Dave Hyde: Dolphins should fire Ireland and Philbin | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dave Hyde: Dolphins should fire Ireland and Philbin

I'm willing to see what Joe Philbin can do out of this mess, but if we have to lose Joe to lose Jeff... sorry Joe.

Yep. I've been ambivalent toward philbin so far. He hasn't distinguished himself one way or the other. The only sure thing is, unless you are phins super homer, is that Ireland is bad at his job. He just is. If philbin has to go if Jeff goes than thems the breaks. He hasn't done enough in my eyes to deem him a must keep. Losing Ireland, however, instantly makes our future brighter. This all could easily be a blessing in disguise
Ross should just fire Ireland now. Why wait. Let Philbin run the team. See how the team responds.
I think Ireland's job may be in jeopardy regardless at this point but nothing has changed on the Philbin front for me. I've felt all along that Philbin's job security is in his own hands, he just needs to win. Having said that his window might be a little tighter after all this, I think he needed 8-8 at worst before but now he might need to get up to 10-6 or even the playoffs to be safe.
I doubt that any new-hire HC would want to work with Ireland after this mess.
I would be completely fine with Ireland being gone....but not ready to give up on Philbin ( but the arrow has shifted a bit recently),Sherman, or KC. I like continuity at those 3 positions and it feels like forever since we had that. I also think that if Cog is his only blip, then chalk it up to inexperience while also recognizing that he is not the only HC who is guilty of it and other coaches using players who have done worse. Not to mention spy-gate and pay for pain (Saints). I mean think about all the drug users, girlfriend/wife beaters, rapists, murderers/accomplice to murder,animal abusers who have played. Plenty of players who have done some pretty awful things sport Super Bowl rings. He may of made some poor decisions, (Philbin)but I don't think he is a bad person. I am not sure anyone ever who has reached the pinnacle of his/her profession haven't done things that go against said persons morals at one time or another. I mean if we completely tank the rest of season, sure I can live with his (Philbin) release. But if we do make the playoffs or at least have our destiny in our own hands in the last week, I say he should stay. To me, it would show that he, his staff, and his players all overcame adversity and our young guys grew up a bit. And it would also suggest that Philbins best coaching is yet to come. Cogs, well I do like his demeanor on the field....but off, not so much. Pretty sure there is someone out there who can come in and do as good a job, without the rep and history of Cogs. I was in Cogs camp, but after these past few days...not so much. But Cogs still > Martin.
Not great, but a good article. There comes a time when we have to stop worrying about problems and start thinking about solutions. I drove by Davie yesterday and I couldn't believe how many News Trucks were out there. Call me naive but I do not think they would be there if the people involved in this mess were no longer employed with the Dolphins. Stephen Ross must get all the facts. And if Joe Philbin knew, if Jeff Ireland knew, if Jim Turner knew, if Dawn Aponte knew, they MUST all go NOW. Let's get an experienced GM like A.J. Smith in here. Smith has experience and credibility and he is someone other GMs around the league respects. If they are going to get an experienced Head Coach, they are going to have to have an experienced GM to land one. Once the moves are complete people will be talking about the Dolphins winning games on the field and not have to cross our fingers wondering if they are going to blow another Draft or get out coached by rookie coaches like Doug Marrone, Mike Munchak (last season). There was a time when it seemed like a playoff spot was reserved for the Miami Dolphins. The question was how deep into the playoffs they would go. Now we are wondering where the next win is coming from. This has to stop. I am not necessarily endorsing A.J. Smith specifically. I am sure some of you may have some other names to throw out there so go for it.
Not great, but a good article. There comes a time when we have to stop worrying about problems and start thinking about solutions. I drove by Davie yesterday and I couldn't believe how many News Trucks were out there. Call me naive but I do not think they would be there if the people involved in this mess were no longer employed with the Dolphins. Stephen Ross must get all the facts. And if Joe Philbin knew, if Jeff Ireland knew, if Jim Turner knew, if Dawn Aponte knew, they MUST all go NOW. Let's get an experienced GM like A.J. Smith in here. Smith has experience and credibility and he is someone other GMs around the league respects. If they are going to get an experienced Head Coach, they are going to have to have an experienced GM to land one. Once the moves are complete people will be talking about the Dolphins winning games on the field and not have to cross our fingers wondering if they are going to blow another Draft or get out coached by rookie coaches like Doug Marrone, Mike Munchak (last season). There was a time when it seemed like a playoff spot was reserved for the Miami Dolphins. The question was how deep into the playoffs they would go. Now we are wondering where the next win is coming from. This has to stop. I am not necessarily endorsing A.J. Smith specifically. I am sure some of you may have some other names to throw out there so go for it.

Sorry, not in for AJ Smith. He didn't do SD any favors by hiring Norv and keeping Norv around way too long.
anyone even seen Ireland lately? how come there's no daily gauntlet for him to deal with? seems he's letting JP take all the hits. pretty dooshy move
anyone even seen Ireland lately? how come there's no daily gauntlet for him to deal with? seems he's letting JP take all the hits. pretty dooshy move
Are you surprised? This is the same guy that got on that infamous plane ride with Stephen Ross to hire Jim Harbaugh right under his "friend" Tony Sparano's nose.
The embarrassment will follow them into the offseason. When people think about the Miami Dolphins they will think of all this garbage.
I don't care what they think, to be perfectly honest. Why would I? Why do you? If our staff manages to improve our team this year, are you so insecure in your own opinion that you would have our staff fired because of this crisis, which has mostly been drummed up by the pure conjecture of the media?
How can you call for a mans livelihood when you don't even have all the facts? Garbage.

Philbin can prove his worth in these final eight games.

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How can you call for a mans livelihood when you don't even have all the facts? Garbage.

Philbin can prove his worth in these final eight games.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's why I'm not calling for Joe's head right now. Bottom line is I still believe that Jon Martin has a serious mental illness (not Joe Philbin's fault) the people who are handling him are playing scorched earth hardball for $$$ (also not his fault). At least, I don't see anything else that fits the facts and makes sense here.

We'll see what comes out but I absolutely agree that unless something damning comes out on Philbin here, he should have a chance to prove his worth by the team's performance.

Meanwhile, Jeff Ireland? Last year you go into the season and freely admit you don't have any #1 or #2 receivers other than Brian Hartline, who was near death in the hospital during training camp. This year you go into the season with the worst starting tackle tandem in the NFL, a marginal player at RG, and a bad fit for your offense at LG. Oh, and the depth is questionable across the board and the one lineman you drafted looked terrible when he got some work in the preseason.

Jeff Ireland's job performance should be self explanatory at this point. Last season, we wound up cutting and signing receivers all throughout the year -- and all of these clowns actually wound up starting for us. This year, you make a desperation trade for Bryant McKinnie and he instantly upgrades the OL, improving the tackle play substantially. He was available to be signed as a free agent during the offseason and wanted to come play here. Just awful.
Philbin doesn't need to lose his job, but these sensationalist local beat writers should

I actually agree with the write. yes he does sensationalise a couple of things like almost all journalists do - everyone has to make a living.

However, I ultimately agree with his conclusion that Philbin & Ireland aren't bad people, just inexperienced and shown to be out of their depth - this isn't some charity shop they're running here!
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