Dolfans make me sick | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolfans make me sick

It's called reality Jr. Get off your high horse and use some common sense.. My GOD what a bunch of narrow minded folks we have here.. OPEN YOUR MIND !!!!.
commanderblop said:
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I must ask:


Is there a cable channel you can get? Do you go to some big Sports Bar with satellite TV?

Watch on the internet? Just listen on the internet?

I am in Toronto, and finding it difficult to follow the Miami Dolphins...


i have NFL sunday Ticket through Rogers... I listen to 790 the ticket online all day long at work.. as well as post here as much as possible!
bout the ronnie brown calling a bust, because he missed all of camp and this would have been his 3rd preseason game, but was a regular season one, vs a highly ranked(i dont know whos books) defense, and ran for 130 some odd yrds and a TD. ill take it.

and hope for growth, i love this team, this team is reminding me of the 2004 boston celtics, got some vets to win now, dont expect a championship, but have fun with this year with high hopes for the future
chuckcole said:
Can't that be a little misleading though? Of the 55 games, how many of those were actually sold out in the sense that all the tickets were bought by somebody (not a TV station) and everyone who had a ticket went (mainly considering the season ticket holders)?

I see empty seats for all of the games, but unfortunately I don't live anywhere where I can go myself (regularly at least), so I have to rely on what I see on TV. Is this just perception since I only see it on TV? Or are the seats really filled? Honestly, I have no idea.
If you saw how many people there are hanging out in the concourse, you'd have no doubt that the games were sold out.

It's a large number of people who are always out there, watching at the bar, or concession, or smoking areas....I've personally seen people spend the whole game out there.....and I've also personally spent a lot of time out there myself.
NawlinsBucFan said:
:yeahthat: Make fun of the Pirate Ship all you want. You know when you see that big crowd and that huge party you get a little jealous.:D

All kidding aside, When I watched bits and pieces of that game it was painfully obvious that on a clear, beautiful day in Miami your stadium was half full at best. Quite frankly, that is pathetic.

Jealous of anything associated with the Bucs???? :rofl3:
Man I hate trolls!:fire:
inFINSible said:
If you saw how many people there are hanging out in the concourse, you'd have no doubt that the games were sold out.

It's a large number of people who are always out there, watching at the bar, or concession, or smoking areas....I've personally seen people spend the whole game out there.....and I've also personally spent a lot of time out there myself.
I figured that there had to be a good number of people that do what you say. That's why I think the perception on TV can be different from reality. I just wish that I was able to go to the games. :cry:
NawlinsBucFan said:
:yeahthat: Make fun of the Pirate Ship all you want. You know when you see that big crowd and that huge party you get a little jealous.:D

All kidding aside, When I watched bits and pieces of that game it was painfully obvious that on a clear, beautiful day in Miami your stadium was half full at best. Quite frankly, that is pathetic.
You obviously failed fractions class.
chuckcole said:
I figured that there had to be a good number of people that do what you say. That's why I think the perception on TV can be different from reality. I just wish that I was able to go to the games. :cry:
It is different.....I bet if you watched a certain section of seats....any section....the whole would see those seats filled and emptied repeatedly throughout the day.
MissMeth said:
So yes i am somewhat of a homer... i admit it and i am proud of it. However i can not tell you enough how sick some dolfans make me!! When the fans started chanting Ronnie Browns name i wanted to throw up!!! :barf: The day before most of these fans were talking about what a bust he was and it was such a bad decision etc. Now im not saying they shouldnt have been cheering for him... i just hate that we are always so fairweather with so much of what the Fins entail. I for one, never boo ANY dolphin no matter who they are or if i like them. I will always give a rookie a full season before i say yah or nay. And i always pick the fins to win (although when i seriously doubt their ability to win i just give them a confidence rank of last). So call me a homer if you want but i am going to enjoy a win without any negative thoughts of a player, coach or the team. I just wish more Dolfans were like that.

MissMeth said:
So yes i am somewhat of a homer... i admit it and i am proud of it. However i can not tell you enough how sick some dolfans make me!! When the fans started chanting Ronnie Browns name i wanted to throw up!!! :barf: The day before most of these fans were talking about what a bust he was and it was such a bad decision etc. Now im not saying they shouldnt have been cheering for him... i just hate that we are always so fairweather with so much of what the Fins entail. I for one, never boo ANY dolphin no matter who they are or if i like them. I will always give a rookie a full season before i say yah or nay. And i always pick the fins to win (although when i seriously doubt their ability to win i just give them a confidence rank of last). So call me a homer if you want but i am going to enjoy a win without any negative thoughts of a player, coach or the team. I just wish more Dolfans were like that.

Only the stupid idiots on this board were riding Ronnie's back the last two weeks. And, when I say stupid, I mean really stupid. It made me sick last week to read this board. The rest of the sane Dolphin fans on this board knew to be patient and not have the knee-jerk "sky is falling" reaction. But the same stupidity these people showed is the same stupidity shown in every team's boards if you read them.

It's the same mentality for the people still complaining about Frerotte. Value-wise, he's the best QB in the league right now.
NawlinsBucFan said:
:yeahthat: Make fun of the Pirate Ship all you want. You know when you see that big crowd and that huge party you get a little jealous.:D

All kidding aside, When I watched bits and pieces of that game it was painfully obvious that on a clear, beautiful day in Miami your stadium was half full at best. Quite frankly, that is pathetic.

coming from a bucs fan i find that hard to believe that you think you have the room to talk. before the bucs won the superbowl, did they ever sell out?? does the big sombrero ring a bell? ive personally been to bucs game and they had more seats than you could shake a stick at! so dont call are fans pathetic. every team that goes thru the crap we went thru last year has the
same problem, as matter of fact i was talking with a friend of mine yesterday and he told me he couldnt give his bucs tikets away last year
South Florida said:

I take it back, I didn't realize she was a girl. Let me put it this way.

Dude, 93% of Dolphans never bashed Ronnie.

That is one of the most inaccurate things i have ever heard. Have you ever listened to 790, 560? Have you ever read Miami Herald, Sun-Sentinel and yes even!! Most fans were on there yelling for him to be traded, cut etc.!!

For the record, i too was chanting for Ronnie and i am VERY glad they did... i was just venting that there are so many people that five minutes earlier were bashing him and wishing him gone. And its not just with Ronnie.. its with everything. One minute "dolfans" love the team and the next they hate them... i just need to vent because i am so sick of it. I am a true fan, a homer in many ways but not an extreme homer (like the example of thinking Feeley is the best just cause he is a Phin) believe me im not that bad.
PhinsOwnU said:
Quit crying, 99% of the Phin fans that go to the games have never even heard of this website.

For one, im not crying.. im complaining and that is the purpose of this website. Two, i wasnt just talking about this website, i was talking about the radio stations, the papers, the news, the office, the buses, etc. etc. You just felt the need to say something negative to my post and that is childish and rude.

And to the person that said they hate when someone generalizes all phinfans into the actions of some...I am not generalizing ALL dolphin fans... That is the reason the word SOME was used. SOME PHIN FANS ANNOY ME!! That means a portion not ALL. Otherwise i would have said ALL PHIN FANS ANNOY ME... do i need to give an english lesson?
Ohio Fanatic said:
Only the stupid idiots on this board were riding Ronnie's back the last two weeks. And, when I say stupid, I mean really stupid. It made me sick last week to read this board. The rest of the sane Dolphin fans on this board knew to be patient and not have the knee-jerk "sky is falling" reaction. But the same stupidity these people showed is the same stupidity shown in every team's boards if you read them.

It's the same mentality for the people still complaining about Frerotte. Value-wise, he's the best QB in the league right now.

Using your same mentality, Ronnie may be the worst player in the history of the NFL, Value wise
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