Dolphin Defense is currently ranked 30th | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphin Defense is currently ranked 30th

Originally posted by 13isgr81

Nice job using racial slurs... I guess when you talk smack you go all out.
no, but to change the subject from football to city smack, you open the door for everything
Calling a city crappy is a lot different than leveling racial epithets... Besides, you said calling buffalo the crap hole that it is doesn't hurt , yet it hurt enough for you to show your true colors...

I mean common, "Wetbacks"....? Just be careful that you don't catch your sheet on fire at the next cross burning ok?
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Originally posted by CirclingWagons

if teams take away the run, the Bills pass....and they did that flawlessly....answer your question?

No, if the Bills could run effectively, teams could not take it away to the extent that they have.

2.3 YPC is a reflection of true futility.
sorry, didn't see you already caught that (wetback comment) 13isgr81....please continue taking out the trash.
I think it would be a good idea if everyone just stopped posting to this thread. It's getting carried too far and the longer it goes the angier and meaner it becomes. CHILL....
Originally posted by inFINSible
sorry, didn't see you already caught that (wetback comment) 13isgr81....please continue taking out the trash.

Thanks for the support inFins, but I think I'm done with this guy.. He has exposed himself to all of us for what he really is... Besides, once someone starts throwing around racial slurs there is really nothing that can be said to make him out any worse than he has already made himself look...
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Originally posted by zachseau13

No, if the Bills could run effectively, teams could not take it away to the extent that they have.

2.3 YPC is a reflection of true futility.
would you like me to post your defensive passing #'s...they are a sign of true futility
Originally posted by 13isgr81

Thanks for the support inFins, but I think I'm done with this guy.. He has exposed himself to all of us for what he really is... Besides, once someone starts throwing around racial slurs there is really nothing that can be said to make him out any worse than he has already made himself look... me a racist cause I said wetback? called an entire city a ****hole..would you preferred if I attacked MIami's glaring homosexual population? what you say first

and half of my family is now hispanic, and has been for 13 years..:rolleyes:
Originally posted by CirclingWagons

would you like me to post your defensive passing #'s...they are a sign of true futility

How does that relate to the Bills rushing attack?
I think it's obvious how stupid a person really is when they say "wetbacks" and they are talking about Miami.

First off, the racial slur "wetback" refers to MEXICANS that have swam across the Rio Grande river that seperates Texas from Mexico to enter the United States. It has zero to do with those hispanic's living in Miami as most of them are more related to Central America nations. So refering to Latino's in Miami as "wetbacks" only proves that some village is missing their idiot.

So Mr. Circle your wagons, please, if you must stoop down to reveal a poor education system in the location you live in...please at least make an effort (no matter how small) to show you have some cooth and class and attempt to act somewhat mature. At least for your mother's sake if not your own.
Originally posted by IceStorm
I think it's obvious how stupid a person really is when they say "wetbacks" and they are talking about Miami.

First off, the racial slur "wetback" refers to MEXICANS that have swam across the Rio Grande river that seperates Texas from Mexico to enter the United States.

Even if he used the slur correctly, there is no place for racial invective on this board.

He should apologize.
Originally posted by CirclingWagons

How stupid can you be?...Jax had 8 in the box all day..they were committed to stopping the run, and never defended the guys try that, your pass defense is phucking awful, and Madison is our bitch:evil:

Ricky ran all over with 8 in the box many times.
Originally posted by CirclingWagons me a racist cause I said wetback? called an entire city a ****hole..would you preferred if I attacked MIami's glaring homosexual population? what you say first

and half of my family is now hispanic, and has been for 13 years..:rolleyes:

How is a racial slur even put in the same category as calling a city a ****hole? Seems silly if you ask me.
Originally posted by IceStorm
I think it's obvious how stupid a person really is when they say "wetbacks" and they are talking about Miami.

First off, the racial slur "wetback" refers to MEXICANS that have swam across the Rio Grande river that seperates Texas from Mexico to enter the United States. It has zero to do with those hispanic's living in Miami as most of them are more related to Central America nations. So refering to Latino's in Miami as "wetbacks" only proves that some village is missing their idiot.

So Mr. Circle your wagons, please, if you must stoop down to reveal a poor education system in the location you live in...please at least make an effort (no matter how small) to show you have some cooth and class and attempt to act somewhat mature. At least for your mother's sake if not your own.

Beat me to it :lol:

Yes, "wetbacks" are Mexicans. Use the term right next time (CW).
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