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Expectations for McDaniel

A whole new offense has to be installed, and teams don't have the face to face, on the field time like they used to. It might be bumpy out of the gate; plus, from what I hear, the blocking scheme is not easy to get down. Not sure how many games it will take for things to start to click.
I think they will lean on the defense early, and with that the question will be: Was Boyer the one responsible for that defensive garbage during 1-7, or was he behind the 8-1 second half.
I honestly don't know what to expect; but I think, like for any new coach, it'll take McDaniel some time to figure out what works, who will work, plus time for things to gel.
I can't put a win number on the expectations, or a playoffs or no type of scenario, but I'd think a slow start followed by steady improvement would be good for season one.
I know we were on the cusp of the playoffs the past two years, but we are going to have a lot of roster turnover- not necessarily with defensive starters, but with depth, oline, and skill positions. New players = learning curve.
This ^^^^
Hopefully the defense can resemble previous defenses. Boyer has gained experience on that side of the ball and shouldn't be some lost babe in the woods. The offense should be much improved with coaching that knows what the hell they are doing. A run based offense will also help keep our defense off the field.
That is what I expect.
I actually expect an improvement on offense and a regression on defense. I expect our hope to rise and then to be dashed in the most hurtful way. When it comes to the Dolphins, "this is the way".

Now as far as McDaniel, all he needs to do to surpass the previous head coach is make the playoffs and don't sue the team.
Yes I know we don’t know who is going to be on the roster before FA even begins however flores had 2 winning seasons in a row with this team. So what are your expectations this year and beyond for McDaniel? I would think he has to make the playoffs with 10 wins minimum. Yes I know high expectations but that’s where the bar is set for this team imo. Flores or not that’s what this team should have had last season and that’s what they should have next season. Furthermore I think McDaniel only gets 2 seasons if he can’t make the playoffs. Fair or not that’s the situation imo. Thoughts?
I can't really put a win total on it...but my expectations from McD have already started to look promising, in the hiring of the offensive staff he's put together.

With that big of a turnaround, like many have already said, you're going to see some ugly growing pains on the offense. We saw them last year as well...it took the offense as a whole quite a while to get somewhat settled in their responsibilities within the playbook, unfortunately some of them (mostly blockers, but some weapons also) never fully understood the memo. Bruce Arians is on record saying you need at least 8 regular season games for a new offense to get in sync. Many coaches have said it, but I remember Arians as the guy that got in Brady's ass when stuff wasn't going as planned early into his first season with Tampa, so I believe him when he talks about these things. So IMO, anything short of 8 week break-in period is great, and I'm hoping it won't take them half the season to understand this new offense. I told myself before last season to give them that leeway, but I found myself super-pissed-off well short of the 8 games...and that's on me, as a fan.

I expect leaps of improvement from this OL, and it already looks to be a primary focus for this coach, so I'm optimistic there. If he can get this line to at least league-average, BIG check mark.

I expect this coach to get more out of the players on the offensive side of the ball than we've seen in a quite a while around this team. By halfway through the season, I can't be seeing linemen getting repeated called for "ineligible downfield," and other brain-fart crap like that. If he can get them to buy-in and look like a capable, professional NFL level unit, another massive check mark.

I also expect, and I believe we have every right to expect, to see this team handle itself MUCH better in short-clock situations. 2 and 4 minute offenses have been a joke the last 3 years...mostly from a coaching angle. Manage the game like you know what you're doing. 12 men on the field, bullshit. Delay of game after a timeout, can't have it. Dumbasses running out of bounds when you have a small lead and running the clock out...completely ignorant. Reliable, deep playoff teams generally do these things well...we don't.

Basically I just want to see them look like they belong. We deserve that much.
I agree with most of you, I expect a winning season. I would have expected the same with Flores. Lots of young guys gaining experience - one of those being QB, should improve the roster yet again
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I expect a dogfight but Miami makes the playoffs. I expect Tua to show major improvement (finish in top 12) I expect the Offense to be balanced with significant strides made by the OL. It will show passion and creativity. I expect the Defense to continue to be solid.

There will be ups and downs but I expect McDaniel and his staff to work well together and have a united locker room with a optimistic attitude.

I also expect brother Delvin aka Omar to continue to hate Tua and provide balance to our optimism. Lastly, I expect Ray to continue to ALWAYS be right! :cool:

Phins Up!
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A whole new offense has to be installed, and teams don't have the face to face, on the field time like they used to. It might be bumpy out of the gate; plus, from what I hear, the blocking scheme is not easy to get down. Not sure how many games it will take for things to start to click.
I think they will lean on the defense early, and with that the question will be: Was Boyer the one responsible for that defensive garbage during 1-7, or was he behind the 8-1 second half.
I honestly don't know what to expect; but I think, like for any new coach, it'll take McDaniel some time to figure out what works, who will work, plus time for things to gel.
I can't put a win number on the expectations, or a playoffs or no type of scenario, but I'd think a slow start followed by steady improvement would be good for season one.
I know we were on the cusp of the playoffs the past two years, but we are going to have a lot of roster turnover- not necessarily with defensive starters, but with depth, oline, and skill positions. New players = learning curve.
I would add "entertaining" and "competitive" football this year with a real chance for a playoff spot.
The Dolphins do this to me almost every year, but somehow l find myself more excited than ever for the start of the season.

The sky is the limit. We need everything to go right, but if it does. Look out.
The only thing I expect is for our OL not to be dead last and our running game not to be bottom 3.
Realistically, I expect the offense to be a lot improved. If McDaniel is a "genius" then he will be able to perform that feat.
Well, considering we were realistically about a 4 win team who got lucky in a string of games playing backup and 3rd string QB, I think most of the expectations in this thread are too high.

I just expect a better product on the field regardless of wins and losses.
High expectations on here. I expect major regression. 4-5 wins for a brand new coach with new system. Way too many holes on offense. Our defense wont be able to compensate for the O
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