already talking smack. He is a good friend. It's a long way to the game, but he is telling me if the Chargers for some reason have a losing season, or a bad year, then ther will be more Dolphin fans at the game. He stated if the Chargers are kicking butt, that there won't be that many Dolphin fans at the game.

Hey Dolphin fans if you are in traveling range of San Diego, we have to go after every ticket we can, not only to show San Diego that we stand proud, but to prove my point to Crunch Time, that there is a lot of Dolphin Fans out here in San Diego!:beerbang: Buy those tickets up as soon as you can, that way we are there in full force!
I was in the Navy and stationed at 32nd street out there...a friend of mine invited me to oakland for the nov 27th that you mention it i might have to save for that one too!!...Be cool if more fin fans could make it to that one too though
finzforever3000 said:
I was in the Navy and stationed at 32nd street out there...a friend of mine invited me to oakland for the nov 27th that you mention it i might have to save for that one too!!...Be cool if more fin fans could make it to that one too though
Navy is okay, just not as great as the Marine Corps! Just teasing! I appreciate, and respect all our proud services. The more the merry in San Diego! Maybe we will even get Crunch time to make a guest showing as well!
I am going to that game in San Diego for sure, and Im coming from Toronto, Canada...I have a friend that has moved down from Toronto to Cali but her family are all bills fans, but im crashing at their house for the weekend and going to the game with my friend and making her wear all Fins gear...Im soo excited...Ive heard there are a lot of Fins fans in Cali soo the turn out should be good...I was juss wondering, where is the best place to get my tics..Off Ticketmaster, EBAY or Scalpers at the game...thanks for the info...
Fin Fan in Cali said:
Navy is okay, just not as great as the Marine Corps! Just teasing! I appreciate, and respect all our proud services. The more the merry in San Diego! Maybe we will even get Crunch time to make a guest showing as well!
Are you kidding??The Marines used to ride on our ship and play cards and eat and watch pornos..thats all jarheads were good for LOL :D I love San Diego tho would def like to get to that game........
Davo said:
I am going to that game in San Diego for sure, and Im coming from Toronto, Canada...I have a friend that has moved down from Toronto to Cali but her family are all bills fans, but im crashing at their house for the weekend and going to the game with my friend and making her wear all Fins gear...Im soo excited...Ive heard there are a lot of Fins fans in Cali soo the turn out should be good...I was juss wondering, where is the best place to get my tics..Off Ticketmaster, EBAY or Scalpers at the game...thanks for the info...
You can take your chance the day of the game outside the stadium, or try stubhub, or perhaps ebay. The problem is if the Chargers have a great season like they should, you may want to get your tickets now while they are resaonable, and you can find them. I will be more then glad to work the local papers, The San Diego Union Tribune, and The North County Times for tickets if someone needs me to. What ever it takes, I am here for my fellow Dolphin fans.
finzforever3000 said:
Are you kidding??The Marines used to ride on our ship and play cards and eat and watch pornos..thats all jarheads were good for LOL :D I love San Diego tho would def like to get to that game........
Bro before you start to talk smack, when they sound general quarters on a Navy Ship who has the authority to level someone, when they are hauling butt through the hatches to secure the ship? I think that is The Presidents Own, The United States Marine Corps! I did my 11 years proudly!
Drfletcherdc said:
I plan on going to the game if I can get tickets. If anyone has connections, hook me up.
I will keep my ears open. A month or so before the game if there Dolphin fans looking for duckets, I will hit the papers, listen for tickets for sale, and check the local ticket agentcie as well.
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