Chris Grier - GM of the Year? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Chris Grier - GM of the Year?

Agree with 90%.....But there is NO WAY that Iggy gets a C -. That is a complete failure of a draft pick as it stands right now. At best I’d give a D-.
Judging a rd1 pick, before completion of a single season where, arguably, the best tandom in the league is in front of him on the depth chart?

I think there is more going on in your mind than just the player.

Did you want someone else? Do you see it as a wasted pick?

I mean it's pretty much universally accepted that players can't be fairly judged on part of a rookie season.
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I can't see how he isn't named GM of the year. He's pulling a JJ Dallas era level of competence.

Major FA Signings:
Byron Jones: Solid B on his play / injuries alone but if you factor in the secondary's overall play it could move up to an A-. Losing him for three games likely cost us at least a game, possibly 2.
Kyle Van Noy: A - Started off slow, now has become a leader of the defense.
Jordan Howard: D - Arguably the only miss this year by the FO. Low risk move and the fact that they cut bait quickly is a positive sign. Gase would still be running him in the ground to prove a point.
Ogbah- A+. Nothing to add. We all know what he's done this year.
Lawson - A. Solid contributor on a defense that has made a full 180 in one short season.
Flowers: B. Has contributed to the line being solidified. May or may not be around long term but he's been part of the solution and rapid turnaround of the trenches on offense.
Karras: B - See above
Grugier-Hill - B - Contributing on defense.
Elandon Roberts: B-. Inconsistent but you can argue that his heavy hitting and key 3rd and 4th (short yardage plays) contributing to sealing a few wins.
Seiler - A+ Poached in 2019 off the Ravens practice squad. Signed to the Dolphins active roster in 2020 and already extended on a team friendly deal. A steal.

Draft Class:
Tua: A - Already showing signs of a being a franchise QB with durability in the pocket and no offensive weapons.
Austin Jackson: B- . Inconsistent but was supposed to be a project at LT. Upside is massive and will continue to improve. Could move to an A next year.
Noah: C- Youngest player in the league who was unfairly put in a bad position early. Silently making strides in coverage. Could move up next year.
Hunt: B Continuing to play well and will be a stalwart along the line.
Davis: A+ - Widely panned, he's becoming a force to be reckoned with and will only get better. Dominant Pro Bowler if his trajectory continues to move up.
Brandon Jones B - Has shown flashes and is part of the reason why the secondary is amongst the best in the league.
Kindley - B Has had moments where he looks like a beast. Will get better with a full TC and season under his belt.
Stowbridge: C Undetermined.
Weaver: D - The only miss. Can't win em all but I'm not upset about a 5th rounder not panning out.
Ferguson: A. If he lasts all long as Denney it's a win. Up until the KC game Sanders was nearly perfect.
Malcom Perry: C. Still has a way to go.
Bowden A+ - Traded a 4th in 2021 for a Bowden and a 6th round pick. He's shown flashes of being a game changer on offense and was badly needed given the current wreckage on offense. He's going to be a solid contributor for many years.

This is an unbelievable haul in one offseason. To have 20 new players contribute and contribute well to an organization rebuilding is something that only championship caliber teams can pull off. On top of the stockpile of low round picks we have next year.

Chris Grier is building the foundation of what could be the next dynasty in the NFL and deserves to be the GM of the year.
For sure. The collaboration with flo has been amazing. We really do look like the old patriots, in a good way. Those 4 years flo spent in their scouting dept has been an influence. Grier didn’t look like this with gase etc. not taking away from him but it’s clearly been a collaboration, and it has been brilliant! The ability to just pick up players and then have the coaching staff develop them and or incorporate into their schemes has been so fun to watch and is one of the reasons I know we are in for sustained success.
For sure. The collaboration with flo has been amazing. We really do look like the old patriots, in a good way. Those 4 years flo spent in their scouting dept has been an influence. Grier didn’t look like this with gase etc. not taking away from him but it’s clearly been a collaboration, and it has been brilliant! The ability to just pick up players and then have the coaching staff develop them and or incorporate into their schemes has been so fun to watch and is one of the reasons I know we are in for sustained success.
Gase was a franchise destroyer. He undermined his own players, completely ignored the defensive side of the football and refused to play young talent in favor of washed up veterans.

Almost impossible to evaluate a GM when your head coach is as inept and vindictive as Gase.
Gase was a franchise destroyer. He undermined his own players, completely ignored the defensive side of the football and refused to play young talent in favor of washed up veterans.

Almost impossible to evaluate a GM when your head coach is as inept and vindictive as Gase.
Was? More a franchise destroyer. Look at what he's done to the Jets. But they were idiotic enough to hire him after seeing his couple years with us.
I am one of his main detractors but I have admitted that this year's free agency and draft are on another level. The best I have seen for this team in all my history as a fan. I have essentially stepped back and acknowledged the great job he has done this year.

I will say, however, that we do not know how much of an influence McKenzie and Allen had on this year's off-season and it worries me a tad that once they leave maybe we go back to drafting the Charles Harris' of the world.
This to me speaks on his willingness to listen to other voices and not be intimidated by their resumè. His vision (along with Flo) is the voice we hear though. I love that he put his ego aside and added talent to the front office too. He also deserves credit for doing it his way.
Judging a rd1 pick, before completion of a single season, where, arguably, the best tandom in the league is in front of him on the depth chart?

I think there is more going on in your mind than just the player.

Did you want someone else? Do you see it as a wasted pick? Did iggy deflower your daughter?

I mean it's pretty much universally accepted that players can't be fairly judged on part of a rookie season.
To be fair, the other first round picks are in their first year too and they have shown they are really good and promising. IGGY hasn’t shown that yet. It doesn’t mean that he won’t be better next year with a full off season and pre-season under his belt, but it is fair to give him a grade vs his fellow rookies for what he’s put on tape this year. It’s not just the two boundary corners, we often put 5 or 6 defensive backs on the field at the same time. Clearly hes’ not there yet.

I haven’t given up on him yet, and hope he gets better, but Tua, Jackson, Hunt, Davis, Kindley, etc., those guys have all shown that the game is not to big for them, they are all future starters, and have really bright futures based off of what they have put on film this year. IGGY hasn’t shown that yet. Doesn’t mean he won‘t, but he also hasn’t shown anything yet that definitively says he will either.
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At this point, I don’t see another GM who has done a better job rebuilding a team over the last two seasons than Grier has done with the Dolphins. He hired a great HC and he had a great off season in the draft and in free agency.
Gimme a good draft this year again and a Superbowl win next year and I'll vote him President of Mexico, lol
Love what Grier did this last year, but don't forget he had McKenzie and Allen in his corner this time. I think there is some credit due to those guys as well. The years past his draft were not something to write home about. There were some major whiffs. Hopefully he learned from those past drafts and there are more drafts like this to come. I am cautiously optimistic about Grier for now, but I do agree this draft was an absolute home run.

If I had to choose between Flores getting COY or Grier getting GMOY, I would easily choose Flores for what its worth.
Grier is the General Manager of the Dolphins'. The scouting department is a part of that, right? I'm curious who you think brought in McKenzie and Allen? Unable to think of another option, save Ross, I would assume it was Grier who decided to hire them. Can't we at least give Grier full credit for that decision?

Really, it's all about results as a GM. I'm impressed that he had no problem sharing the load with other highly experienced GM types. Thus far, the blueprint seems to have worked out. The rest of the league may try to emulate it now after seeing those results.
Sometimes a change of scenery is needed. Both Ireland and Spielman were run out of town only to resurrect their careers. In the case of Grier it was the elimination of a convoluted FO structure and one of the worst HC in NFL history.
IMO it's about having the GM and coach on the same page. I don't think Ireland or Spielman were bad. Fans ran them out of town b/c the teams sucked, but it wasn't all on them. They were about average, but the bust rate was higher b/c the coaches never got the most/best out of the players. Flores helps Grier look better. I love the emphasis we have on teaching. And Grier helps Flores look better. Finding guys who fit in terms of talent and coachability makes the teaching easier.
Not going to argue with you but his failure was more on the coaching staff starting a raw prospect that wasn't ready after a limited TC and no preseason.
Iggy was/is a project. He came with great physical talent and was literally the youngest player in the league. And he was a recent convert to CB. I think people over-react against him b/c he wasn't the guy they wanted (he wasn't the guy I wanted either) and b/c he made some dumb mistakes in a situation he wasn't ready for. But you don't grade project picks on year one. (Some fans believe that 1st round picks have to produce immediately, but that's dumb and I'm sure not what the team believes). By definition, project picks take time. You give a great teaching staff a young player with great athletic ability and coachable attitude and it's going to pay off more often than not. I wouldn't bet against this team developing Iggy into a very good player down the line.
I am one of his main detractors but I have admitted that this year's free agency and draft are on another level. The best I have seen for this team in all my history as a fan. I have essentially stepped back and acknowledged the great job he has done this year.

I will say, however, that we do not know how much of an influence McKenzie and Allen had on this year's off-season and it worries me a tad that once they leave maybe we go back to drafting the Charles Harris' of the world.

There is no doubt they've had a major influence. But he is a major part of the reason they are in the positions they are in. Also, underrated piece of this in my opinion that can't be proved, is Flores' time evaluating. I think that definitely helps a ton. He can evaluate and he knows exactly what fits he needs for his team.

No more square pegs in round holes. Flores isn't going to let them bring in pieces that do not fit. And Grier and company are fully on board as opposed to clashing with the coach.
Iggy was/is a project. He came with great physical talent and was literally the youngest player in the league. And he was a recent convert to CB. I think people over-react against him b/c he wasn't the guy they wanted (he wasn't the guy I wanted either) and b/c he made some dumb mistakes in a situation he wasn't ready for. But you don't grade project picks on year one. (Some fans believe that 1st round picks have to produce immediately, but that's dumb and I'm sure not what the team believes). By definition, project picks take time. You give a great teaching staff a young player with great athletic ability and coachable attitude and it's going to pay off more often than not. I wouldn't bet against this team developing Iggy into a very good player down the line.
I can see why some say the pick could/should have been used differently.

I can also see the wisdom in taking him with a late rd1, if they think he can be a stud.

Look at it this way. As you point out very young, and inexperienced at corner.

As a rd1 they gain an extra year on the rookie contract. Now they have what would essentially be a collegiate senior, with exceptional physical attributes, but with a year of NFL coaching, training, and development.

I can see it, possibly, paying big dividends in the end.

I'm certainly not going to beat up the front office over it yet.
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