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Fiedler Haters

rickeyrunsover said:
LOL You are right he has had the best back, the best Wr sin OJ and a good o-line. For convenience, you left out he never had all three at once. when CC came into his own (to be considered a diff maker) and we had Ricky, we did not have a great o-line. when our o-line was good, we didnt have Ricky. Our o-line was decent in 02 wasnt great, blocked the run well but not the pass.

I agree that this is beaten to death. Oh by the way I am a Feeley supporter.

He's had CC all three of his years here, in 2002 it was his worst year but alot of that had to with Fiedler and his inaccurate passes. I can remember a few plays off the top of the my head (several vs Oakland, the Jets, and the Pats) where he missed Chambers wide open for 6....but of course it's not Jay's fault according to you...Jay has held Chris back from being one of the elite recievers in this league for far too long now IMO.

Ricky had his best season ever that year, the o-line had its best season in this decade, and McMichael put up some pretty damn good numbers for a rookie. We had a fairly healthy Dixon, Nails at his best, and the right side of the line wasn't that good but much better than in 2003-2004...they might not have been great, but more than good enough to win.
dol_fan_in_tamp said:
he isnt all that inaccurate.. a qb needs to lead a team and he does well at that...when he was hurt we fell apart...feely couldnt even beat out koy detmer and everyone thinks he is the second coming. so fiedler cant throw the deepball. ok there arent many teams that consistenly do that, but ill tell u this just adding boston there is gonna be a big change in the way we play. the majority of lateral passing attacks are when the qb flings it a the wr goes and gets it. the wr have to get off the ball beat the cb and outrun the safety to the ball. there is gonna be a better fiedler this year. when he wasnt there the defense couldnt win it.

look at the games we lost:

patroits i mare screwed us, whole team played poorl;y the second time,
texans-yeah he threw a pick but they coudnt stop the explosive texan offense
indy-griese screwed that up
philly jay played his butt off
titans griese screwed that one up to

whether some like it or not jay is important to this team..his skill to lead this team shows he wins games. it dosent matter how he wins them. he just does

Houston Game-Jay seals it with a pick
Pats game- Jay has a streaking Chambers running open but severly underthrows him for an int, setting up Brady-to-Brown
NE the second time- Jay throws the game-sealing int

I'm not trying to solely highlight all the times he's lost us the game with a pick, but it does happen fairly often...

the majority of lateral passing attacks are when the qb flings it a the wr goes and gets it.

Wow that' s the statement of the you're saying the quarterback throws the ball then the reciever goes and catches it....that's pretty interesting I never thought of it that way thanks for enlightening me.

And finally, Fiedler does not win when it counts so all his regular season record nonsense means nothing to me considering we haven't even made the playoffs the last two years...
Finsflurry said:
I don't blame Fiedler solely but you and your Fiedler loving friends want to give him a free pass for everything.

No it's more that you and your jay hating friends want to blame him for everything. I keep hearing from the jay haters that jay lacks accuracy, arm strenght and makes bad decisions. But if he lacked accuracy, arm strenght and made bad decisions he wouldn't have a completion percentage right at 60% despite our pitiful WR corp or Oline. Guys who think as you refuse to give the man any credit other than being tough. And that just isn't accurate.

Finsflurry said:
considering we haven't even made the playoffs the last two years......

lack of playoffs the last 2 years is directly tied to preformance of the backup QBs. I know you will say that just proves your point that Jay is injury prone, but if his line could block better he wouldn't have gotten hurt either...

Lets say that I buy into the poor supporting cast reason for Jays mediocre performances (Which I dont).How do you explain the times he was not pressured and still missed wide open recvrs ?He also missed out on several TDs because he did not hit the receivers in stride.Most of the time they had to make adjustments to the ball and did not get a chance to get yards after catch.His inaccuracy is one of his biggest liabilities.
CrunchTime said:
Lets say that I buy into the poor supporting cast reason for Jays mediocre performances (Which I dont).How do you explain the times he was not pressured and still missed wide open recvrs ?He also missed out on several TDs because he did not hit the receivers in stride.Most of the time they had to make adjustments to the ball and did not get a chance to get yards after catch.His inaccuracy is one of his biggest liabilities.

You explained at the end of your post, that his inaccuracy is his biggest liablility along with his arm strength..

So many times I've seen him underthrow and overthrow recievers without having any pressure on him. Thank goodness last year was his last as the #1.
Dolphinizzle said:
Fiedler's stats in 2002, before he got injured. Started the season 5-1
9TD, 6INT, 4 of which came against KC where our defense played poor, and we were forced to play catch-up. The only abysmal game he played, was against KC with 0 TDs and 4 picks. other than that, he put up pretty good numbers. So if you want to argue why you believe Fiedler "sucks" do yourself a favor and don't bring up the 02' season. If Fiedler hadn't gotten injured, we would of more than likely been in the playoffs, with a division title. Ray Lucas ruined our season single handedly in 02'

I agree with you on that 02 was the Dolphin's best Offensive season with JF at the helm.
I also agree that when JF went down and Lucas came in it brought the end of our season. JF went down last year for a handfull of games also, same result of the backup.

To some degree, I have seen game recaps reports and season reports, that repeat what you have said on Jay with the 4 INTs in that game that brought his season total to 9. The issue was that he did have a bad game towards the end of a good game, on a KC Defense that gave up 25 points per game that year.

As matter of fact 3 of his 4 INTs came in the 4th quarter, when we were down by 8 points. He threw 2 INTs that came off a 20 yds, and a 5 yds passes. These gave KC the ball at the Fins 16 and 20 yard line and also gave KC an extra 10 points (TD, FG). These INT's also let KC control 9 mins of the TOP in the 4th quarter.

IMO against KC, our defense did not bring their "A" game, like the ones we are used to seeing, but they did not melt down, you have to remember that KC had the # 1 scoring offense 467 points (29 ppg) that year. They were a handfull to many defenses that year, and a few years later they still are...

So after his first 2 years with the Dolphins, JF has missed 9 games out of his last 2 seasons, due to injuries.
So is it me, or is their suppose to be some dependability factor on any QB starter, against injuries? :confused:
Is their a trend developing there with our starter over the last 2 years? :confused:
Do we need to pay big $$$ for a backup QB that is as good or better than our starter so when he goes down to injuries or other issues, we can win games? :confused:
When DW said at the end of last season that the QB position needed to be upgraded, was it for the starter or backup or both? :confused:

Many questions and many varying opinions...

... and we still have a little over 2 months left til the Titan's game.
Disnardo said:
I also agree that when JF went down and Lucas came in it brought the end of our season.
Thats funny, because it sure didn't look like Ray Lucas to me losing the final two games of 2002..........

It sure didn't look like Ray Lucas only able to complete 3 -14 passes for 24 yards in the critical season ending game against the Pats in 2002 either..............

That guy looked alot like Jay Fiedler..........go look at his performances in playoff games or critical late season games that are needed to secure playoff spots and you'll find a very inconsistent quarterback with a very low quarterback rating.

1 touchdown and 7 interceptions in three playoff appearances.........beautiful Jay............beautiful!
bottom line fins flurry as much as u try to disprove fiedler starting capabilities, and whether u like it or not jay will be the starter and we are going to the playoffs. im predicting at least 12-4 maybe 13-3
and i didnt mean all deep passing games i wrote that in the wee hours of the morning. i meant like the rams a few years ago. u think warner was really that good. he just threw the ball down the field and holt and bruce went and got it. my point is not all deep attacks are due to the qb ability or great skill of throwing it deep. ill admit the rams took alot of short plays a long way too. im just saying you dont have to have a deep passing attack. what qb isnt eratic at times? the majority of the time fiedler plays well enough to win. jay runs the short game very well. marino threw a lot of picks his last few years too.
Ross said:
No it's more that you and your jay hating friends want to blame him for everything. I keep hearing from the jay haters that jay lacks accuracy, arm strenght and makes bad decisions. But if he lacked accuracy, arm strenght and made bad decisions he wouldn't have a completion percentage right at 60% despite our pitiful WR corp or Oline. Guys who think as you refuse to give the man any credit other than being tough. And that just isn't accurate.


I don't think you've actually seen any games if you can say that Jay's accuracy and arm strength are anywhere near good...we have missed out on at least 10 tds on deep balls due to his horrible throws, he's cost us game after game with his bad decisions, arm and accuracy. Those are his three main flaws (besides durability), that 60% mark would be alot higher if he could actually hit people in stride and not make them adjust to the ball. Stop trying to pass off all the blame to the o-line and recievers....the main point is even when he's had protection and the recievers are wide open, he is still so inconsistent that its a crapshoot as to where the ball will end up, I've seen it numerous times...and btw, Jay is actually at his best when he's scrambling and throwing so even if he had to run around it was better for him IMO since he's more accurate on the run.

lack of playoffs the last 2 years is directly tied to preformance of the backup QBs. I know you will say that just proves your point that Jay is injury prone, but if his line could block better he wouldn't have gotten hurt either...

Jay has had 4 games in the past two years where if he won 1 we would've made the playoffs. The guy is just not clutch when it matters and his numbers in the last 4 games of every year and the playoffs prove it. It's not all his fault but let's not absolve him from blame as you love to do.

Lets say that I buy into the poor supporting cast reason for Jays mediocre performances (Which I dont).How do you explain the times he was not pressured and still missed wide open recvrs ?He also missed out on several TDs because he did not hit the receivers in stride.Most of the time they had to make adjustments to the ball and did not get a chance to get yards after catch.His inaccuracy is one of his biggest liabilities.

I've been trying to explain this since yesterday, where have you been lol I needed you then...

and i didnt mean all deep passing games i wrote that in the wee hours of the morning. i meant like the rams a few years ago. u think warner was really that good. he just threw the ball down the field and holt and bruce went and got it. my point is not all deep attacks are due to the qb ability or great skill of throwing it deep. ill admit the rams took alot of short plays a long way too. im just saying you dont have to have a deep passing attack. what qb isnt eratic at times? the majority of the time fiedler plays well enough to win. jay runs the short game very well. marino threw a lot of picks his last few years too.

Did you even watch that Rams game? Every ball Warner threw was right in stride, that's his main asset (touch). The point being no one really had to adjust and the reason they took the short passes long was because they had it in stride with the opportunity to gain YAC, but with Jay you just don't get that nearly as often. Don't even try to compare the two, Warner is a two-time MVP and SB Champ, if we had him those years instead of Jay we would've got a whole lot farther IMO. And now you're comparing Marino to Jay? So what if he threw a lot of picks, he countered that by throwing a whole hell of a lot more TD's, which again is not the case with Jay...but don't ever mention them in the same sentence please. You need to have some kind of arm strength and accuracy on deep balls and deep outs, we have missed way too many chances back there with Jay at the helm. What is the point of having a dominating RB if you can't keep the defense honest becuase they know they can shut off the inside of the field (like NE did) and dare Jay to beat them to the outside and over the top, which he just doesn't have enough ability to do IMO.
All you Fiedler lovers can spin things any way you want. Doesn't change the facts. He simply isn't very good. I am not alone in this thinking. 31 NFL GM's teams think so too, which is why he got ZERO offers to go elsewhere when the Dolphins said go.
Also, 31 NFL DC's don't think much of him either. That's why they put 8 and 9 guys in the box and dare Fiedler to beat them with his arm....... :roflmao: ........which he can't do.
Flame away Fiedler lovers. B-itch, scream, cry, retort, and tell me how I know nothin about football. I don't care. Your belly aching doesn't change the facts.
pigskinguy said:
All you Fiedler lovers can spin things any way you want. Doesn't change the facts. He simply isn't very good. I am not alone in this thinking. 31 NFL GM's teams think so too, which is why he got ZERO offers to go elsewhere when the Dolphins said go.
Also, 31 NFL DC's don't think much of him either. That's why they put 8 and 9 guys in the box and dare Fiedler to beat them with his arm....... :roflmao: ........which he can't do.
Flame away Fiedler lovers. B-itch, scream, cry, retort, and tell me how I know nothin about football. I don't care. Your belly aching doesn't change the facts.

There are no facts they have to back anything up except for his record which IMO was in spite of him not because of him. Everything points to the fact that he is not accurate, does not have a strong arm, is severely limited in the throws he can make, not clutch, injury-prone, he's just barely an average starter...he's in the bottom 5 or 6 of worst starters in the NFL, as his stats and record in the clutch will prove over and over. Go pop in any tape over the last 4 years other than his 1 or 2 great games and you'll see the same severe limitations and wobbly inaccurate throws all day long...
dol_fan_in_tamp said:
bottom line fins flurry as much as u try to disprove fiedler starting capabilities, and whether u like it or not jay will be the starter and we are going to the playoffs. im predicting at least 12-4 maybe 13-3

Okay since you say so someone better go inform AJ that he will be solely the backup this year since dolfanintamp has proclaimed Jay will be starting. The truth is AJ does not have to play better than Jay to win the job, he has to play somewhere near Jay's level ( he doesn't necessarily have to play better than him IMO), but for Jay to win the job he has to be lights out better that AJ and I just don't see it happening. So my prediction is AJ Feeley will be starting opening day.
Finsflurry said:
There are no facts they have to back anything up except for his record which IMO was in spite of him not because of him. Everything points to the fact that he is not accurate, does not have a strong arm, is severely limited in the throws he can make, not clutch, injury-prone, he's just barely an average starter...he's in the bottom 5 or 6 of worst starters in the NFL, as his stats and record in the clutch will prove over and over. Go pop in any tape over the last 4 years other than his 2 or 3 good ones and you'll see the same severe limitations and wobbly inaccurate throws all day long...

People just want to be argumentitive on this board. That's why I think people "claim" they want Fiedler to be the QB.

Fiedler has what is called a "Noodle Arm" ..Picture it everyone..

FACT: Fiedler supporters are either relatives of him or fans of another team.
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