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Dan Marino or John Elway

Elway said:
i personally think both QB's were about the same in talent except elway was a much better scrambler but elway was also on better teamwhen he got his hardware.......but u gotta remember when elway made it to his previous 3 he did just about by himself since his defense was pretty much pathetic.....that's my two cents:rawk::rawk:

In those 3 years he got to the Super Bowl before TD came along, his defenses were 15,7, and 1 in points allowed.
Finole said:
Thanks, man.

Yeah, that Buffalo game was rough. And there is proof again that the QB shouldn't always take the blame for a loss or the credit for a win. Special teams and defense are a big part of the game.

Marino even ran one in for a TD! Remember that?

Yeah it was but the '92 Championship was worse since it was a home game and our pass protection, like in the Jan. 85 SB vs the niners collapsed like a house of cards and Dan had no time to throw. The hated Bills made us one dimensional and shut down what we had for a running game and attacked Dan mercilessly. Like the '90 game TOs killed us.
Marino420TD said:
Towards the end of the 84 season, our defense was getting pounded, but most other teams could not stop us, so we still won. I mean, we gave up 28 points against Mark Malone and the Steelers in the AFC title game. This was the biggest question going into the SB, was if our defense could put up a fight.

Pretty good summarization. The defense got injured and old quick. But, early in the year our offense was so dominant it covered up weaknesses on D. Without the injuries on D I don't think we would have given up that many points to the Steelers in the playoffs nor would have fallen that fast. I remember the '85 D was OK early in the year and then began a tail spin toward the end like the year before. In the 85 playoffs I mean Tony Eason of all people looked good vs.our Fins!!

The collapse on D was complete by the next year, '86. If memory serves well was that not Offerdahl's rookie year? By that time the vaunted defenses of '81 and '82 and the No Names were memories. Such a shame that once a great D wore out and the new breed could not keep the pace. For the rest of the '80s Dan had to carry the team. At least the '90 and '92 Defenses were competent and held their own - some of the time. The D melted away against the more potent offenses and in the playoffs. And, that '86 game vs Jets was ridiculous!
terrel Davis Won The Super Bowls Not Elway. Not By A Long Shot!
njphinatic1 said:
terrel Davis Won The Super Bowls Not Elway. Not By A Long Shot!
That 1st Super Bowl, Terrell Davis rushed 30 times for 157 yards and 3 TDs. And he deservedly won the MVP award.

But the 2nd Super Bowl, Elway went 18 of 29 for 336 yards 1 TD 1 INT...AND he ran one in himself. Davis ran for 102 yards on 25 carries and zero TDs.

Elway showed a lot of toughness in that game, won Super Bowl MVP, and he derserved it.

There aren't many QBs who can hold a candle to Marino, but Elway is one of the few that comes close.
in the 80's there was a thing called joe robbie that kept don shula on wraps,robbie who was notouriously cheap and didnt want to pay anyone thats what ended our early 1970's dominance in which we should have been considered the team of the decade there not pittsburgh
um 99 rams come to mind as a quick strike offense that won with what warner 4000 yards passer 41 tds oh and top d in the league oh and i forgot m.faulk what 1400 yards rushing like 15 total tds yeah it has happened and will happen again
i forgot to mention did you guys remember back after the 1997 season when marino and elway were both ringless??? yes well the general consensus was marino was the greater qb but then all of a sudden td explodes for 2000'gs of yardage and broncos finally win and then repeat after doing almost the same it wasnt until td and that defense in those final 2 years that most people questioned who was better marino or elway.take another thing
i agree j.rice was the greatest wr ever but if you took his rings away who is the greatest wr??? j.rice correct and the #2 greatest wr c.carter doesnt have a ring not to mention the top greatest rb dont have rings either w.payton had that infamous bears d of 85 other than that the sanders didnt have one j.brown didnt g.sayers e.dickerson, this is the ultimate team game people need to realize that why is that micheal jordan is the greatest b-ball player ever if rings are so important? he only has 6 bill russell has 11 thats 5 more!!!and bill russell went to the finals 12 out of 13 years he played and won 11 so if rings are important why is he not the greatest and in greatest qb's no one ever brings up bradshaws name yet he has 4 rings just like montana??? he had equally great teams juts like montana did i honestly think montana played on better teams than bradshaw did.and MARINO
I love Danny, but Johnny gets the edge here.

Oh, what could've been Dan...
If you took Marino and put him on any of the 49er or Bronco teams that won Super Bowls the outcome would have been the same.

If you took Elway and put him on the Dolphins in 1984 he would never have thrown for 48 TD’s.

Dan Marino is the best QB ever.

John Elway is the most well rounded QB ever.

Joe Montana is the best QB under pressure/leader ever.

Take any game in NFL history that HOF QB’s played and substitute Marino and the outcome would have been the same or better. Marino could make throws that Elway (accuracy) and Montana (strength) could not.

The problem with comparing QB’s is that TEAMS win Super Bowls not individuals. When Marino and Montana faced off Montana had an incredible team while Marino had an average team that he willed to the Super Bowl.

It makes no sense to me that if Marino won a Super Bowl throwing for 50 yards and no TD’s that Marino would be considered the best ever. Winning a Super Bowl means nothing as far as the skill of an individual player is concerned.

Eventually people will start to see all the HOF players Montana and Elway played with compared to Marino and then he will get his due.
Marino and his quick release all day. put marino on those denver teams and things woud have been different
Let's talk Super Bowl....... Elway did not manage to lead his team to a single 1st down in the Super Bowl when Terrell Davis left the game for 2 qtrs w/ a migrane. Is that "GREAT"?
All......that is right.......ALL of Elways best work came after 1995, after Shanahan became the coach in Denver!

Marino's Defense rankings his first 15 yrs:

His durability and toughness can not be argued, look at the # of games, the # of throws that his arm endured!

Bill Walsh once said" Montana and Young were products of a system, Marino was a system"
John Elways 1st 7 seasons he was never close to an all pro, his passer rtg was 73.6

In his 1st 17 postseason games he threw 16 tds' and 17 ints

Marino never was blown out in a Super Bowl like Elway

120 TDs....That is how many more Marino threw for! That alone is more than most throw in a career.

Marino threw more Td's against the Jets (record 72)alone than most qb's do in a career
Where do charles Jordan, and OJ Mc Duffie rank compeared to targets Elway had?

Marino had to overcome greater deficits in the 4th qtr to winn those games he did! Look it up.

Marino at his prime faced the Super Bowl runner ups 8 times in 4 seasons(the regula season alone).What did Elway face?

Everyone knew Marino threw the ball, and he was supposedly a statue. But the real fact is he threw 600 passes in a season and was sacked only 6 times! Not because the oline was the best ever or even close. It was because Marino had pocket presence, 1 step avoid the sack and get rid of it. Why would Marino run for 5,6, or even 10 yards when he could take 1 step and gain 20?

Bruce Smith retired as the ALL TIME SACK KING!!!!! 200 Sacks, 9.5 against Marino in close to 30 games.

Marino in his prime, was eliminated by Buffalo 3 times b/c the defense gave up 110pts.

I will add much more fire power later, but I have got to run!
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