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Charles Harris Traded.

so, it was a good move unless Grier was the one who made it? You seem a bit confused!

No. Let me spell it out. Harris is garbage and was way over drafted. Grier is the man that spent the 22nd pick on the scrub. So taking a guy in the first and later recouping a 7th is not a good move, it just verifies it was an awful pick.
If this was a GM that had not chose Harris getting anything for this garbage would be a good deal.
Look at who is talking about assumptions. Someone who has assumed Grier should get the blame. Football is supposed to be a team game, even in the front offices!

He is the GM so yes overall he is the responsible party. i also think the scouts and anybody else that recommended that pick can share some blame also much like some of the blame for Dion Jordan is on him but not to the same extent.
Again anyway you want to slice it this man has been in on every aspect of a draft for the past 20 years and we have been mediocre to bad. Access a percentage of his accountabilty all you want but mine says he has had 100% hand in every one of them.
He is the GM so yes overall he is the responsible party. i also think the scouts and anybody else that recommended that pick can share some blame also much like some of the blame for Dion Jordan is on him but not to the same extent.
Who is absolving Grier of any blame for the Harris pick?

What has been happening is that Grier is being blamed for every move the franchise has made in the last 10 years when he's one;y actually had real GM power since last year.

People, keep acting like the title of General Manager is an absolute and carries the same responsibilities on every team and at all times.
I’ll expect him to lead the league in Sacks next year and make the pro bowl. Isn’t that how former Dolphins who don’t perform to their potential here almost always do when they get to their next team?
Probably not though
Who is absolving Grier of any blame for the Harris pick?

What has been happening is that Grier is being blamed for every move the franchise has made in the last 10 years when he's one;y actually had real GM power since last year.

People, keep acting like the title of General Manager is an absolute and carries the same responsibilities on every team and at all times.

he has been a major part of this draft and scout team since like 2007. If he had nothing at all to do with the Charles Harris pick then why be GM. he was the damn GM when the guy was picked so he deserves as much blame if not more than anybody. People keep trying to pick and choose with Grier to make them feel better about being the GM. The whole 2017 draft overall was **** out side off one ok overly injured player and even he has not lived up to the pick.
With his role with the team over the time esp with being head of scouting for college players it is silly to think he became GM and he was overruled to take Charles Harris
he has been a major part of this draft and scout team since like 2007. If he had nothing at all to do with the Charles Harris pick then why be GM. he was the damn GM when the guy was picked so he deserves as much blame if not more than anybody. People keep trying to pick and choose with Grier to make them feel better about being the GM. The whole 2017 draft overall was **** out side off one ok overly injured player and even he has not lived up to the pick.
With his role with the team over the time esp with being head of scouting for college players it is silly to think he became GM and he was overruled to take Charles Harris
As I said, you think the title of GM is a constant and always the same on every team, every year. It is an extremely binary take on something that fails to factor in the specific reality of the situation.

That is your right and you are welcome to it, but angrily demanding it is the ONLY way to see this situation, is not unlike a caveman running up to a guy cooking on his grill, and yelling, "NO, fire only bad!!!!!!"

The funniest part about all this, is that starting last year, he is the GM the way you envision all GM in terms of power and responsibility and yet your demands for him being held responsible will not change even though the power structure clearly has.
As I said, you think the title of GM is a constant and always the same on every team, every year. It is an extremely binary take on something that fails to factor in the specific reality of the situation.

That is your right and you are welcome to it, but angrily demanding it is the ONLY way to see this situation, is not unlike a caveman running up to a guy cooking on his grill, and yelling, "NO, fire only bad!!!!!!"

he is the GM regardless and was had of college scouting before that. if you want to believe he was just there until 2019 thats fine. The reality of the situation is we do not see who makes the picks any season
so for all we know Flores made the picks this year. As GM he bares responsibility for draft picks regardless if he was a token or not. Does he bear all the responsibility of course not in fact scouts play their role also.
He was the director of college scouting for like 8 years before he was GM and assistant before that so to think he does not play a huge role in the draft especially after being named GM seems to ignore a lot of specific reality or just be very convenient. His one specialty all the time he has been with the team has been college scout and then being top scout. Maybe we are just so dysfunctional that we ignore the people we pay to do thee jobs but I dont buy it.
if that was not his job then what the hell was he doing as GM, bringing coffee.
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he is the GM regardless and was had of college scouting before that. if you want to believe he was just there until 2019 thats fine. The reality of the situation is we do not see who makes the picks any season
so for all we know Flores made the picks this year. As GM he bares responsibility for draft picks regardless if he was a token or not. Does he bear all the responsibility of course not in fact scouts play their role also.
He was the director of college scouting for like 8 years before he was GM and assistant before that so to think he does not play a huge role in the draft especially after being named GM seems to ignore a lot of specific reality or just be very convenient.
I'm not sure how the message keeps getting lost on you, but Grier hasn't had the power you think he does. Hell, you are even contradicting yourself, by giving him equal blame no matter what position title he held.

You blame him for everything. Fine, do that, enjoy yourself, live in your absurdly binary world all you want, but why try to argue that with everyone else? I mean if you only see three shapes and like two colors in the world, why argue that's all there is with people who see more?
I'm not sure how the message keeps getting lost on you, but Grier hasn't had the power you think he does. Hell, you are even contradicting yourself, by giving him equal blame no matter what position title he held.

You blame him for everything. Fine, do that, enjoy yourself, live in your absurdly binary world all you want, but why try to argue that with everyone else? I mean if you only see three shapes and like two colors in the world, why argue that's all there is with people who see more?

don't give anybody all the blame but he's the GM been the top scout there for 10 years so yes he bears as much blame as anyone.
He was the GM for the front office that drafted Charles Harris there's nothing that changes that fact. There is nothing to suggest he did not want that pick are the player was not chosen because of his recommendation.

All drafts are collaborated effort but act like he had no see on the pick is ridiculous
Grier deserves blame for being a part in drafting Harris

He also deserves credit for being a part in getting anything for that scrub

Overall Grier has been unimpressive. More bad than good in his history. Only thing we can do is hope that things are different working with Flores.
don't give anybody all the blame but he's the GM been the top scout there for 10 years so yes he bears as much blame as anyone.
He was the GM for the front office that drafted Charles Harris there's nothing that changes that fact. There is nothing to suggest he did not want that pick are the player was not chosen because of his recommendation.

All drafts are collaborated effort but act like he had no see on the pick is ridiculous
Please pay attention because this has become tedious......


I didn't say it, I didn't imply it. Was talking to someone else about the power Grier has had (or didn't have) in the past versus now.
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