Daunte being stubborn. Kick in the face for FinFans. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Daunte being stubborn. Kick in the face for FinFans.

How is it that Harrington did MUCH better back there than Duante did with the same line if it wasnt the QB's fault? All dolphin fans must admit that when Harrington went in was the first time our offense actually had an identity (Regardless of how good it was). We actually began moving chains

It wasn't the same line.
Get over this Daunte is getting mistreated idea he is till getting paid MILLIONS of dollars, if i got hurt at work I doubt they would be paying me for a year to rehab and if they did it would probably only be half of my salary at best.

Oh and by the way he SIGNED a contract to be a dolphin no one forced him to do it.

Guess what? The Dolphins SIGNED a contract to employ Culpepper as well. Did anybody force them to give up a draft pick and pay millions of dollars to Culpepper?

Let me ask, do you think that the Dolphins are acting in good faith to honor the contract that they signed to employ Culpepper as a skilled football player? That they are employing him as a skilled football player and not simplying holding on to his contract?

But then, it doesn't really matter what we think - it just matters what the arbitrator thinks.
There's nothing wrong with the Dolphins trying to get a pick for Culpepper. And Culpepper should understand that. We spent good money and a second round pick for a guy that played in 4 games. We paid him to rehab. This guy got millions of dollars just to show up. I have no sympathy for Culpepper. This is a business. If C-Pep had an agent, he probably would have been traded by now. There are teams interested in him. He's being stubborn, thinking he was treated unfairly. He needs to stop crying and give a little back to an organization that believed in him and gave him a chance to come back. If all he wanted to do was play football, then he would have accepted an offer by now. You have to think if he wants to play this year it will take him all summer to prove he’s a starting caliber QB. So, why the hold-up?
It’s all Daunte. He thinks because of the way he was treated when we got Green justifies the fact that we invested a lot in him, and he let us down. We didn’t trade a second round pick to get a QB that would suck for 4 games and then ride a bike for the rest of the season. Is it his fault that he wasn’t ready to come back from injury? No. But what happened, happened. It’s not Cam’s fault his game plan doesn’t include Daunte. What is he supposed to do? Change his game plan to adhere to one player? Both Daunte and the Dolphins never got what they expected. For the Dolphins…..
They expected a pro bowl Qb. For Daunte…….a chance to compete this year. It happens! This is a business! But who’s really being unprofessional? I think Daunte’s being a baby. He knows he not a starter anymore, and he’s taking out his frustrations on the Dolphins. It’s not the Dolphins fault that he sucked that last few years. The Dolphins paid the price in money and draft picks and will have to live with it. Daunte’s out of here any way, so why is he so overzealous about Miami getting a 6th or 7th rounder? Does he not feel that the damage has been done to the Dolphins since they got him? If you’re a Culpepper fan. You should look at what he’s doing to your beloved Dolphins. And just like the Godfather said “ You never go against the family.†So, open your eye’s, my Dolphin Brothers and Sisters. I liked Culpepper as a person and player, but I LOVE MY MIAMI DOLPHINS.

I think we made our own bed on this matter and if we had handled it differantly we might have more coopertaion. We have sabotaged much of own position because teams feel like if we don't want him there must be something really wrong with Culpepper a year after we traded a second round pick for him. Let's just end this charade we created and release him now so both parties can carry on with thier lives. Holding out to get a sixth or a seventh is not going to endear anybody and might actually affect players who are contemplating playing with us. I'm not excited about wasting another pick like that and think Green is not the answer but we have to move on and this constant spotlight does nothing for us in the long run.
Guess what? The Dolphins SIGNED a contract to employ Culpepper as well. Did anybody force them to give up a draft pick and pay millions of dollars to Culpepper?

Let me ask, do you think that the Dolphins are acting in good faith to honor the contract that they signed to employ Culpepper as a skilled football player? That they are employing him as a skilled football player and not simplying holding on to his contract?

But then, it doesn't really matter what we think - it just matters what the arbitrator thinks.

happens with both sides everyday...regardless of contracts...Pretty much contracts in the NFL are becoming more and more irrelevant
They moved hadnot to center

It was more than that. When Culpepper was in, his line was, from LT to RT, was Shelton, James, Hadnot, Anderson, and Vernon Carey. Joey had McIntosh, James (eventually replaced by Jacox), Hadnot, Shelton, and Carey. Joey had a more effective line.
It wasn't the same line.
You are not exactly accurate.

Culpepper second to last game he was sacked 6 times by the Titans...a defense that only had 26 sacks for the entire year. So the Titans got 23% of their sack total for the year in the one game against Culpepper.

Culpepper last game he was sacked 5 times by the Texans...a defense that only had 28 sacks for the entire year. So the Texans got 18% of their sack total for the year in the one game against Culpepper.

Harrington's first game was a against New England...NOT a single OL change was made for that game. Harrington was sacked 1 time...a defense that had 44 sacks for the entire year. So the Patriots got 2% of their sack total for the year in that game against Harrington...IT WAS THE EXACT OL THAT CULPEPPER HAD THE PREVIOUS WEEK.

The OL change didn't occur until the following week. Perhaps the OL took some "magic" blocking pills prior to the New England game?
kick in the face funny
name one player who is not-just one please that would not look out for their best interest and not the team that is trading him or the team that they feel shafted by.
It was more than that. When Culpepper was in, his line was, from LT to RT, was Shelton, James, Hadnot, Anderson, and Vernon Carey. Joey had McIntosh, James (eventually replaced by Jacox), Hadnot, Shelton, and Carey. Joey had a more effective line.

they were moving the line around from about week 3 until about week 6 or 7 so the conitnuity was off when both QB's were in
Actually Daunte may be making the worst business decision of his career. By getting into a public debacle with the Phins (after doing a similar stunt in Minn) you have to believe he has turned off a least a few suitors. And for what?

So he could control where he goes? I think working with the FO would accomplish that in a more civil manner.

So he can sign a bigger contract? Anyway you slice it Daunte is damaged goods and no one is going to pay top dollar for him. The Phins are only asking for a late round pick which won't significantly hurt his contract value, certainly not anymore then the grand standing he has been doing.

His best business decision would be to work with the FO to seek a trade ASAP so that he could get a full TC with another team, battle for either the starting or #2 position and then prove his worth. If he shows he is still the pro bowl version of Daunte then I'm more then sure who ever picked him up would restuture the contract for next year to keep him long term.

No, this isn't about Daunte doing what's best for his family. This is Daunte letting his ego get in the way of making smart decisions.

Yup. The longer Duante continues to be petulant, the more money it will cost him. If he gets cut in July or later, he'll have less chance at finding a team that will give him a decent contract.
Guess what? The Dolphins SIGNED a contract to employ Culpepper as well. Did anybody force them to give up a draft pick and pay millions of dollars to Culpepper?

Let me ask, do you think that the Dolphins are acting in good faith to honor the contract that they signed to employ Culpepper as a skilled football player? That they are employing him as a skilled football player and not simplying holding on to his contract?

But then, it doesn't really matter what we think - it just matters what the arbitrator thinks.

What the Dolphins are doing may not be the classiest avenue to take either, but just because both parties signed a contract doesn't necessarily make the circumstances equitable.

Duante works for them. He gets paid by them. They own his rights. Just because the team wishes to move in a different direction doesn't mean they're obligated to just drop the contract. It may be a bit cold, but it's a business. If you wanted to upgrade your vehicle should you just give away your current car?
and what is Trent Green going to charge us per win :sidelol:

Um, as I am not nostradamus I cannot read the future, but since TG is getting paid only 6 mil a year, even if we win 1 game, he will be charging us (So to speak) 6 million per win...Still cheaper than DC's 8 million per win...Anything else brainiac
What the Dolphins are doing may not be the classiest avenue to take either, but just because both parties signed a contract doesn't necessarily make the circumstances equitable.

Duante works for them. He gets paid by them. They own his rights. Just because the team wishes to move in a different direction doesn't mean they're obligated to just drop the contract. It may be a bit cold, but it's a business. If you wanted to upgrade your vehicle should you just give away your current car?

They own his rights under terms of the contract. They're certainly not obligated to just drop the contract, but neither is Culpepper obligated to change the terms of the contract to facilitate a trade. It is a business and both parties are exercising their rights.

But while they're not olibigated to drop the contract, they are obligated to operate under good faith to honor the terms of the contract (until they do drop the contract). Based on some of Cameron's quotes, I would say that the NFLPA has a valid point. But it's a gray area, and we'll find out what the arbitrator thinks when he rules on it.
[mod] Personal attacks are not permitted here. [/mod]

If you looked at it objectively and fairly you wouldn't be calling Daunte names, nor would you allow your emotions to transform your posts into insults and name calling.
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