Does anyone else hate ESPN? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Does anyone else hate ESPN?

Yes, although Im in denial of it, ESPN really does suck. Its a bad station, the analysts might as well be me and anybody on this board. They never say anything compelling, interesting, or even analytical about anything. They say the safe things to say...

Honestly: When was the last time you heard Mortensen say something you didnt already have a feeling about?

Jaws is an idiot, along with salisbury, stuart scott, the other guy on cold pizza besides woody, the guys on mike and mike...and lately pti has been getting under my skin. The thing is, I dont feel like the ESPN anchors ever actually say anything, they kinda just ramble about the same stuff over and over again and touch on things ery they dont do any research and hae no idea what is really going on. They also doa bad job of not being biased towards certain teams...

Here is the real KICKER when it comes to finish watching PTI or something like that (theyre all pretty inter-changable) and sporst center comes on...and all they talk about, is exactly the same stuff they talked abut on PTI or whatever else, in damn near the same order. Its ridiculous, annoying, and there should be "TV" rules condeming this waste of air time and cheap gimmick to get ratings. The poster said it right..there are soo many things they could be talking about, instead its the same stuff over and over again....

Finally, as a Dolphins fan I dislike ESPN because EVERYTHING they seem to say about the Phins is off the mark, even if its a positive thing...Randle McDaniel anyone?
Aqua4Ever04 said:
NFL primetime is the greatest show on televeision. Will they still have that next year with no Sunday night game? I always love watching the games at 10:00 and 1:00, followed by all the highlights, and then finishing up with the Sunday nighter!

WAS. It got the ax with the new NFL TV deal and the contracts.

Thank god. NO MORE BERMAN! ha ha! He;s been pushed to Monday Nights and those garbage games with stiff competition on NETWORK TV. Meaning, nobody will be watching.
If you want HARD sports coverage, then ESPN blows. You must watch a local Fox Sports in your area or something like NESN, YES, MSG...etc. Wherever you live one of those types of channels.

ESPN is only good for the games. PTI. Rome's show, and that's about it.

The studio shows pre and post games for their stuff blow. SPORTSCENTER hasn't been a serious sports show in over 10 years.

If your into the smack talking, bad jokes, stupid nicknames, dumbed-down coverage of sports. Then SPORTSCENTER is for you. If you have a brain and just want the scores with some key clips (not dunks and home runs as key plays) then you must watch something else.
MikeO said:
If you want HARD sports coverage, then ESPN blows. You must watch a local Fox Sports in your area or something like NESN, YES, MSG...etc. Wherever you live one of those types of channels.

ESPN is only good for the games. PTI. Rome's show, and that's about it.

The studio shows pre and post games for their stuff blow. SPORTSCENTER hasn't been a serious sports show in over 10 years.

If your into the smack talking, bad jokes, stupid nicknames, dumbed-down coverage of sports. Then SPORTSCENTER is for you. If you have a brain and just want the scores with some key clips (not dunks and home runs as key plays) then you must watch something else.
yeah...RIB, ATH, and PTI are the best parts about ESPN(besides the highlights, obviously). The anchors are mostly alright, but Stu Scott is f'ing annoying. **** him and his lazy eye
Espn isnt what is use to be before. I liked it when Keith Oberman was there. But they are the best in Coveraging sports so I dont really have a choice.
For Basketball coverage TNT is far far FAR superior to ESPN/ABC. I wish TNT covered the eastern conference games.

I like Around the Horn, PTI. And, this may be not popular, but I like Woody Paige in cold pizza. I hate Skip Bayless though, he seems to hate every Miami team.
Dolphin1184 said:
For Basketball coverage TNT is far far FAR superior to ESPN/ABC. I wish TNT covered the eastern conference games.

I like Around the Horn, PTI. And, this may be not popular, but I like Woody Paige in cold pizza. I hate Skip Bayless though, he seems to hate every Miami team.

Those two guys are wacky.

They were asking SHAQ to retire after game 2 of the Pistons series. (21 pts. 12 rebs)

Then in the next breath..they said that he would dominate the Pistons and the Heat would win the series...WTF?
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6) They suck removed
ESPN has lost all it credibility. Peter Gammons and Harold Reynolds are afraid to say anything negative about Barry Bonds as they are trying to promote the Barry Reality Show. Harold always takes the player's side and it is MLB's fault that players have used and abused steroids, or the commissioner's fault according to Reynolds. Berman should stick to football as he is horrible when he is announcing baseball. Stu Scott has to say "Boyahhh," "Can a brother get some love," and "That aint right," at least 2-3 times every Sportscenter...these idiots think they are more important than they sports they are covering.
While we're talking about SC anchors, I have to say that my 2 most annoying ones are Stuart Scott and Dan Patrick (luckily Patrick hasn't been on much lately). Scott, for the reasons above (namely his OLD and ridiculous exclamations). And Patrick just thinks that he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, the god of sports or something. He just comes off as waaaaay too arrogant for me to enjoy him.

I personally like Scott Van Pelt, John Anderson, Steve Levy, and others whose names I can't think of right now.
stu scott is terrible no doubt about it. he's not an anchor. he puts himself in front of the highlight. not the way it's supposed to be.

but i still love the network.
MikeO said:
WAS. It got the ax with the new NFL TV deal and the contracts.

Thank god. NO MORE BERMAN! ha ha! He;s been pushed to Monday Nights and those garbage games with stiff competition on NETWORK TV. Meaning, nobody will be watching.
yeah, poor guy, he has to do monday night football now! tough break, he had a great run.
I cant stand Rome is Burning, all he does is talk **** and he treats his opinions as if they were facts. Here are the kickers though, he bill himself as the master of smack, last time I checked a profesional analyst isn't supposed to talk smack.
What made him lose all crediblity in my eyes is when he strting bringing the host of Blind Date in to discuss sports, I thought it was a ****ing joke when he first said ''Roger Lodge will be joining me today.'' I was wrong he was serious, and I thought to myself what the **** does this guy know? Aparrently, not a damn thing.
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