ESPN: Cubs want A-Rod.. | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

ESPN: Cubs want A-Rod..

NY Post has an article saying the Cubs have no shot. That Aramis Ramirez almost can't be traded cause he can opt out of his contract and be a FA. And they don't think the Cubs would trade Zambrano.

LAA and a deal with Ervin Santana as the center-piece is still the likely trade with AROD.
White Sox are another team being mentioned for AROD the Daily News reports.

The main pieces being Buherle and McCarthey...etc. They don't think AROD will waive his no trade clause though because of what Ozzie Guilllen said last year before the WBC about Arod not playing for the Dominican.

If the Yanks could get the Cubs and White Sox in a little in-city bidding war that would be great for their leverage
I don't think you can make trades right now, because the teams still playing certainly can't, and every team has to have a fair chance of acquiring every player. I'm pretty sure the first day you can make trades and sign free agents is the day after the 15-day moratorium for FA filing after the World Series ends.

You can claim players off waivers now, though. Waivers are always available, no matter the time of year.

This is a guess, by the way, except for the last part.
RWhitney014 said:
I don't think you can make trades right now, because the teams still playing certainly can't, and every team has to have a fair chance of acquiring every player. I'm pretty sure the first day you can make trades and sign free agents is the day after the 15-day moratorium for FA filing after the World Series ends.

You can claim players off waivers now, though. Waivers are always available, no matter the time of year.

This is a guess, by the way, except for the last part.

There are no restrictions, you can make trades right now!

Read the second to last queston. It surprises me to that their allowing trades but trades never happen during these times and since they never happen, I guess it doesn't matter!
nobody makes trades now because they don't want to steal headlines from the teams left playing. Just a common curtosy. But if they wanted too they can!!

Nothnig will happen till Thanksgiving time anyway. Teams usually do a self-inventory and map out a battle plan that takes a few weeks to a month after the season.
Guess you can. Probably has to do more with that there's no market right now because there are no free agents. No one would have any leverage. Oh, well, fall meetings, here we come.
If they don't pick up Buehrle's option he's a free agent. I don't think the Sox want to go into next season with the same rotation. Unless the Sox are in love with Haeger I don't think they're trading McCarthy. Maybe if Uribe is in jail Kenny Williams may get desperate. The Angels got alot of prospects so if A-Rod is dealt I think he goes there.
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