Countdown to kickoff...... Miami @ Buffalo. | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Countdown to kickoff...... Miami @ Buffalo.

Ahhhh...ignorance such a beautiful thing. I do believe Gailey has had success as a nfl coach, but don' let facts get in your way. If it's easier for you to totally dismiss the reality of the situation, then far be it for me to try to bring any reasonable facts to the conversation. It must be nice to be totally oblivious to reality. You have my utmost sympathy sir.

Facts are facts for a reason. They actually happened.
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Says the man with 35 posts. And um...... facts are facts for a reason. They actually happened.

Yea I have no clue what his post actually meant....

Chan Gailey took over a team in Dallas that was loaded with talent and took them to the playoffs ...Way to go...!!!
Yea I have no clue what his post actually meant....

Chan Gailey took over a team in Dallas that was loaded with talent and took them to the playoffs ...Way to go...!!!

Not really loaded, it was the end of the line for them. The Cowboys fell apart after Gailey, they still had Emmit Smith and Troy Aikmen after Gailey and were terrible. Jerry Jones said firing Gailey was a mistake. Easy to say now because the Cowboys were terrible until Parcells came in there.

But Im not going to defend the Bills much, they have to prove it, but I think its laughable that the last time the Bills and Dolphins played eachother the Bills won 38-17, and now all of a sudden the Dolphins are "way better"

We will see.
Not really loaded, it was the end of the line for them. The Cowboys fell apart after Gailey, they still had Emmit Smith and Troy Aikmen after Gailey and were terrible. Jerry Jones said firing Gailey was a mistake. Easy to say now because the Cowboys were terrible until Parcells came in there.

But Im not going to defend the Bills much, they have to prove it, but I think its laughable that the last time the Bills and Dolphins played eachother the Bills won 38-17, and now all of a sudden the Dolphins are "way better"

We will see.

Yea both teams had alot of injuries.....

But the Dolphins have also made a bunch of upgrades..Or do you not look at news?

We signed a top 5 Wr..We signed a pretty good ILB...

We went defense heaevy in the draft..(which was really bad)

O yea we got a really good proven D - Coordinator - Mike Nolan?

Last year is last year...

What have the Bills done to get better?

They got Spiller..not a bad pick..they got some pieces for a 3-4 D..

I just dont see how you can even compare the Bills to us?
I woke up, figured I would read finheaven and check this thread. What I didnt anticipate was Bills fans(yes they do exsist).

Who is the oblivious one? He said you guys are at the bottom of every stat almost, thats would be bringing facts to the conversation. Bottom line is, the bills suck, they will for a while unless they make drastic changes next offseason. You have to have a serious bias or not understand the game of football to say otherwise.
Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Comp Att Pct Att/G Yds Avg Yds/G TD Int 1st 1st% Lng 20+ 40+ Sck Rate
2 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 295 519 56.8 32.4 2,948 6.0 184.2 14 28 157 30.3 52 34 5 32 61.1
24 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 281 489 57.5 30.6 3,754 8.2 234.6 23 15 184 37.6 81T 57 17 44 86.9
defense- receiving
Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Rec Yds Avg Yds/G Lng TD 20+ 40+ 1st 1st% FUM

2 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 295 3,137 10.6 196.1 52 14 34 5 157 53.2 2

26 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 281 3,996 14.2 249.8 81T 23 57 17 184 65.5 1

defense- scoring

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Pts Pts/G Rsh Rec PRet KRet INT FUM Blk FG Blk Pnt XPM FGM SFTY 2-PT
16 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 326 20.4 19 14 0 0 3 1 0 0 32 22 1 2

25 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 390 24.4 16 23 0 0 3 0 0 0 35 33 0 2

defense- touchdowns allowed

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Total Rsh Rec Ret Def
14 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 37 19 14 0 4

23 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 42 16 23 0 3

defense - tackles

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Comb Total Ast Sck SFTY PDef Int TDs Yds Lng FF Rec TD
1 Buffalo Bills 16 16.1 258 1,311 949 362 32.0 0 109 28 2 335 76T 13 5 0

27 Miami Dolphins 16 22.5 360 1,032 850 182 44.0 0 90 15 1 164 29 14 6 1

defense- interceptions

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Comb Total Ast Sck SFTY PDef Int TDs Yds Lng FF Rec TD
2 Buffalo Bills 16 16.1 258 1,311 949 362 32.0 0 109 28 2 335 76T 13 5 0

16 Miami Dolphins 16 22.5 360 1,032 850 182 44.0 0 90 15 1 164 29 14 6 1

defense-game stats; afc only

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Scrm Plys Yds/G Yds/P 1st/G 3rd Md 3rd Att 3rd Pct 4th Md 4th Att 4th Pct Pen Pen Yds ToP/G FUM Lost10 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 1,086 340.6 5.0 19.4 97 240 40 14 26 54 107 919 32:34 21 5
11 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 968 349.3 5.8 18.6 69 198 35 8 15 53 73 589 28:13 17 6

I'm not a "stat" person, but apparently you are so here you go. Defensive stats. Offense stats were pretty obvious. The bills are supposed to suck at everything, well if they do what does that make your team?
Yea both teams had alot of injuries.....

But the Dolphins have also made a bunch of upgrades..Or do you not look at news?

We signed a top 5 Wr..We signed a pretty good ILB...

We went defense heaevy in the draft..(which was really bad)

O yea we got a really good proven D - Coordinator - Mike Nolan?

Last year is last year...

What have the Bills done to get better?

They got Spiller..not a bad pick..they got some pieces for a 3-4 D..

I just dont see how you can even compare the Bills to us?

Upgrade #1 WR, ILB.

Downgrade both OLB's? Downgrade DE since your taking your good DE and moving him to NT?

What if Henne doesnt get better? What if he stays the same? What if he takes a step backwards?

At one point Trent Edwards was considered one of the top young QB's in the NFL.
I don't think to many teams are really worried about the fins or the bills, as of right now. That may change during the season, it may not. If I were you I would be a little bit more cautiously optimistic about your team. If some reason your team doesn't live up to your lofty expectations, what are you going to do? Throw your tv out the window, kick your cat, shave your head and become a monk?

I gave you facts that the bills are not as bad as you say they are, ( and actually better defensively to the fins to a degree) you choose not to accept it for what ever reason. Fine, nothing off my ***. That's just the way it is I'm sorry you just can't see that.
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I don't think to many teams are really worried about the fins or the bills, as of right now. That may change during the season, it may not. If I were you I would be a little bit more cautiously optimistic about your team. If some reason your team doesn't live up to your lofty expectations, what are you going to do? Throw your tv out the window, kick your cat, shave your head and become a monk?

I gave you facts that the bills are not as bad as you say they are, ( and actually better defensively to the fins to a degree) you choose not to accept it for what ever reason. Fine, nothing off my ***. That's just the way it is I'm sorry you just can't see that.
Show me the facts you threw out there. Look at any stat and tell me where the Bills stand. Go ahead. Do it. Bet I wont hear anything else about that. THOSE are facts my friend!!!

I'm glad nobody is worried about playing the Dolphins! Just means we get to shut mouths again like we did in 08, with 10 times better of a team. Your QB was thought to be a great young talent several years ago as a rookie, but once a few concussions were administered, and BELOW AVERAGE skills were displayed, that all changed. Edwards is a bum!!!!!
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Say's who? you?! The media? how long have you been watching football, from my perspective, not very long. Look, this is not to bash you or belittle your fan-hood. My point is this; YOU HAVE NO CLUE what is going to happen, neither do I or the " talking heads " for that matter. Were the fins not 1-15 a few years back? What happened after that?

The bills have talent, whether you choose to accept it or not it does not matter. It's just a matter of bringing it all together. It might happen this year, it very well may not. The fins have talent as well, as does every team in the N.F.L. You should just think before you post, IMHO.

this is why i laugh at fin fans who think nobody else can turn it around, like they have won anything lately. everybody turns it around. like they forget they were 1-15 only 3 years ago. if henne falters, then what? not even sniffing the playoffs, thats what. but nobody knows what anyone is going to do, and these so called "experts" are a joke. people are in for a rude awakening though if you fin fans or anyone else thinks we dont have talent, we have possibly some of the best young talent in this league.
Show me the facts you threw out there. Look at any stat and tell me where the Bills stand. Go ahead. Do it. Bet I wont hear anything else about that. THOSE are facts my friend!!!

I'm glad nobody is worried about playing the Dolphins! Just means we get to shut mouths again like we did in 08, with 10 times better of a team. Your QB was thought to be a great young talent several years ago as a rookie, but once a few concussions were administered, and BELOW AVERAGE skills were displayed, that all changed. Edwards is a bum!!!!!

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Comp Att Pct Att/G Yds Avg Yds/G TD Int 1st 1st% Lng 20+ 40+ Sck Rate
2 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 295 519 56.8 32.4 2,948 6.0 184.2 14 28 157 30.3 52 34 5 32 61.1
24 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 281 489 57.5 30.6 3,754 8.2 234.6 23 15 184 37.6 81T 57 17 44 86.9
defense- receiving
Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Rec Yds Avg Yds/G Lng TD 20+ 40+ 1st 1st% FUM

2 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 295 3,137 10.6 196.1 52 14 34 5 157 53.2 2

26 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 281 3,996 14.2 249.8 81T 23 57 17 184 65.5 1

defense- scoring

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Pts Pts/G Rsh Rec PRet KRet INT FUM Blk FG Blk Pnt XPM FGM SFTY 2-PT
16 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 326 20.4 19 14 0 0 3 1 0 0 32 22 1 2

25 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 390 24.4 16 23 0 0 3 0 0 0 35 33 0 2

defense- touchdowns allowed

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Total Rsh Rec Ret Def
14 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 37 19 14 0 4

23 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 42 16 23 0 3

defense - tackles

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Comb Total Ast Sck SFTY PDef Int TDs Yds Lng FF Rec TD
1 Buffalo Bills 16 16.1 258 1,311 949 362 32.0 0 109 28 2 335 76T 13 5 0

27 Miami Dolphins 16 22.5 360 1,032 850 182 44.0 0 90 15 1 164 29 14 6 1

defense- interceptions

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Comb Total Ast Sck SFTY PDef Int TDs Yds Lng FF Rec TD
2 Buffalo Bills 16 16.1 258 1,311 949 362 32.0 0 109 28 2 335 76T 13 5 0

16 Miami Dolphins 16 22.5 360 1,032 850 182 44.0 0 90 15 1 164 29 14 6 1

defense-game stats; afc only

Rk Team G Pts/G TotPts Scrm Plys Yds/G Yds/P 1st/G 3rd Md 3rd Att 3rd Pct 4th Md 4th Att 4th Pct Pen Pen Yds ToP/G FUM Lost10 Buffalo Bills 16 20.4 326 1,086 340.6 5.0 19.4 97 240 40 14 26 54 107 919 32:34 21 5
11 Miami Dolphins 16 24.4 390 968 349.3 5.8 18.6 69 198 35 8 15 53 73 589 28:13 17 6

JESUS KID, DO I HAVE TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU?!? FACT: as of the end of 2009-2010 N.F.L season the BUFFALO BILLS had a BETTER( that's right BETTER) defense statistically then the MIAMI DOLPHINS. You want stats, I showed you stats. Last years is all we have to go by. This year HAS NOT BEEN PLAYED YET. You can tell me all you want about the players you picked up in the off-season. How great they are or what have you. It means NOTHING until they play for the fins. It might work out it might not, FACT. NOBODY knows what this upcoming season will bring, FACT.
I don't think to many teams are really worried about the fins or the bills, as of right now. That may change during the season, it may not. If I were you I would be a little bit more cautiously optimistic about your team. If some reason your team doesn't live up to your lofty expectations, what are you going to do? Throw your tv out the window, kick your cat, shave your head and become a monk?

I gave you facts that the bills are not as bad as you say they are, ( and actually better defensively to the fins to a degree) you choose not to accept it for what ever reason. Fine, nothing off my ***. That's just the way it is I'm sorry you just can't see that.

Those stats are pretty impressive it had to be your offence that let you down so much last year. No doubt our defense did for us down the stretch last year too. Actually when Ronnie Brown went down last year our offense really changed from ball controll and clock mangement team which protected much of our defenses weakness to a passing attack which kept the defense on the field exposing those weaknesses.
Hard to argue with your OLB observation about us until we see more of rookies play with pads on but Joey Porter was just not that good last year so there may be some addition by subtraction there. As far as the DL all we are missing is Ferg and many of us feel Starks could very well be an upgrade there and we are just deep, deep along that line. We can throw bodies at you all day there. Our secondary with Will Allen back should be stouter with the additional experience our 2 rookies CB have under their belt. Free Safty is a question at this point. Inside linebacker should be a lights out position of stength for us this year compared to last. Rex made a big difference with the Jets defense last year and most of us expect the same fron Nolan. So there you have it. We may have a couple of holes on defense possibly this year but we definitly had holes at on defense last year when you played us without Ferg at NT, Crowder at ILB along with Porter playing like a shadow of himself the year before and Wilson not that much help in the secondary.
The offence you will be facing at the beginning of the year should be much better and deeper too with Ronnie Brown back, Brandon Marshall and real depth everywhere. I would say depth is why we feel so ****y this year compared to last we just did not have it going into the season at most positions. Last year the puppies were fighting for the available roster spots on this team this year will be dog fight for the few spots available.
Those stats are pretty impressive it had to be your offence that let you down so much last year. No doubt our defense did for us down the stretch last year too. Actually when Ronnie Brown went down last year our offense really changed from ball controll and clock mangement team which protected much of our defenses weakness to a passing attack which kept the defense on the field exposing those weaknesses.
Hard to argue with your OLB observation about us until we see more of rookies play with pads on but Joey Porter was just not that good last year so there may be some addition by subtraction there. As far as the DL all we are missing is Ferg and many of us feel Starks could very well be an upgrade there and we are just deep, deep along that line. We can throw bodies at you all day there. Our secondary with Will Allen back should be stouter with the additional experience our 2 rookies CB have under their belt. Free Safty is a question at this point. Inside linebacker should be a lights out position of stength for us this year compared to last. Rex made a big difference with the Jets defense last year and most of us expect the same fron Nolan. So there you have it. We may have a couple of holes on defense possibly this year but we definitly had holes at on defense last year when you played us without Ferg at NT, Crowder at ILB along with Porter playing like a shadow of himself the year before and Wilson not that much help in the secondary.
The offence you will be facing at the beginning of the year should be much better and deeper too with Ronnie Brown back, Brandon Marshall and real depth everywhere. I would say depth is why we feel so ****y this year compared to last we just did not have it going into the season at most positions. Last year the puppies were fighting for the available roster spots on this team this year will be dog fight for the few spots available.

I'm not saying the fins are going to suck or the bills are going to be world beaters. Nobody has a damn clue. Nonetheless... thank you for intelligent descriptive post. Not just one is going to suck and one has dynasty written all over it.
this is why i laugh at fin fans who think nobody else can turn it around, like they have won anything lately. everybody turns it around. like they forget they were 1-15 only 3 years ago. if henne falters, then what? not even sniffing the playoffs, thats what. but nobody knows what anyone is going to do, and these so called "experts" are a joke. people are in for a rude awakening though if you fin fans or anyone else thinks we dont have talent, we have possibly some of the best young talent in this league.

I agree there's allot of smack talk for a team that only finished one win ahead of you guys last year.

I do think we'll be much improved, but think the Bills will also be better than many think. They beat both Miami and the Jets last year and should have beaten the Pats. Gailey always manufactures an offense that puts up points, even with lesser talent - especially deficiencies on the Oline. He did it as OC with Miami back in the Fiedler pre Ricky days and he did it with KC and Thigpen just a couple of years ago. I think he'll turn Edwards back around.

I also think your defense transitions pretty well out of the Tampa 2 to the 3-4 if Kyle Williams and Troup can do anything at NT - a big if. The biggest question on your defense in my mind is the DC who's very unproven so who knows what you'll get. Losing Fewell was a big loss IMO.

That being said I hope we sweep you and that the games aren't even close.
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