Culpepper had issues beyond his knee injury | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Culpepper had issues beyond his knee injury

Down with Gesickness

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Aug 18, 2005
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North Carolina
[FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica] Saban wondered more about Culpepper's head. It wasn't just the decisions that Culpepper made on the field, holding the ball too long, taking a ridiculous number of sacks and unable to run an admittedly sagging offense before heading to the bench.

It was Prima Daunte stuff off the field, too. Not showing up at the Dolphins' news conference to announce his trade (Culpepper had promised the first interview to ESPN). Not studying defenses enough (which led to him holding the ball in confusion). Not adjusting at all to a lost step from surgery or age (which led to more confusion in the pocket).

[FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial, Helvetica] But Cameron coached Lemon in San Diego. And asked if Lemon could be a starter in Friday's news conference, Cameron talked him up in an interesting way.

"He has been a starter," Cameron said, noting the last game of this lost season. "Cleo Lemon, I'm pretty sure, unless someone breaks the record this year, was the first player we had [in San Diego] to go three consecutive years and never miss a workout.

"That tells you about Cleo Lemon because I think that's the first and most important thing a quarterback has to be -- the hardest worker in your organization."

I found this very interesting and it gives me a whole different perspective on Culpepper. I thought he was working his *** off all off-season to be in the best possible playing condition, but it seems Lemon is the hard worker. It's also interesting that Cam Cam sees Lemon as a legitimate starter possibility. Any thoughts?
Lemon deserves a shot..theres no doubt in that..but really...the Cpep bashing threads are getting old
:confused: Im not sure where this guy is getting his information from... He didnt come for the interview because Nick Saban didnt allow ANYONE to speak with the media besides himself, no other free agent had a press conference either. Culpepper went to EVERY practice and workout manditory or not. And how does he know that Culpepper didnt study defenses enough? did he follow him around? This info seems to off. I just think that some people have made up there mind to not like Culpepper, so they fabricate and bend stories that reflect them in a negative light. 20 bucks he's in love with joey because he "makes quick decisions" and "reads defenses good", bullcrap, Joey obviously couldent read defense all that well as he constantly made horrible decisions and forced balls that led to 15 interceptions in less than 11 games. etsudolphan is right, these are getting old.

Edit: im not bashing the thread starter, just tired of these writers with there head up there ***.

I found this very interesting and it gives me a whole different perspective on Culpepper. I thought he was working his *** off all off-season to be in the best possible playing condition, but it seems Lemon is the hard worker. It's also interesting that Cam Cam sees Lemon as a legitimate starter possibility. Any thoughts?

I don't think you could find anyone who watched C-Pep this year that would say his struggles were merely physical. Hopefully he has been hitting the film and rehabbing. Keep in mind he knows this may be his last shot.
I've watched that indy game twice and watched cleo with a close eye,i'am gonna say it,that was the best overall game played by a dolphin quarterback all season,,,yea its true
I don't think you could find anyone who watched C-Pep this year that would say his struggles were merely physical. Hopefully he has been hitting the film and rehabbing. Keep in mind he knows this may be his last shot.

I agree. He definitely looked confused on a lot of plays and that generally comes from lack of film study or any kind of lack of mental preparation. Maybe he should take some tips from ZT as far as game preparation?
culpepper will be the comeback player of the year in 2007!
Fact about C'pep everyone ignores.

Carson Palmer had the SAME injury, and about 8 weeks after C'Peps. Yet, Palmer returned on time and had no issues.

C'Peps problem wasn't his knee. Sure, his knee wasn't 100%, his problem though was not knowing what to do with the ball. Holding onto the ball too long. And looking like his skills have declined. I would love to see a breakdown of his numbers with Randy Moss and without Randy Moss. Because in my eyes as of today, until C'Pep shows otherwise, I think Moss made this guy look a lot better than he ever was.
I agree. He definitely looked confused on a lot of plays and that generally comes from lack of film study or any kind of lack of mental preparation.

You're missing the obvious.

Mike Mularkey.

MikeO said:
Yet, Palmer returned on time and had no issues.

Palmer had plenty of issues. He resisted playing in the preseason because he was worried about his knee. He struggled for the first half of the season, doing his best to not lean into his throws. He was playing scared, and everyone could see it.

Furthermore, comparing Culpepper's recovery with Palmer's is meaningless. Just because they're two big-name NFL QBs doesn't mean any parallels exist to allow a valid comparison. Did Palmer have to become familiar with a new offense and offensive coordinator upon his return? Did he have to deal with an oversight from his initial reconstructive surgery? Did his offensive line resemble swiss cheese with more holes? No, no, and no.

But I suppose bashing Culpepper is the only interesting thing the board can do now that we have a new coach.
:confused: Im not sure where this guy is getting his information from... He didnt come for the interview because Nick Saban didnt allow ANYONE to speak with the media besides himself, no other free agent had a press conference either. Culpepper went to EVERY practice and workout manditory or not. And how does he know that Culpepper didnt study defenses enough? did he follow him around? This info seems to off. I just think that some people have made up there mind to not like Culpepper, so they fabricate and bend stories that reflect them in a negative light. 20 bucks he's in love with joey because he "makes quick decisions" and "reads defenses good", bullcrap, Joey obviously couldent read defense all that well as he constantly made horrible decisions and forced balls that led to 15 interceptions in less than 11 games. etsudolphan is right, these are getting old.

Edit: im not bashing the thread starter, just tired of these writers with there head up there ***.

Why is it a ****ing 16 year old (no offense) has more damn sense then 30+ year old writer.

:confused: Im not sure where this guy is getting his information from... He didnt come for the interview because Nick Saban didnt allow ANYONE to speak with the media besides himself, no other free agent had a press conference either. Culpepper went to EVERY practice and workout manditory or not. And how does he know that Culpepper didnt study defenses enough? did he follow him around? This info seems to off. I just think that some people have made up there mind to not like Culpepper, so they fabricate and bend stories that reflect them in a negative light. 20 bucks he's in love with joey because he "makes quick decisions" and "reads defenses good", bullcrap, Joey obviously couldent read defense all that well as he constantly made horrible decisions and forced balls that led to 15 interceptions in less than 11 games. etsudolphan is right, these are getting old.

Edit: im not bashing the thread starter, just tired of these writers with there head up there ***.

Sometimes I don´t know what to think about CP, becuse there been information not just in Miami but also in Minesota the he wasn´t the hardest worker...

But I like to belive in pepole, he was n´t my favorite Qb in Minnesota but I hope that basic problem was his knee not just other things...
You're missing the obvious.

Mike Mularkey.

Palmer had plenty of issues. He resisted playing in the preseason because he was worried about his knee. He struggled for the first half of the season, doing his best to not lean into his throws. He was playing scared, and everyone could see it.

Furthermore, comparing Culpepper's recovery with Palmer's is meaningless. Just because they're two big-name NFL QBs doesn't mean any parallels exist to allow a valid comparison. Did Palmer have to become familiar with a new offense and offensive coordinator upon his return? Did he have to deal with an oversight from his initial reconstructive surgery? Did his offensive line resemble swiss cheese with more holes? No, no, and no.

But I suppose bashing Culpepper is the only interesting thing the board can do now that we have a new coach.


(take it as a compliment).
Fact about C'pep everyone ignores.

Carson Palmer had the SAME injury, and about 8 weeks after C'Peps. Yet, Palmer returned on time and had no issues.

C'Peps problem wasn't his knee. Sure, his knee wasn't 100%, his problem though was not knowing what to do with the ball. Holding onto the ball too long. And looking like his skills have declined. I would love to see a breakdown of his numbers with Randy Moss and without Randy Moss. Because in my eyes as of today, until C'Pep shows otherwise, I think Moss made this guy look a lot better than he ever was.

Well if you want numbers on C'Pep without Moss here is an excerpt from the Culpepper Manifesto.

The Moss

Culpepper's great numbers are not because of Randy Moss -- any more than Montana/Young were products of Rice. Or any more than Manning is a product of Harrison. Almost every great QB has had some great WRs. In 2004, Mossed missed 3 games and was just a decoy in 2 others. In those 5 games, Culpepper completed 113 of 166 passes (68%) for 1179 yards, 9 TDs and 3 INTs, which comes out to a QB rating of 99.
In other games, he was hurt and simply didn’t do much. For that season, if you exclude passes thrown to Moss, he completed 330 of 463 passes (71.3%), for 3950 yards and 26 TDs. Even if you assume that none of his INTs were on passes thrown to Moss, which is doubtful, his QB rating excluding Moss was 105.9. Moreover, Moss clearly didn't make Kerry Collins into the Pro Bowler this year, even though he was opposite other quality WRs.
Fact about C'pep everyone ignores.

Carson Palmer had the SAME injury, and about 8 weeks after C'Peps. Yet, Palmer returned on time and had no issues.

C'Peps problem wasn't his knee. Sure, his knee wasn't 100%, his problem though was not knowing what to do with the ball. Holding onto the ball too long. And looking like his skills have declined. I would love to see a breakdown of his numbers with Randy Moss and without Randy Moss. Because in my eyes as of today, until C'Pep shows otherwise, I think Moss made this guy look a lot better than he ever was.

I think they both had knee injuries, but the severity was different.

Also here is a quick break down(I know its not exactly what you asked for):):

Randy Moss 2004
Games Recs Yards TDs

Daunte Culpepper 2004
Games Comps Atts Yards TDs
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