Dolphin Defense is currently ranked 30th | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphin Defense is currently ranked 30th

Originally posted by 13isgr81

So you doing the same thing some how makes it ok? Be a leader not a follower.

Maybe that's the problem with the Dolphins D', too many chiefs and not enough indians! Good post.
You meant it as a prediction? Then how come you already have a thread titled "The Bills will Beat the Phins..." posted earlier...
I thought THAT was the prediction thread.... Which is it? Is the prediction thread the one with the prediction in the title or is it the one with the title that sound like you are fishing...?
Originally posted by CirclingWagons

well, i apologize if you were offended...can we get over this now...and take it for what little it's worth?..just a predcition

Don't sweat it .... wasn't truly offended. No apologies needed..... "Its in the game...." We expect that from you.... but at least give us a heads up so we can prepare to be insulted.:D
Originally posted by 13isgr81
You meant it as a prediction? Then how come you already have a thread titled "The Bills will Beat the Phins..." posted earlier...
I thought THAT was the prediction thread.... Which is it? Is the prediction thread the one with the prediction in the title or is it the one with the title that sound like you are fishing...?
it sounds like you are still trying to fight a battle that is over...and for what reason?
Originally posted by CirclingWagons
you are making too much out of a prediction 13....calm down

I am calm. The fact that you keep trying to pretend and back peddal that this was a "prediction" thread when everyone can see that it isn't is pathetic...
Originally posted by goldfish

Don't sweat it .... wasn't truly offended. No apologies needed..... "Its in the game...." We expect that from you.... but at least give us a heads up so we can prepare to be insulted.:D
I never mean any illwill on this board goldfish...just having fun:)
Originally posted by 13isgr81

I am calm. The fact that you keep trying to pretend and back peddal that this was a "prediction" thread when everyone can see that it isn't is pathetic...
well, my mistake for getting the 2 threads mixed up then.

PS. what's pathetic was that city-bashing post...very tasteless and desperate
Originally posted by CirclingWagons

oh all the phucking morons who think we dont have a running game...please, watch the game, and see how jax was lined up all your homework before you offer your opinion on something you have no clue about....if the dolphin players are as overconfident as you guys about our running game, than last year's matchups will repeat themselves.

As yet, you have shown no running game.
Whether or not Jacksonville stacked the line has little relevance.
RW gets the line stacked against him every week. So does Priest. They still manage better than 2.3 yards per carry.

This is a carry-over from last season when the Bills were among the worst teams in the NFL in YPC.

Where is the balanced attack?
Originally posted by CirclingWagons
well, my mistake for getting the 2 threads mixed up then.

PS. what's pathetic was that city-bashing post...very tasteless and desperate

Ahh ok so you admit that you got he 2 threads mixed up... Okay there's a step... So then what was the original intent of this thread for if not prediction?

I don't consider it city bashing, I've been to Buffalo 3 times, once for several months, and everything I said is basically true...

Sorry if it hurts...
Originally posted by zachseau13

As yet, you have shown no running game.
Whether or not Jacksonville stacked the line has little relevance.
RW gets the line stacked against him every week. So does Priest. They still manage better than 2.3 yards per carry.

This is a carry-over from last season when the Bills were among the worst teams in the NFL in YPC.

Where is the balanced attack?
if teams take away the run, the Bills pass....and they did that flawlessly....answer your question?

now, where's your pass defense?
Originally posted by CirclingWagons

It doesnt hurt, cause i don't live in Buffalo....I lived in Miami with the wetbacks for 13 years:D

The "wetbacks"? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is that you're way of saying hispanic?
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Originally posted by 13isgr81

The "wetbacks" what the hell is that supposed to mean? Is that you're way of saying hispanic?
oh nothing ;) ...just giving you my 2 cents on the city smack
Originally posted by CirclingWagons

oh nothing ;) ...just giving you my 2 cents on the city smack

Nice job using racial slurs... I guess when you talk smack you go all out. Too bad you just insulted every hispanic on this board...
Originally posted by CirclingWagons

It doesnt hurt, cause i don't live in Buffalo....I lived in Miami with the wetbacks for 13 years:D

What is a "wetback"????

CW, you better install rearview mirrors on that unicycle you're back-pedaling at light speed because you just ran smack dab into a wall.

That wall is a great1 aint it! hahaha
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