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Fitzpatrick shocked at benching

Listen Fitz is a good guy however if you go to the dealer and buy a brand new SUV but keep your old one, you lie to yourself and say "I'll just keep driving the old one to save the miles on the new one"...............well it isn't long before you put the old one up for sale because it isn't needed anymore.
Fitz to all the unsympathetic posters

I will forever be grateful to Ryan Fitzpatrick for the way he held the Dolphins together the two seasons he's been here. In fact if I ever met him I would treat him and his entire family to dinner at the finest restaurants in town. My treat. However, the way he handled this so-called benching rubs me the wrong way. This is not a benching. I am sure the GM and coaches made it very clear to him what their plans were for the QB position when he first signed here. Tua Tagovailoa was drafted 5th overall in this past spring. He was not drafted to be a career backup to Fitz. For Fitz to react to the switch the way he has makes it look as if the coaches stabbed him in the back. He pulled that same crap in New York with Geno Smith. He gave us the impression he was well on board with the development of Tagovailoa. Now I'm not so sure.

I said elsewhere and won't give the sermon again. RF is human. He wants to start. AND he was blind-sided - Flo admitted he should have handled it differently. What matters is RF against the Rams. No, not as a starter, but as a mentor/advisor to TT. My money says he'll return to the classy RF and help TT and the team all he can
Perhaps the definition of irony eludes you. I can form an opinion given the circumstances and facts that anyone who follows the dolphins knew loud and clear - Fitz was always just a placeholder for Tua. Fitz himself even acknowledged this many times over in the past several months before his benching.
What circumstances or facts can the other post refer to in order to have an "opinion" that Fitz is a better man than anyone here?
This is what you said "He should feel nothing short of gratitude and support for his teammates, not blind-sided and butt hurt.". That doesn't sounds like you're forming an opinion. Sounds to me like you're explaining to the previous poster what Fitz should feel, based on a situation you can't even come close to comprehending.

Unless, maybe you're Kurt Warner, in which case I apologise :wink:

You also told the poster that he didn't know you. I'm not sure what that had to do with anything?

The poster used the phrase "he's a better man than me". That's a phrase. It doesn't necessarily mean he's actually a better human being than said poster. It just means, said poster feels Fitz handled the situation better than said poster would, or a lot of the board. He's forming an opinion there, just like you did.

So yes. It is quite ironic. You tell a poster not to form an opinion... while you yourself form an opinion.
He knew this was coming for the two years he has been here. I have no problem with him being upset, i have a problem when he lets it out to the media. All he had to say was, i am a competitor and always want to play, but i am for what's best for the team, and will support their decision. The whole thing about being on a call for 4 hours with the guy who fired you, and the guy who replaced you was unnecessary.
If and I say if he had his Agent leak it to the media before Brian took it to the team which I would bet by the way

If that is the case Fitz is not a team player and a fraud

I will preface this by explaining that no one knew that The FO was taking an oft injured Tua at the draft - and now there is a leak c’mon!!!!!

Well I knew they were taking Tua but I am a Prophet (joke)
If and I say if he had his Agent leak it to the media before Brian took it to the team which I would bet by the way

If that is the case Fitz is not a team player and a fraud
And all we can do is speculate until the 30 for 30 comes out in 20 years.
And all we can do is speculate until the 30 for 30 comes out in 20 years.

I edited this post - but Certainly FO plays close to the best only a handful knew what was going to happen and what Reason would any of them have to leak something of that Importance???

I mean these guys are paid handsomely what does Schefter have on them that they come running to a reporter -
He is shocked because he thought it was his team. It’s not his team. It’s tuas team from the time he was drafted. Everybody knows that except fitz. He is still getting millions so he is not fired. He ets paid to do his job. I can see The sadness because it’s the end of a career and he knows Phins are a good team. He also knows tuas much better and unless injured he won’t see the field. Knock on wood
I feel for Fitz. I would be hurt too. It would be the same thing to me if I got demoted at work. It would suck big time after putting in all the work it would feel like a whole in my heart. He was honest and straight forward with his feelings. Nothing wrong with that.
Many people said that TUA would start after the bye week. I think that was the plan all along. When he plays it will be week 8 that is about the 1/2 way mark of the regular season. Time to see what TUA brings to the Table. If I was running a business I would want to see what I have before the end of the season ( not saying TUA is going to suck, I personally think he will be awesome) in case we need to re-think our offseason strategy.

Hey Ryan take your thumb out of your mouth

Your children will go back and watch your little scene on the web and be mocked by their friends for years

Quit Your biatchin for your wife and kids sake
wow. And I wouldn't be surprised if you were an actual 'reverend' and still say **** like that. smh,
His reaction is fine as long as he's expressing how he feels so he can get it off his chest and move on - and continue to do the right thing by the team and by Tua.

It'd be more concerning if he didn't feel the way he does.

He can speak how he feels and still do the right things. That's Ryan Fitzpatrick.
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