Dolfans make me sick | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolfans make me sick

NawlinsBucFan said:
If you're going to hate some Dolphin fans it shouldn't be the 349 people who actually bought tickets to the game. I've never seen that many empty seats since that last time I watched a Dolphins game. GET OUT AND SUPPORT YOUR TEAM PEOPLE!!
Miami has sold out 55 straight games....
MissMeth said:
So yes i am somewhat of a homer... i admit it and i am proud of it. However i can not tell you enough how sick some dolfans make me!! When the fans started chanting Ronnie Browns name i wanted to throw up!!! :barf: The day before most of these fans were talking about what a bust he was and it was such a bad decision etc. Now im not saying they shouldnt have been cheering for him... i just hate that we are always so fairweather with so much of what the Fins entail. I for one, never boo ANY dolphin no matter who they are or if i like them. I will always give a rookie a full season before i say yah or nay. And i always pick the fins to win (although when i seriously doubt their ability to win i just give them a confidence rank of last). So call me a homer if you want but i am going to enjoy a win without any negative thoughts of a player, coach or the team. I just wish more Dolfans were like that.

I have always thought Brown would take more time to develop but in the end be the best back in the draft. And yes I was very glad he had a good game so those posts would stop.

MissMeth said:
So yes i am somewhat of a homer... i admit it and i am proud of it. However i can not tell you enough how sick some dolfans make me!! When the fans started chanting Ronnie Browns name i wanted to throw up!!! :barf: The day before most of these fans were talking about what a bust he was and it was such a bad decision etc. Now im not saying they shouldnt have been cheering for him... i just hate that we are always so fairweather with so much of what the Fins entail. I for one, never boo ANY dolphin no matter who they are or if i like them. I will always give a rookie a full season before i say yah or nay. And i always pick the fins to win (although when i seriously doubt their ability to win i just give them a confidence rank of last). So call me a homer if you want but i am going to enjoy a win without any negative thoughts of a player, coach or the team. I just wish more Dolfans were like that.
HurriPhinFan said:
I lost my football pool a few times last year because I picked the Dolphins EVERY game.

I know what you mean. I've lost mine because I NEVER pick the Steelers.
NawlinsBucFan said:
What ARE you talking about? Bucs home games were sold out last year when they were like 5-8. I tried to get tix to the Saints @ Bucs and couldn't. I can't help people who chose to be Buc fans after they win the SuperBowl. I'm just saying that the Phins could go 15-1 and not sell out a game until the playoffs. What's up with that?
Maybe it's because we don't have a fancy pirate ship in our endzone
Um make up your f'n minds folks!!!!!

The fan base sucks and fans don't go, then when fans go you complain anbout the fans that were there. You can't have it both ways. We (those that attend) are sorry we are as not as good as you, but hopefully we can have your approval to cheer when and how we want.

What if we were chanting ronnies name cause we though he did great? Can we cheer if we get a first down? If we are losing? Can we cheer when someone we like scores or because what some people in the press said do we have to abstain. What section do you sit in so i can run over to get your "cheer approval"?

This topic makes me nauseous.:barf:
MissMeth said:
So yes i am somewhat of a homer... i admit it and i am proud of it. However i can not tell you enough how sick some dolfans make me!! When the fans started chanting Ronnie Browns name i wanted to throw up!!! :barf: The day before most of these fans were talking about what a bust he was and it was such a bad decision etc. Now im not saying they shouldnt have been cheering for him... i just hate that we are always so fairweather with so much of what the Fins entail. I for one, never boo ANY dolphin no matter who they are or if i like them. I will always give a rookie a full season before i say yah or nay. And i always pick the fins to win (although when i seriously doubt their ability to win i just give them a confidence rank of last). So call me a homer if you want but i am going to enjoy a win without any negative thoughts of a player, coach or the team. I just wish more Dolfans were like that.

I'm with you too man, or miss or whatever you are.:)

I'm sick of the negative threads even when we win and look awesome beating a very good team.
I never said anything bad about Brown as most of us didn't, there was a group of about 10-20 posters I think that were calling him a bust but the rest of us said to just give him time
I have never said one bad thing or thought one bad thing about Ronnie. I never had high expectations out of him from the get-go, figured this whole year is a transition year and a learning year.
MissMeth said:
So yes i am somewhat of a homer... i admit it and i am proud of it. However i can not tell you enough how sick some dolfans make me!! When the fans started chanting Ronnie Browns name i wanted to throw up!!! :barf: The day before most of these fans were talking about what a bust he was and it was such a bad decision etc. Now im not saying they shouldnt have been cheering for him... i just hate that we are always so fairweather with so much of what the Fins entail. I for one, never boo ANY dolphin no matter who they are or if i like them. I will always give a rookie a full season before i say yah or nay. And i always pick the fins to win (although when i seriously doubt their ability to win i just give them a confidence rank of last). So call me a homer if you want but i am going to enjoy a win without any negative thoughts of a player, coach or the team. I just wish more Dolfans were like that.

Well, Miss Meth, all i can say at this point is that it has to do with alot of impatience on some of the fans part. To some, having the 2nd overall pick, along with Saban as the new HC, they "expect" things to take off like a rocket. I never liked wannstedt from the get-go, but i at least allowed him 3 yrs to improve this team. after the Pats gm in '02, I started officially calling for him to throw it in or Wayne to "cut" him. I thought it was dumb that so many "cracked" on ronnie but in time they'll all eat crow, more than likely.
Anyway, I did think it was pretty neat how we chanted out for Ronnie. That's the first real public exhibit of acceptance for him , so look for better things from him.
inFINSible said:
Miami has sold out 55 straight games....
Can't that be a little misleading though? Of the 55 games, how many of those were actually sold out in the sense that all the tickets were bought by somebody (not a TV station) and everyone who had a ticket went (mainly considering the season ticket holders)?

I see empty seats for all of the games, but unfortunately I don't live anywhere where I can go myself (regularly at least), so I have to rely on what I see on TV. Is this just perception since I only see it on TV? Or are the seats really filled? Honestly, I have no idea.
chuckcole said:
Can't that be a little misleading though? Of the 55 games, how many of those were actually sold out in the sense that all the tickets were bought by somebody (not a TV station) and everyone who had a ticket went (mainly considering the season ticket holders)?

I see empty seats for all of the games, but unfortunately I don't live anywhere where I can go myself (regularly at least), so I have to rely on what I see on TV. Is this just perception since I only see it on TV? Or are the seats really filled? Honestly, I have no idea.
:yeahthat: Make fun of the Pirate Ship all you want. You know when you see that big crowd and that huge party you get a little jealous.:D

All kidding aside, When I watched bits and pieces of that game it was painfully obvious that on a clear, beautiful day in Miami your stadium was half full at best. Quite frankly, that is pathetic.
rainmaker1313 said:
I have never said one bad thing or thought one bad thing about Ronnie. I never had high expectations out of him from the get-go, figured this whole year is a transition year and a learning year.

:clap: Im not the only one.
NawlinsBucFan said:
:yeahthat: Make fun of the Pirate Ship all you want. You know when you see that big crowd and that huge party you get a little jealous.:D

All kidding aside, When I watched bits and pieces of that game it was painfully obvious that on a clear, beautiful day in Miami your stadium was half full at best. Quite frankly, that is pathetic.
I bet it would be a trip to watch people who are at their 1st ever Bucs game and that cannon goes off after a score! They would be ducking for cover! LOL
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