Dolfans make me sick | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolfans make me sick

Using your same mentality, Ronnie may be the worst player in the history of the NFL, Value wise

Yeah sure, worse than Ryan Leaf, Brian Bosworth, Sammie Smith, Todd Marinovich, Todd Blackledge, Akili Smith...... Do I need to go on? :shakeno:

If brains were dynamite many could'nt blow their nose!
A Wing Pilot said:
Um make up your f'n minds folks!!!!!

The fan base sucks and fans don't go, then when fans go you complain anbout the fans that were there. You can't have it both ways. We (those that attend) are sorry we are as not as good as you, but hopefully we can have your approval to cheer when and how we want.

What if we were chanting ronnies name cause we though he did great? Can we cheer if we get a first down? If we are losing? Can we cheer when someone we like scores or because what some people in the press said do we have to abstain. What section do you sit in so i can run over to get your "cheer approval"?

This topic makes me nauseous.:barf:

Where did i say that chanting Ronnies name was bad? I was just commenting that PHin fans need to stop talking trash about someone one minute and then saying they are MVP the next. Its the same with the people that boo our players when they come out (which i just think is wrong no matter what.. but thats just my opinion) and then going crazy for him when he has a good play. I just think its hypocritical. You cheer when you want, thats not the issue.. im just annoyed with the hypocricy (sp?)
MissMeth said:
So yes i am somewhat of a homer... i admit it and i am proud of it. However i can not tell you enough how sick some dolfans make me!! When the fans started chanting Ronnie Browns name i wanted to throw up!!! :barf: The day before most of these fans were talking about what a bust he was and it was such a bad decision etc. Now im not saying they shouldnt have been cheering for him... i just hate that we are always so fairweather with so much of what the Fins entail. I for one, never boo ANY dolphin no matter who they are or if i like them. I will always give a rookie a full season before i say yah or nay. And i always pick the fins to win (although when i seriously doubt their ability to win i just give them a confidence rank of last). So call me a homer if you want but i am going to enjoy a win without any negative thoughts of a player, coach or the team. I just wish more Dolfans were like that.

C'mon now, even you would have booed Sammy Smith after that 3rd fumble into the endzone ???

Hey, we pay good money for tickets, food, Fins parafinalia (sp), Sunday Ticket, etc so if we want to boo...go for it...if you want to cheer...go for it...

Sorry if you don't like me or anyone else speaking their mind, but we pay for the privilege to do just that. And so do I don't have a problem with you complaining about me complaining....or something like that...??? LOLOLOL
MissMeth said:
So yes i am somewhat of a homer... i admit it and i am proud of it. However i can not tell you enough how sick some dolfans make me!! When the fans started chanting Ronnie Browns name i wanted to throw up!!! :barf: The day before most of these fans were talking about what a bust he was and it was such a bad decision etc. Now im not saying they shouldnt have been cheering for him... i just hate that we are always so fairweather with so much of what the Fins entail. I for one, never boo ANY dolphin no matter who they are or if i like them. I will always give a rookie a full season before i say yah or nay. And i always pick the fins to win (although when i seriously doubt their ability to win i just give them a confidence rank of last). So call me a homer if you want but i am going to enjoy a win without any negative thoughts of a player, coach or the team. I just wish more Dolfans were like that.
come on, you have to at least boo Howard!
Trekbiz said:
Yeah sure, worse than Ryan Leaf, Brian Bosworth, Sammie Smith, Todd Marinovich, Todd Blackledge, Akili Smith...... Do I need to go on? :shakeno:

If brains were dynamite many could'nt blow their nose!

Actually those folks, money wise are much less of a liability on the cap than Ronnie. Listen it is obvious nothing short of Ronnie running in the opposite direction of the offense will keep you believing he is the next Gayle Sayers. So please lets agree to disagree and wait until Ricky comes back so you see (or remember) what a true NFL Great RB plays like. Believe me I almost forgot myself
KuD said:
Well, at least you got your priorities straight. ;) Oh I agree with your post.

It's just stupid to hate on a rookie because he didn't perform right out of the gate.

Dolfans are jumping on Ronnie's back, because Ronnie's counter part, Carnell Williams is over in Tampa racking up the rushing yards each time out. So naturally, seeing that makes people second guess our pick. I don't buy it, and I think Ronnie will have every opportunity to be as good, or better than Cadillac.

It is quite amazing how all the R.Brown bashers suddenly dissapear when the guy has a good day. But MissMeth, if these are the people you're talking about, you shouldn't consider them Dolfans.. I sure don't.

*Cough nyfinfan*Cough
MissMeth said:
Where did i say that chanting Ronnies name was bad? I was just commenting that PHin fans need to stop talking trash about someone one minute and then saying they are MVP the next. Its the same with the people that boo our players when they come out (which i just think is wrong no matter what.. but thats just my opinion) and then going crazy for him when he has a good play. I just think its hypocritical. You cheer when you want, thats not the issue.. im just annoyed with the hypocricy (sp?)

Right on Miss Meth.

You can measure this phenomena via what I call the "Suck Test". After a Dolphins loss, try and count how many threads on the first page contain the word "Suck". "Ferotte Sucks", "Ronnie Sucks", "OL Sucks", etc. The board is littered with angry, bitter fans looking to point a finger at all guilty culprits.

The point is this: Today were on the top of the world; tomorrow we may not be. But by no means does it mean that the sky is falling. Try and remember how you feel right now (after a big win), and keep things in perspective the next time our boys play badly.
coming from a bucs fan i find that hard to believe that you think you have the room to talk. before the bucs won the superbowl, did they ever sell out?? does the big sombrero ring a bell? ive personally been to bucs game and they had more seats than you could shake a stick at! so dont call are fans pathetic. every team that goes thru the crap we went thru last year has the
same problem, as matter of fact i was talking with a friend of mine yesterday and he told me he couldnt give his bucs tikets away last year

You're right they probably never sold out before '98 but since then they've been one of the best in the league at selling out the stadium. RayJay is always jammed packed. I've got beef with Bucs fans who leave in the middle of the 4th quarter but at least they show up. Miami fans, in general, seem to need the gaurentee of a post season before they start buying tix. It's the same with the Heat last year. I went to 18 Heat games and never saw a full house until the playoffs game 1 vs the Nets. To me, that's weak.
Actually those folks, money wise are much less of a liability on the cap than Ronnie. Listen it is obvious nothing short of Ronnie running in the opposite direction of the offense will keep you believing he is the next Gayle Sayers. So please lets agree to disagree and wait until Ricky comes back so you see (or remember) what a true NFL Great RB plays like. Believe me I almost forgot myself

What? How are those guys less of a liability. Ryan Leaf was #2 pick, Akili Smith = top five pick, others = first round picks, mostly top 10-15. They were ALL huge cap casualties, especially Ryan Leaf and Akili Smith.
Using your same mentality, Ronnie may be the worst player in the history of the NFL, Value wise

That's not my mentality, not even close. Try to understand what's written. Gus is a good value because he' splaying well, we're paying him very little. But he'll never be a superstar. Ronnie has very much the potential to be a superstar. So you pay him like one. Whereas, Chad Pennington is getting paid like a superstar and playing like a Jay Fiedler. That's bad value.

And if you're implying that Ronnie is terrible value wise because he had 2 subaverage games, then I'll lump you with the rest of the ignorants that have made the same proclamation. Guess what the season is 16 games long and teh career is much longer. Nobody here complained about Rickys great season when he came here, but his numbers were not very good in New Orleans. Bad value for them, but good value for us
But arent we fans of the Dolphins? we're not simply fans of their players, we're fans of the entire organization. If a player is a detriment to the team or isn't performing to expectations, it isn't out of the question for fans of the team to give them gruff or if they are performing well then praise them, that's the right of the fan. Saying someone is a bust without a long time for evaluation is a little ignorant, but players come and go, so no matter if someone is a bust or not, there will always be someone to replace them.

give Ronnie some time, I'm not saying he'll turn a slow start into a 12 yr career and be the reincarnate of Jim Brown, but while Ronnie providing the threat of a running attack, then the offense can stay balanced and whoever quarterbacks wont have to try and pick apart the Peyton Manning drop-8 defense.
NawlinsBucFan said:
You're right they probably never sold out before '98 but since then they've been one of the best in the league at selling out the stadium. RayJay is always jammed packed. I've got beef with Bucs fans who leave in the middle of the 4th quarter but at least they show up. Miami fans, in general, seem to need the gaurentee of a post season before they start buying tix. It's the same with the Heat last year. I went to 18 Heat games and never saw a full house until the playoffs game 1 vs the Nets. To me, that's weak.

most teams do need time. unless your the packers!!! :D like i said i spoke with a bucs fan yesterday, and he said he couldnt give those tickets away last year
NawlinsBucFan said:
You're right they probably never sold out before '98 but since then they've been one of the best in the league at selling out the stadium. RayJay is always jammed packed. I've got beef with Bucs fans who leave in the middle of the 4th quarter but at least they show up. Miami fans, in general, seem to need the gaurentee of a post season before they start buying tix. It's the same with the Heat last year. I went to 18 Heat games and never saw a full house until the playoffs game 1 vs the Nets. To me, that's weak.
how many threads do we have to have before people start realizing that the Miami fan base is NOT in Miami.

we are a unique situation to the entire league.... literally HALF of SoFla is transplanted New Yorkers... they all root for bills and jets. Not one person in my high school was a dolphins fan. i have NO idea why this is. its a mystique.

however, the dolphins have more fans spread out across the country than any other team. This has been shown in NUMEROUS ESPN and NFL polls. this is also evident by this board, if nothing else... how many other fan boards do you see out there that have so many fans spread out across the country? not many. There were more dolphin jerseys at the San Diego game that was played in Arizona due to fires two years ago than there will be at a Dolphins/Jets game at ProPlayer (sorry, "Dolphins" stadium).... there will be more dolphin jerseys in baton rouge than there will be at the dolphins/bills game at ProPlayer.

its just a fact of nature.
If Dolfans make you sick i think your at the wrong place...
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