Does anyone else hate ESPN? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Does anyone else hate ESPN?


Practice Squad
May 7, 2006
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I should start a dissertation on why the station sucks. Instead I'll make a list, and you can tell me agree or disagree.

1) Stuart Scott- He has to be the most annoying 'anchor' they've ever had. Between the nicknames (I loved on the teammates quiz show when the Arizona players told him Larry Fitzgerald hates being called Fitzy), the stupid sayings, and his lack of football insight while being on a football show, I'm sick of him.

2) Classic horse races, golf, billiards, and anything else random... With all the amazing sporting events that have happened over time, with all the constant news reports, sportscentury programs, and everything else they've shot footage of over the past 20 something years, they still show classic-horse races? It's like MTV finally showing a music video and they make it one by Winger.

3) Chris Berman announcing Baseball, the guy sounds like he's announcing golf, constantly whispering as if his prediction "they might go with a fastball here" is really going to tip someone off if they hear it.

4) Mike Greenberg. Seeing that dork on sportscenter is bad enough, but hearing him talk-up NY teams on mike & mike is even worse. He ridicules the Marlins but the Jets suck for no reason... there's no pay cuts w/ the Jets, they just plain suck. They are a disgrace to the NFL, so how can the Marlins be one to the MLB. They've won multiple series with a payroll equal to what A-Rod makes an inning.

5) ESPN U and ESPN Classic are impossible to get. I've tried to get ESPN U and my cable co. doesn't carry it. and ESPN Classic always comes in a package with 3 FSN's or something I already have. With all the dead time on ESPN 1 and 2 that makes them play 4 sportscenters in a row and 3 straight hours of cold pizza, followed by billiards or the spelling bee from 1994, they should put some classic games in there.

lastly, FSN and CSS are much better channels, I wish my cable co. had CSS their Sports Talk show is good and they show football spring games, the ACC and SEC baseball tourny (ESPN ignores college baseball) and even high school games from time to time. ESPN needs to take a page out of their book and drop the obscure sports (and non-sports) and start programming something people want to watch.

and tell sportscenter no one wants to hear another dashboard confessional similie.
The former Tarheel Stuart Scott rules. He is one of the best anchors they have ever had and he don't seem as good on the football shows because of the idiots around him IMO. Irvin being the main one.
ESPN is an amalgum of junk, some you want, some you don't. Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Sometimes I love ESPN, sometimes I hate them, but I keep going back, which is after all the best mesure of value.

In Saban We Trust!
I am an ESPN fan. I don't disagree with everythign youre saying. And I definitely agree with a lot of it. However, There are a lot of positives that out weigh it for me.

1. The best NFL pregame and post game shows
2. The best NFL broadcast team
3. Berman is the best in the studio
4. Chris Mortenson is money on his inside stuff
5. ESPN original movies like The Junction Boys
6. 24 hour sports, when I travel I can always catch my scores and highlights.
7. Those hysterical commericals

They could take your advice and improve, but overall they still are the best.
G-Force said:
The former Tarheel Stuart Scott rules. He is one of the best anchors they have ever had and he don't seem as good on the football shows because of the idiots around him IMO. Irvin being the main one.
Youre joking right? Scott is the worst they have. His approach to sports is more flash then substance. He is the worst.
I think NFL network will put them down pretty soon. I can't wait for ESPN to finally go down to another network and I beleive the NFL net is it.
fin-atic said:
Youre joking right? Scott is the worst they have. His approach to sports is more flash then substance. He is the worst.
Nah IMO he is the best they got. It may just be because I hate the other morons more. Like I said I hope NFL network takes them out.
Great post. Stuart Scott was funny 5 years ago but his act, like most of the ESPN personalities, has worn thin. His coverage of football and ability to lead a broadcast is amatuerism at it's best. Chris Berman might be the worst play by play man in the history of television and him fitting his silly nicknames makes it even worse. I used to like Berman on Primetime way back in the day but now his only good use is I get to drink every time he studders through a sentence or segway. His coverage of the draft is pure torture.
SportsCenter itself has become a tabloid for sports trying to replicate the 6 o'clock news by scarring you into watching. So silly and lame. Then they spend a half an hour on one subject (Clemens the past few days) and talk to everyone but Clemens' dog.
NFL primetime is the greatest show on televeision. Will they still have that next year with no Sunday night game? I always love watching the games at 10:00 and 1:00, followed by all the highlights, and then finishing up with the Sunday nighter!
I love Stuart Scott he is one of the best things about ESPN

I think some people dont like ESPN because they dont bow down and kiss our *****....
I get frustrated with some of the idiots on ESPN as everyone does, but if it were to suddenly go off the air, we'd realize what a great channel it is.
G-Force said:
I think NFL network will put them down pretty soon. I can't wait for ESPN to finally go down to another network and I beleive the NFL net is it.

In what way? NFL network shows only NFL. ESPN shows all sports. I don't see this happening.
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